
出版時(shí)間:2004-3  出版社:浙江大學(xué)出版社  作者:唐述宗  頁數(shù):263  字?jǐn)?shù):653000  


  慣用語是考生詞匯復(fù)習(xí)的重要內(nèi)容。但是慣用語的用法也是很難掌握的,它需要結(jié)合情景、例句來琢磨以獲得語感,通過科學(xué)地訓(xùn)練來達(dá)到速記。本書就是根據(jù)以上特點(diǎn),結(jié)合應(yīng)試者的實(shí)際需要而編寫的。作者搜集近年來考研試題中所出現(xiàn)的全部短語,科學(xué)地將其歸為六大類,每類又根據(jù)記憶可行性的需要分為若干小節(jié),每節(jié)按字母順序排列,便于查找。每條慣用語全都配有試卷中的例句。每節(jié)中都配有形式多樣的速記練習(xí)題。練習(xí)題的四種主要形式——辨認(rèn)、填空、選擇填空及畫線置換——都是現(xiàn)代英語考試的主要形式,因而對(duì)提高考生的應(yīng)試能力很有幫助。    最后提一下,在這套叢書中,我們把某個(gè)慣用語歸為副詞短語、形容詞短語或連詞短語,并非因?yàn)檫@個(gè)短語中一定有副詞、形容詞或連詞,而是因?yàn)樗鼈冊(cè)诰渲衅鹬@些詞的作用;其次,有些短語(如a little)既可起副詞狀語作用,也可起形容詞定語作用,因而在兩章中皆能找到。更有甚者,有些短語的分類可能會(huì)引起爭(zhēng)議,但這并不妨礙同學(xué)們通過例句和練習(xí)來迅速掌握其意思與用法?! ×硗猓緯O(shè)計(jì)的目的不僅是幫助讀者記住這些短評(píng)和習(xí)慣表達(dá),更希望讀者通過做題和熟悉詞條下的實(shí)例,接觸考研試卷中所有的句型,從而提高閱讀和寫作能力,實(shí)現(xiàn)一箭雙雕的目的。果真如此,編者的目的也就達(dá)到了。


第一章  動(dòng)詞短語 動(dòng)詞短語A-E  練習(xí)一 動(dòng)詞短語F-N  練習(xí)二 動(dòng)詞短語O-Y  練習(xí)三第二章  名詞短語 名詞短語A-K  練習(xí)四 名詞短語L-Z  練習(xí)五第三章 介詞短語 介詞短語A-J  練習(xí)六 介詞短語L-W  練習(xí)七第四章 形容詞短語 形容詞短語A-Z  練習(xí)八第五章 副詞短語 副詞短語A-Z  練習(xí)九第六章 連詞短語  連詞短語A-W  練習(xí)十


  Very few writers on the subj ect have explored this distinction--indeed,contradiction--which goes to the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put corn— puters in the classroom.  go to the movies去看電影  1 wish I could have gone to the movies with you last night.  g0 up上升,升高,提高,增長  Scarcely had they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre when the curtain went up.  The sun is also variable over the long term:its heat output goes up and down in cycles,the latest trend being downward.  With production going up steadily.the factory needs an ever—increasing supply of raw materials.  go well with和……相處融洽,和……完全相配;在  ……進(jìn)展順利  At first everything went well with the project but recently problems kept cropping up.  go with伴隨,連同;與……相配/合適/和諧  Another rule is to ask the staff questions:how is this dish cooked?what goes with what?what’S that rather tasty 100king dish the people at the next table  are having?and SO on.  go wrong走錯(cuò)路,出差錯(cuò),出毛病;失敗  One summer something did go wrong with the power plant that provides New York with electricity.  Something has gone terribly wrong with our once— proud American way of life.  We rarely bother to consider why or how they run——until something goes wrong.  graduate with honors以優(yōu)異成績畢業(yè)  About 70 per cent had graduated from college, though only 30 per cent had graduated wit h honors.  grind on不斷地研磨,不停地生產(chǎn)  There isn’t room for much more waste,and yet the factories grind on.They cannot stop because everyone wants a job.  grind up把……完全碾碎  In the same way,when there is perfect combus— tim,there’S nothing or next to nothing left of the matter we burn.h’S ground up completely.It is used up.It returns to its original nothingness.  It’S j ust as though we were to grind corn badly— as if we ground up the thin outer husk and throw the rest away,just as we throw away ashes.When the  grinding is perfect,there’S nothing or next to nothing left of the grain,is there?  grind...into… 把………碾成/研磨成……  Amaranth can be ground into flour and made intc baked goods Bread made from amaranth flour is heavy and very compact when compared with the light and airy bread cortlmon in North America  group together聚合,集合,聚集  Therefore.to produce a sufficient amount of pow er,many cells must now be grouped together in large panels  glow abeard長/養(yǎng)/留/蓄胡子  After Peter grew a beard,even his close frfends could not recognize him at first sight  growinto長成,發(fā)展成為…  As a matter of fact,the outstanding thing that hap— pens to bright kids is that they are very likely to grow into bright adults.  They can grow into cancer  These seedlings grow into large trees that eventual— ly shade out the pines.  grow up長大.成人.成熟,發(fā)展壯大  A novd.MaudMartha.a(chǎn)bout a young Black girl growing up in Chicago,published in 1953-was praised for its warmth and insights  For example,they do not compensate for gross 80一 cial inequality,and thus do not teal how able an un— derprivileged youngster might have been had he grown uD under more favorable circumstances  growl at時(shí)…一狂吠/吼叫  Shop assistants won’t bother to assist.taxi—driver growl at each other as they dash dangerously round corners.bus conductors pull the bell before their des— perate passengers have had time to get on or off the bus,and 80 on and 80 on  had better/best(do sth)最好,應(yīng)誼,還是……為好  When he got up to go,the manager told him that the police would arrive at any moment and he had bet— ter stay unless he wanted to get into serious trouble According to one belief,if truth is to be known it will make itself apparent,So one had best wait instead of searchingforit  Had it not beenfor(當(dāng)初)要不是因?yàn)椤 ad it not been for the timely investment from the general public,our company would not be so thriving 88itis  He had a kind of pleasant expression during fights, not a vicious one,his eyes dosed in what would have seemed to be sleep had it not been for the turmoil of the struggle  hail…as…歡呼/稱贊·…·是……  Telacommuting--substituting the computer for the trip to the ioh—has been hailed as a solution to all kinds of problems related to office work.  hand in交納,上交,交上,遞進(jìn)去  I did not open it.I took it to the nearest chemist’s and handed it in The man read it,and then handed it back  At the same time I saw that.because of their poet. ry,they thought that they were the wisest of men in other matters too.which they were not S0 1 went away again.thinking that I had the same advantage over the POets as I hed over the politicians  ……


  為什么讀了那么多文章,做了那么多題,英語水平還是上不去?為什么認(rèn)識(shí)那么多個(gè)單詞,記住了它們的大部分意思,可每次英語考試還只有60多分?為什么?為什么?  因?yàn)樗麄児夤铝⒌赜涍@些單詞的意思,不掌握這些詞的實(shí)際用法,不知道這些詞應(yīng)該和哪些詞搭配使用?! ∷羞@些,都可以通過閱讀本叢書,來迅速提高自己的英語測(cè)試水平。



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