
出版時間:2004-11  出版社:浙大  作者:陳建平  頁數(shù):193  字?jǐn)?shù):222000  




Part One  InternatjOnal Trade Law Unit 1 The United Nations Convention on Contract for International Sale of the Goods  Unit 2 INCOTERMS 2000  Unit 3 The Law of International Marine Cargo Transport  Unit 4 The Law of Insurance in International Cargo TransPort  Unit 5 The Law in International Settlement  Unit 6 Anti—Dumping Law  Unit 7  Contract LawPart Two  International Investment Law Unit 8 Legal Forms of International Direct InvestmentUnit 9 Trade Related Investment Measures(TRIMs)Agreement  Unit 10 International Center for Settlement of Investment DisputesUnit 11 Multilateral Investment Guarantee AgencyPart Three Intellectual Property Law  Unit 12 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property  Unit 13 Patent Law  Unit 14 Trademark Law   Unit 15 Copyright Law  Unit 16 Anti—Unfair Competition LawPart Four  International Financial Law  Unit 17  International Monetary Fund  Unit 18 The World Bank  Unit 19  International Commercial CreditPart Five Disputes Settlement  Unit 20 The Dispute Settlement System of WTO



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