高分子膜分離材料的表面工程Surface Engineering of Polymer Membranes

出版時間:2008-10  出版社:浙江大學出版社  作者:徐志康,黃小軍,萬靈書 著  頁數(shù):333  


Surface Engineering of Polymer Membranes covers the processes that modify membrane surfaces to improve their in-service performance,meaning, to confer surface properties which are different from the bulk properties. Purposes may be to minimize fouling, modulate hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity;  enhance biocompatibility,  create diffusion barriers, providefunctionalities, mimic biomembranes,fabricate nanostructures, etc. First, the basics of surface engineering of polymer membranes are covered. Then topics such as surface modification by graft polymerization and macromolecule im-mobilization,  biomimetic  surfaces,  enzyme  immobilization, molecular recognition, and nanostructured surfaces are discussed. This book provides a unique synthesis of the knowledge of the role of surface chemistry and physics in membrane science.


Dr. Zhikang Xu of the Institute of Polymer Science of Zhejiang University has eight Chinese patents and in zoo6 was honored as a Distinguished Young Scholar by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC).


1 Surface Engineering of Polymer Membranes: An Introduction2  Techniques for Membrane Surface Characterization  2.1  General Principles  2.1.1  Sample Preparation  2.1.2  Where is the Surface?  2.1.3  Is it Really the Surface?  2.1.4  Invasive or Non-invasive  2.2  Chemical Composition of Membrane Surfaces  2.2.1  Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) Spectroscopy    2.2.2  X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)   2.2.3  Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SSIMS)   2.2.4  Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS)  2.3  Morphologies and Microstructures of Membrane. Surfaces   2.3.1  Surface Morphology of Membran  2.3.2  Introduction to Microscopy  2.3.3  Basic Conceptions in Microscopy  2.3.4  Optical Microscopy    2.3.5  Laser Confocal Scanning Microscopy (LCSM)   2.3.6  Scanning Electron Microscope  2.3.7  Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy  2.3.8  Atomic Force Microscopy  2.4  Wettability of Membrane Surfaces    2.4.1  Wettability and Surface Properties of Membrane   2.4.2  Principle of Contact Angle  2.4.3  Methods for Contact Angle Measurement  2.4.4  Contact Angle Hysteresis    2.4.5  Factors Influencing the Contact Angle on Membrane Surfaces  2.5  Characterization of Biocompatibility of Membrane Surfaces  2.5.1  Non-specific Adsorption of Proteins  2.5.2  Interactions between Blood and Membrane  2.5.3  Interactions Between Cells and Membrane  References3  Functionalization Methods for Membrane Surfaces 3.1  Introduction 3.2  Functionalization of Polymeric Membranes by Surface Modification  3.2.1  Coating  3.2.2  Self-assembly  3.2.3  Chemical Treatment  3.2.4  Plasma Treatment  3.2.5  Graft Polymerization 3.3  Functionalization of Polymeric Membrane by Molecular Imprinting  3.3.1  Formation of Imprinting Sites by Surface Photografting  3.3.2  Formation of Imprinting Sites by Surface Deposition   3.3.3  Formation of Imprinting Sites by Emulsion Polymerization on the Surface 3.4  Functionalization of Polymeric Membrane by Enzyme Immobilization  3.4.1  Enzyme hmnobilization by Physical Absorption  3.4.2  Enzyme Immobilization by Chemical Binding  3.4.3  Enzyme Immobilization by Entrapment  3.4.4  Other Methods for Enzyme Immobilization 3.5  Conclusion References4 Surface Modification by Graft Polymerization 4.1  Introduction 4.2  Graft Polymerization on Membranes  4.2.1  Surface Modification by Chemical Graft Polymerization  4.2.2  Surface Modification by Plasma-induced Graft Polymerization    4.2.3  Surface Modification by UV-induced Graft Polymerization  4.2.4  Surface Modification by High-energy Radiation- initiated Graft  4.2.5  Other Methods 4.3  Applications of Surface Modified Membranes  4.3.1  Environmental Stimuli-responsive Gating Membranes .  ……5  Surface Modification by Macromolecule Immobilization6  Membrance with Phospholipdid Analogous Surfaces7  Membranes with Glycosylated Surface8  Molecularly Imprinted Membranes9  Membrane with Biocatalytic Surface10  Nanofibrous Membrane with Functionalized SurfaceIndex








    高分子膜分離材料的表面工程Surface Engineering of Polymer Membranes PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   非常棒,徐志康老師牛
  •   公司買的,反映不錯
  •   內容還沒來得及看,應該幫助很大的樣子
  •   內容感覺不夠前言
  •   介紹的很全面,文獻早了點,目前可能有點老。。需要修訂了吧。。。

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