出版時間:2007-9 出版社:浙江大學(xué) 作者:朱曄 頁數(shù):158
AbstractList of AbbreviationsList of FiguresList of TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Orientation1.2 CF: the Target of Research1.3 Rationale for the Study1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.0 Introduction2.1 Terminological Problems2.2 Rationale for CF in SLA: General Arguments2.3 Cognitive Underpinnings of CF in SLA2.4 Relative Efficacy across Feedback Forms: The Explicimess Issue2.5 The Gap between Teacher and Learner: The Perception issue2.6 Error Types and Task Conditions:The Permeability Issue and the Contextual Issue2.7 A Preliminary Study on Feedback Processing:Zhu and Wang (2005)2.8 SummaryChapter 3 Statement of the Problem3.0 Introduction3.1 The Unsettled Problems in CF Studies: A Revisit3.2 Solutions in This Study3.3 Research QuestionsChapter 4 The Empirical Study4.0 Introduction4.1 The Quantitative Study4.2 The Qualitative StudyChapter 5 Results5.0 Introduction5.1 The Quantitative Study5.2 The Qualitative Study5.3 SummaryChapter 6 General Discussion6.0 Introduction6.1 The Major Findings6.2 The Effect of Feedback Informativeness6.3 The Effect of Structure Complexity6.4 The Effect of Task Orientation6.5 The role of Metacognition6.6 SummaryChapter 7 Conclusions, Implications, Limitations,and Suggestions for Further Research7.0 Introduction7.1 Conclusions7.2 Implications7.3 Limitations7.4 Suggestions for Future ResearchReferencesAppendix I Grammaticality-judgment Test (GJT)Appendix II Sentence Combination Test (SCT)Appendix III Discrete Error Correction (DEC) with Feedback Explicitness Survey (FES)Appendix IV Text Error Correction (TEC) with Feedback Explicitness Survey (FES)
In light of all the problems in both SLA and SLW studies,this studv seeks to address the issues so far unsettled in CF studies within a cognitive-processingframework of SLA and its significance lies in the following three asDects. First,this study has theoretical significance because it intends to offer a unified account for the theoretical arguments and empirical findings about CF in both SLA and SLW studies.Drawing on the two distinct sources of literature in conceptualization,operationalization and methodology.this study investigates and Interprets the functioning of written CF in SLA.relevant terms,and at the same time,attempts to enrich our present understanding of CF mechanism with data elicited in an alternative mode(f.e.,written CF)and a different 1eaming context(z.P.,EFL context).Attempts as such will help to tease apart the effects of modal and contextual factors involved in CF treatments in ESL settings,andtherefore facilitate the identification of the integral components of CF mechanisms and functioning,which,in tum,will constitute the cognitive underpinning of feedback treatments in language learning processes. Second,investigating written CF in Chinese EFL contexts also has significant pedagogical implications.Due to the generally large classroom size and limited pedagogical resources,few EFL classrooms in China can actually afford the desired teacher-student interaction and one-to-one oral feedback addressing incidentally arising language problems.Instead,the teacher’s written CF on the language errors in learners'compositions would be a more realistic means to achieve not only large-scaled but also tailor-made treatment of theirlanguage errors.Findings about the functioning and effect of written CF willprovide valuable insight for pedagogical considerations involving applicable inEFL classrooms. Third,this study also attempts to redress certain methodological defects inpresent CF studies.In particular,it is intended to investigate the major variablesinvolved in feedback processing from a learner’s perspective,and focuses onlearners'cognitive experiences in online feedback processing,rather than on theultimate result of feedback treatment.Besides,in order to better capture thecognitive processes engaged in feedback processing,the study will elicit bothquantitative and qualitative data in the hope of revealing more findings about theresearch subject.