
出版時間:2004-4  出版社:浙江大學出版社  作者:周心紅 編  頁數(shù):186  字數(shù):249000  


本書是與趙樹人主編、浙江大學出版社出版的《英語實用教程》相配套的練習用書?! ”緯恳粌詾?2套測試題,分別與《英語實用教程》中的每一個單元配套。測試題的題型和樣式則參考了“浙江省大學英語三級考試大綱”中的規(guī)定,基本上按照“大綱”所提供的樣題來編寫。每套測試題由以下六個部分組成:1.詞匯選擇題(20題);2.語法選擇題(20題);3.閱讀理解題(3篇文章,共15題);4.完形填空題(20題);5.英譯中(5句);6.中譯英(5句)。  詞匯選擇題以本單元學到的詞匯為重點,但不拘泥于這些詞匯,同時也適當考慮前面已學過的詞匯,目的是提高單詞的復現(xiàn)率,讓學生在做習題的過程中能掌握更多的詞匯?! ≌Z法選擇題以本單元的語法重點為主,同時顧及各種英語測試中經(jīng)??嫉蕉鴮W生們又容易出錯的語法項目,如虛擬語氣、非謂語動詞、情態(tài)動詞、倒裝句等等。  閱讀理解題共有3篇文章,難度盡量與相應(yīng)的課文相當,以便學生得到更多的閱讀實踐機會,提高閱讀水平。  完形填空題主要訓練學生詞匯、語法、閱讀等各方面的綜合能力?! ≈杏⒒プg則為學生們提供了對這兩種語言進行對比的機會,同時也能訓練他們的翻譯能力。中譯英的幾個句子一般要求使用本單元學過的詞匯或短語?! 】紤]到接受遠程教育、函授教育的學生以自學為主的特點,本書為每套測試題提供了較為詳盡的答案和注釋,每篇閱讀理解文章都配有參考譯文,以便學生在自學的情況下也能有較大收獲。   本書主要供學生自學之用,學生們可以把它作為復習、鞏固課文中所學過的語言知識的一種方法,也可以實際測試一下自己在英語學習方面所取得的進步,以便找準目標,不斷前進。本書對其他英語學習者及欲參加英語各級考試的讀者提高英語水平、強化訓練應(yīng)試能力也有較大的幫助。


PRACTICE TESTS Unit 1 Unit 2  Unit 3  Unit 4  Unit 5  Unit 6  Unit 7  Unit 8  Unit 9  Unit 10 Unit 11  Unit 12 試卷詳解與分析 Unit 1 Unil 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10  Unit 11  Unit 12


  51. The author of Harry Potter  A) is a middle-aged man  B) is a famous director  C) was born in Ireland  D) was born in England  52. The phrase "household name" (Para. 1) most probably means  A) someone or something whose name has become very well known  B) a commonly used name  C) the title of a famous place where people live together as one family  D) a character in a book  53. The subject of Harry Potter is  A) fantasy  B) ghost stories  C) mysteries and adventure stories  D) all of the above  54. Which of the following is NOT a reason that made the Harry Potter stories so popular?  A) Harry is so real and much like the ordinary people.  B) These stories give readers the power of imagination.  C) Children have never read such stories before.  D) The stories tell the truth about the human desire.  55. According to the passage, which statement is true?  A) The character Hermione is based on Rowlings daughter.  B) Both adults and children enjoy the stories.  C) Rowling wrote the stones m two years.  D) Living in a happy family, Harry Potter is a boy who likes imagination.



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