出版時間:1970-1 出版社:浙江大學出版社 作者:童利民,等 頁數(shù):228
Subwavelength and Nanometer Diameter Optical Fibers provides acomprehensive and up-to-date coverage of research on nanoscaleoptical fibers including the basic physics and engineering aspects ofthe fabrication, properties and applications. The book discusses opti-cal micro/nanofibers that represent a perfect fusion of optical fibersand nanotechnology on subwavelength scale and covers a broadrange of topics in modern optical engineering, photonics and nano-technology spanning from fiber optics, near-field optics, nonlinearoptics, atom optics to nanofabrication and microphotonic compo-nents/devices. It is intended for researchers and graduate students inthe fields of photonics, nanotechnology, optical engineering and ma-terials science.
Introduction1.1 A Brief History of Micro- and Nanofibers1.2 Concepts of MNFs and the Scope of this BookReferences2 Optical Waveguiding Properties of MNFs: Theory and Numerical Simulations2.1 Basic Guiding Properties of Ideal MNFs2.1.1 Mathematic Model2.1.2 Single-mode Condition and Fundamental Modes2.1.3 Fractional Power Inside the Core and Effective Diametet2.1.4 Group Velocity and Waveguide Dispersion2.2 Theory of MNFs with Microscopic Nonuniformities2.2.1 Basic Equations2.2.2 Conventional and Adiabatic Perturbation Theory2.2.3 Transmission Loss Caused by a Weak and Smooth Nonuniformity2.3 Theory of MNF Tapers2.3.1 Semiclassical Solution of the Wave Equation in the Adiabatic Approximation and Expression of Radiation Loss2.3.2 Optics of Light Propagation Along the Adiabatic MNF Tapers2.3.3 Example of a Conical MNF Taper2.3.4 Example of a Biconical MNF Taper2.3.5 Example of an MNF Taper with Distributed Radiation Loss2.4 The Thinnest MNF Optical Waveguide2.5 Evanescent Coupling between Parallel MNFs: 3D-FDTD Simulation2.5.1 Model for FDTD Simulation2.5.2 Evanescent Coupling between two Identical Silica MNFs 452.5.3 Evanescent Coupling between two Silica MNFs with Different Diameters2.5.4 Evanescent Coupling between a Silica MNF and a Tellurite MNF2.6 Endface Output Patterns2.6.1 MNFs with Flat Endfaces2.6.2 MNFs with Angled Endfaces2.6.3 MNFs with Spherical and Tapered Endfaces2.7 MNF Interferometers and Resonators2.7.1 MNF Mach-Zehnder and Sagnac Interferometers2.7.2 MNF Loop Resonators2.7.3 MNF Coil ResonatorsReferences3 Fabrication of MNFs3.1 Taper Drawing Techniques3.2 Taper-drawing Fabrication of Glass MNFs3.2.1 Taper Grawing MNFs Rom Glass Fibers3.2.2 Drawing MNFs Directly from Bulk Glasses3.3 Drawing Polymer MNFs from SolutionsReferences4 Properties of MNFs: Experimental Investigations4.1 Micro/Nanomanipulation and Mechanical Properties of MNFs4.1.1 Visibility of MNFs4.1.2 MNF Manipulation4.1.3 Tensile Strengths of MNFs4.2 Optical Properties4.2.1 Optical Losses4.2.2 Effect of the Substrate References5 MNF-based Photonic Components and Devices5.1 Linear Waveguides and Waveguide Bends5.1.1 Linear Waveguides5.1.2 Waveguide Bends5.2 Micro-couplers, Mach-Zehnder and Sagnac Interferometers5.2.1 Micro-couplers5.2.2 Mach-Zehnder Interferometers5.2.3 Sagnac Interferometers5.3 MNF Loop and Coil Resonators5.3.1 MNF Loop Resonator (MLR) Fabricated by Macro-Manipulation5.3.2 Knot MLR Fabricated by Micro-Manipulation5.3.3 Experimental Demonstration of MCR5.4 MNF Filters5.4.1 Short-Pass Filters5.4.2 Add-Drop Filters5.5 MNF Lasers5.5.1 Modeling MNF Ring Lasers5.5.2 Numerical Simulation of Era+ and Yb3+ Doped MNF Ring Lasers5.5.3 Er3+ and Yb3+ Codoped MNF Ring Lasers5.5.4 Evanescent-Wave-Coupled MNF Dye LasersReferences6 Micro/nanofiber Optical Sensors6.1 Introduction6.2 Application of a Straight MNF for Sensing6.2.1 Microfluidic Refractive Index MNF Sensor6.2.2 Hydrogen MNF Sensor6.2.3 Molecular Absorption MNF Sensor6.2.4 Humidity and Gas Polymer MNF Sensor6.2.5 Optical Fiber Surface MNF Sensor6.2.6 Atomic Fluorescence MNF Sensor6.3 Application of Looped and Coiled MNF for Sensing6.3.1 Ultra-Fast Direct Contact Gas Temperature Sensor6.3.2 MCR Microfluidic Sensor6.4 Resonant Photonic Sensors Using MNFs for Input and Output Connections6.4.1 MNF/Microsphere and MNF/Microdisk Sensor6.4.2 MNF/Microcylinder and MNF/Microcapillary Sensors6.4.3 Multiple-Cavity Sensors Supported by MNFs6.5 SummaryReferences7 More Applications7.1 Optical Nonlinear Effects in MNFs7.2 MNFs for Atom Optics7.3 Other ApplicationsReferencesIndex