
出版時間:1970-1  出版社:浙江大學(xué)出版社  作者:王建安 著  頁數(shù):113  


  Stem cell research has the potential to affect the lives of millions of people around the world.This research is now regularly front-page news,and realizing the promise ofmesenchymal stem cells for yielding new medical therapies will require us to grapple with more than just scientific uncertainties.Mesenchymal Stem CeUs for the Heart From Bench to Bedside presents the cytobiological characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells from the isolation,culture,transmembrane ion currents,migration and differentiation in vitro to the repairing of injured myocardium and tissue reconstruction in vivo,including the results of basic research and the real possibility for treatments and ultimately for cures for cardiac diseases for which adequate therapies do not exist.The book is intended for clinical stem cell researchers in cardiovasology,hematology,cytobiology,molecular biology,cell and tissue engineering,and other related fields.


Jian'an Wang,MD,PhD,Professor of Cardiology at Zhejiang University and investigator at Loma Linda University,Southern California,has broad expertise in the molecular and cellular biological processes underlying cardiovascular disease.He has won the Chinese Medical Science and Technology Medal of Honor.


1 MSCs Isolation and Culture Ex Vivo1.1 Cell Isolation1.1.1 Direct Adherence Method1.1.2 Density Gradient Centrifugation1.1.3 Magnetic Microbead or Flow Cytometry Method1.2 Cell Culture1.2.1 Materials1.2.2 Procedures1.3 Cell Cryopreservation and Thawing1.3.1 Materials1.3.2 ProceduresReferences2 MSCs Identification2.1 Minimal Criteria2.2 Some Comments of the Criteria2.3 Other Methods2.3.1 Morphology Characteristics2.3.2 Other Markers2.4 ConclusionReferences3 Biological Characteristics of MSCs3.1 Surface Markers and Paracrine Characteristics3.1.1 Surface Markers3.1.2 Paracrine Characteristics of MSCs3.2 Electrophysiological Properties of MSCs and Their Electric Coupling with Cardiomyocytes3.2.1 Characterization of Ion Channels in MSCs3.2.2 Why Does an Individual Cell Express Different Currents?3.2.3 Electric Coupling of MSCs with Host Cardiomyocytes3.3 Proliferation of MSCs and Telomerase Properties3.3.1 Structure and Function of Telomeres and Telomerase3.3.2 Telomere and Telomerase in MSCs3.4 Multilineage Transdifferentiation of MSCs3.4.1 MSCs and Cardiomyogenesis3.4.2 Differentiation Fate of MSCs3.5 Immunological Characteristics of MSCs3.5.1 Immunological Characteristics of MSCs3.5.2 In vivo Studies3.5.3 Imnmne-related Properties of MSCs in Cardiology...3.6 ConclusionReferences4 Utilization of MSCs for Repairing Cardiomyocytes4.1 Application of MSCs on Myocardial Infarction4.2 Application of MSCs on Cardiomyopathy and Chronic Heart Failure4.3 ConclusionReferences5 Current Status of MSCs in Clinical Application5.1 The Type and Number of Transplanted Cells5.2 Cell Preparation5.3 The Time Point and Pathway of Cell Transplantation5.4 Others5.5 ConclusionReferences6 MSCs as a Vector of Gene Engineering6.1 Adenoviruses and Angiogenesis-related Genes6.2 Adeno-associated Virus (AAV) and Anti-inflammation Related Genes6.3 Retrovirus and Anti-apoptosis Related Genes6.4 Lentivirus and Pacemaker Current Gene6.5 ConclusionReferences7 Feasibility of MSCs Transplantaion7.1 General Ethical Considerations7.2 Safety Issues7.3 Informed Consent7.4 ConclusionReferences8 Status and Expectation of MSCs Therapy8.1 Clinical Application and Outcomes8.2 Mechanism of Therapeutic Effects8.3 Expectations with MSCs TherapyReferencesIndex






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