
出版時(shí)間:2011-9  出版社:武漢大學(xué)出版社  作者:丁少?gòu)?編  頁(yè)數(shù):232  




Chapter 1  Understanding Advertisin9:Introduction
 Part Ⅰ  Understanding Advertisin9:
  Passage 1 History of Advertising in the United S'tates
  Passage 2 Perspectives of Advertisin9
 Part Ⅱ  Approaches of Advertisin9:Semiotic and Content
  Passage 3 Myth Today
  Passage 4 Rhetoric of the Image
  Passage 5 Content Ana1ysis
Chapter 2  Body and Power Introduction
 Part Ⅰ  Gender,Body,Se1f
  Passage 1 Gendered Bodies
  Passage 2 The Construction of the Body
  Passage 3 The Reification and Commodification of the Body
 Part Ⅱ  Critiquing and Resisting Gendered Body
  Passage 4 Body and Power
  Passage 5 Power,Know1edge,Body 
  Passage 6 From Victims to Agents
Chapter 3  Representing the Racia1 Other Introduction
 Part Ⅰ The Stereotyped B1ack Body 
  Passage 1 Stereotypes of African Americans inthe United
  Passage 2 Advertising to the B1ack Audience
 Part Ⅱ  Critiquing Stereotypes of African Americans 
  Passage 3 Co1onia1 Discourse and the Construction of the
  Passage 4 The Myth of Race and the B1ack Bestia1 Sexua1ity
  Passage 5 The Fact of B1ackness
 Part Ⅲ  Otherizing Foreigriers and Foreign 1and
  Passage 6 Feminizing the Other and the Co1onia1 Gaze in
  American Advertisin9-
  Passage 7 The Meaning of Co1onia1 Gaze。
Chapter 4  Marketing Youth Cu1ture Introduction
 Part Ⅰ The Meaning of Fashion一
  Passage 1 Fashion as a Socia1 Code
  Passage 2 Fashion and Identity
 Part Ⅱ  Branding and Cu1ture
  Passage 3 Advertising and Brand Equity
  Passage 4 Branding with Cu1ture
 Part Ⅲ  Fashioning and Branding Youth Cu1ture
  Passage 5 Youth Subcu1tureSty1e and Se1f



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