出版時間:2012-6 出版社:武漢大學(xué)出版社 作者:詹琍敏 頁數(shù):230
PART IWESTERNCIVILIZATION IN THE MIDDLE AGES( 500-1500 )CHAPTER ONETHE EARLY MIDDLE AGESTHE ROMANO-GERMANIC CHRISTIANIZED WESTThe Germanic SocietyThe New Political Structure in the West--The Frankish EmpireThe Christian ChurchCULTURE OF THE EARLY MIDDLE AGESChristianity and Classical LearningThe Carolingian RenaissanceTHE BYZANTINE WORLDThe Byzantine EmpireThe Differences between the Western Church and theEastern ChurchBYZANTINE CULTUREThoughtThe Preservation of Classical WorksByzantine Architecture and MosaicsByzantine Influence on the WestTHE ISLAMIC WORLDIslamThe Expansion of IslamISLAMIC CULTURAL DEVELOPMENTSIslamic HistoryIslamic PhilosophyIslamic ScienceIslamic ArchitectureCHAPTER TWOTHE HIGH MIDDLE AGEFEUDALISMVassalageThe Chivalric CodeThe Rebirth of Urban Life and CommerceThe Feudal MonarchyThe German EmpireThe Reform of the ChurchTHE CULTURE OF THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES--THE AGE OFSYNTHESISThe Cathedral Schools and the Rise of the UniversitiesThe Age of Synthesis: ScholasticismVernacular LiteratureArchitecture and SculptureCHAPTER THREETHE LATE MIDDLE AGESHARD TIMES AND RECOVERYPlague, Famine, and WarsCommercial and Social Dislocation, and RevoltsThe Forces of Recovery (Industrialization)The Secular MonarchiesThe Papal MonarchyTHE CULTURE OF THE LATE MIDDLE AGESReligionPhilosophy and ScienceLiteratureArt and ArchitecturePART IITHE CIVILIZATION OF THE RENAISSANCE(c. 1350-c. 1550 )CHAPTER FOURTHE EARLY RENAISSANCEITALY OF THE EARLY RENAISSANCEItalian City-states during the Early RenaissanceRenaissance PatronsHUMANISM AND CLASSICAL REVIVAL IN ITALYHumanismThe Classical RevivalPetrarch : Father of HumanismCivic HumanismTextual Criticism: Lorenzo VallaRevival of Platonism: Ficino and PicoThe Artistic RenaissanceCHAPTER FIVETHE HIGH RENAISSANCE AND EARLY MANNERISMTHE STRUGGLE FOR ITALYThe Rise of the Modern Sovereign States: Spain and France ~.*FROM HIGH RENAISSANCE TO EARLY MANNERISMHigh RenaissanceMannerismHigh Renaissance LiteratureHigh Renaissance PaintingHigh Renaissance SculptureHigh Renaissance MusicCHAPTER SIXTHE NORTHERN RENAISSANCECHRISTIAN HUMANISMNorthern Christian Humanism and Desiderius ErasmusSir Thomas More and His UtopiaLITERATUER AND ARTSLiterature RenaissanceArtistic RenaissanceSCENTIFIC DEVELOPMENTSAstronomyMedicine and AnatomyCHAPTER SEVENTHE CHRISTIAN REFORMATIONS, RELIGIOUS WARSAND MANNERISM ( c. 1517-c. 1648 )THE PROTESTANT REFORMATIONMartin Luther and the ReformationThe Spreading of the Protestant ReformationThe Protestant HeritageTHE CATHOLIC COUNTER-REFORMATIONThe Counter-Reformation PopesThe Council of TrentThe Society of JesusA HALF CENTURY OF RELIGIOUS WARSThe French Wars of Religion ( 1562-1598 )The Revolt of the NetherlandsHostility between England and SpainMANNERISMPART IIIFAITH, REASON, AND POWER IN THE EARLYMODERN WORLD( 1600-1800 )CHAPTER EIGHTTHE AGE OF BAROQUEWARFARE, ABSOLUTISM, AND THE BALANCE OF POWERThe Thirty Yearn' WarThe Supreme Example of Absolutism: FranceLimited Monarchy: The Dutch Republic and EnglandTHE BAROOUE STYLEThe Florid Baroque and the Roman Catholic ChurchThe Classical Baroque and the Absolutism in FranceThe Restrained Baroque in the Netherlands and EnglandBaroque LiteratureBaroque MusicCHAPTER NINETHE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION AND ENLIGHTENMENT( 1600-1789 )THE SCENTIFIC REVOLUTIONThe Empiricist Francis BaconThe Rationalist Rene DescartesEnglish and French TraditionsNewton's Law of GravitationTHE ENLIGHTENMENTThe Intelligibility of the UniverseThe Confidence in Scientific MethodThe Psychology of John LockThe PhilosophiesCULTURAL TRENDS: FROM ROCOCO TO NEOCLASSICALThe Rococo StyleNeoclassicismReferences