
出版時(shí)間:2008  出版社:浙江大學(xué)出版社  作者:梅美蓮  頁數(shù):180  




AbstractList of AbbreviationsList of FiguresChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Lead-in remarks1.2 Rationale of the study1.2.1 Rationality, possibility and feasibility of the study1.2.2 Necessity of the study1.3 Objectives, methods and data of the study1.4 Layout of the bookChapter 2 Various Studies of Literature2.1 Introduction2.2 Literary studies of literature2.2.1 Studies focusing on the nature and function of literature2.2.2 Studies focusing on the author2.2.3 Studies focusing on the reader2.2.4 Studies focusing on the text(s)2.2.5 Studies focusing on the context2.3 Linguistic studies of literature2.3.1 Stylistic studies2.3.2 Narratological studies2.3.3 Communicative studies2.4 Pragmatic studies of literature2.4.1 Empirical studies2.4.2 Theoretical studies2.5 Justification for the pragmatic study of fictional communication2.5.1 Rationality to study literary communication from the pragmatic perspective2.5.2 Possibility to study literary communication from the pragmatic perspective2.5.3 Feasibility to study literary communication from the pragmatic perspective2.5.4 Necessity to build a pragmatic framework of literary communication2.5.5 Necessity to build a pragmatic framework of fictional communication2.6 ConclusionChapter 3 Pragmatic Studies of Communication3.1 Introduction3.2 Definition of communication3.3 Participants of communication3.4 Meaning in communication3.5 Context of communication3.5.1 Definition of context3.5.2 Dimensions of context3.6 Pragmatic strategies of communication3.6.1 Definition of pragmatic strategy3.6.2 Categorization of pragmatic strategies3.6.3 Recognition of pragmatic strategies3.7 ConclusionChapter 4 Fictional Communication4.1 Introduction4.2 Definition of fictional communication4.3 Participants of fictional communication4.3.1 The author4.3.2 The narrator4.3.3 The characters4.3.4 The reader4.4 Means of fictional communication4.4.1 Means of the communication between the characters4.4.2 Means of the communication between the narrator and the reader4.4.3 Means of the communication between the author and the reader4.5 ConclusionChapter 5 Contexts of Fictional CommunicationChapter 6 Pragmatic Strategies of Fictional CmmunicationChapter 7 Construction and Reconstruction of Meanings in Fintional CommunicationChapter 8 ConclusionBibliography




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