
出版時間:2008-5  出版社:浙江大學出版社  作者:吳朝暉,陳華鈞  頁數(shù):230  字數(shù):549000  


I  Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Grid Computing
1.1.2 Semantic Web
1.2 Semantic Grid
1.2.1 Basic Concepts
1.2.2 Brief History
1.3 Basic Issues
1.3.1 Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Grid
1.3.2 Semantic Data Integration
1.3.3 Semantic Service Composition and ProcessCoordination
1.3.4 Semantic Mining and Knowledge Discovery in theSemantic
1.3.5 Trust and Security
1.4 Case Studies
1.4.1 myGrid
1.4.2 CombeChem
1.4.3 CoAKTinG
1.4.4 K-WF Grid
1.4.5 Semantic Grid Research and Development in China...
1.5 Summary and Conclusion References Knowledge Representation for
the Semantic Grid
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Knowledge Representation
2.2.1 Mathematical Logic
2.2.2 Semantic Network
2.2.3 Frames
2.2.4 Ontology
2.3 Description Logic
2.4 Knowledge Representation Framework for the Semantic Grid.
2.4.1 XML and XML Schema
2.4.2 RDF and RDF Schema
2.4.3 Web Ontology Language
2.5 Ontology Development and Application for TCM
2.5.1 Ontology Design and Development for UTCMLS
2.5.2 TCM Ontology
2.6 Summary and Conclusion References
3  Dynamic Problem Solving in the Semantic Grid
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Problem Solving
3.1.2 Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving
3.1.3 Multi-Agent System
3.2 Grid-based Problem Solving
3.2.1 Grid and Problem Solving
3.2.2 Problem Solving in the Semantic Grid
3.3 Ontology Management for Grid-based Problem Solving
3.3.1 Grid-based Ontology Management
3.3.2 Ontology Grid Node
3.3.3 Semantic View
3.4 Ontology Reuse for Grid-based Problem Solving
3.4.1 Dynamic Memory Model
3.4.2 Case-based Ontology Repository
3.5 Dynamic Problem Solving Based on SubO Evolution
3.5.1 Sub-Ontology Manipulations
3.5.2 Terminology
3.5.3 Problem-Solving Environment
3.5.4 Sub-Ontology Based Problem Solving
3.6 The Relationship between Problem Solving and the
3.7 Related Works
3.8 Summary and Conclusion References
4  Trust Computing in the Semantic Grid
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Trust for the Semantic Grid
4.2.1 Characteristic Features of Trust
4.2.2 Cost and Utility
4.2.3 Distributed vs. Centralized
4.2.4 Semantics of Information
4.3 Closed Trust Model
4.4 Open Trust Model
4.5 Experiments
4.6 Related Work
4.7 Summary and Conclusion References
Data Integration in the Semantic Grid
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Related Work
5.1.2 Preliminaries
5.2 Semantic Mapping in the Semantic Grid
5.2.1 The Mapping Issue
5.2.2 Basic Mapping System
5.2.3 Constraint Mapping
5.3 Semantic Query Processing in the Semantic Grid
5.3.1 Answering Queries Using SHIQ-RDM Views
5.3.2 Rewriting SPARQL Queries Using SHIQ-RDM Views
5.4 Summary and Conclusion References
Service Flow Management in the Semantic Grid
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Research Framework of Service Flow Management
6.2.1 Service Matchmaking and Discovery 128,
6.2.2 Service Composition
6.2.3 Service Composition Verification
6.3 Service Matchmaking in DartFlow
6.3.1 An Extended Service Model
6,3.2 Service Matchmaking
6,3.3 Performance Evaluation
6.4 Service Composition in DartFlow
6,4.1 Service Composition Framework
6,4.2 Rules Types and Definitions
6,4.3 Automatic Service Composition Based on Rules
6.5 Service Flow Verification in DartFlow
6.5.1 Overview of π-Calculus
6.5.2 Modeling Service Behavior Using π-Calculus
6.5.3 Verification of Service Compatibility
6.6 Summary and Conclusion References
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in the SemanticGrid
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Development of KDD System Architecture
7.2.1 Single-computer-based Architecture
7.2.2 Parallelized Architecture
7.2.3 Distributed Architecture
7.2.4 Grid-based Architecture
7.2.5 A Summary of the Development of KDD SystemArchitecture
7.3 Knowledge Discovery Based on the Semantic Grid
7.3.1 Virtual Organizations of Knowledge Discovery in theSemantic
7.3.2 Architecture and Components of Knowledge Discovery in the
Semantic Grid
7.3.3 Characteristics of Knowledge Discovery in theSemantic
7.4 Drug Community Discovery Utilizing TCM Semantic Grid...
7.4.1 Semantic Graph Mining Methodology
7.4.2 Use Case: TCM Formulae Interpretation andHerb-Drug
Interaction Analysis
7.5 Summary and Conclusion References
DartGrid: A Semantic Grid Implementation
8.1 Introduction
8.2 DartDB-A Semantic Data Integration Toolkit
8.2.1 Overview
8.2.2 System Features
8.2.3 System Architecture
8.2.4 Mapping from Relational Data to Semantic WebOntology
8.2.5 Semantic Browser and Query Tool
8.2.6 Semantic Search Engine
8.3 DartFlow-A Service Flow Management Prototype
8.3.1 Overview
8.3.2 System Architecture
8.3.3 Main Functions
8.4 Summary and Conclusion
9  Semantic Grid Applications for Traditional ChineseMedicine
9.1 Background, Status, and Problems of TCM Informatics
9.1.1 Background of TCM Informatics
9.1.2 Status of TCM Informatics



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