
出版時間:2011-6  出版社:武漢大學出版社  作者:楊紅 編  頁數(shù):321  




Unit One Travel in Beijing北京旅游
Section I Travel Consultation旅游咨詢
Part A Background Knowledge背景知識
Part B Additional Tips for Tour Guide導(dǎo)游提示
SectionⅡ SituationaI Conversation 情景對話
Part A Words and Expressions 詞匯與表達
Part B Proper Nouns專有名詞
Part C Dialogues對話
Part D Cultural Notes文化釋義
Part E Useful Expressions實用表達
SectionⅢ Supplementary Reading 拓展閱讀
Passage A Tourist Attraction景點介紹——長城
Proper Nouns專有名詞
Passage B ABC about Chinese Culture
Words and Expressions詞匯與表達
Section IV Light Side 輕松一刻
Unit Two Travel in Shanghai上海旅游
Unit Three Travel in Jiangsu江蘇旅游
Unit Four Travel in Zhejiang浙江旅游
Unit Five Travel in Sichuan四川旅游
Unit Six Travel in Anhui安徽旅游
Unit Seven Travel in Henan河南旅游
Unit Eight Travel in Shaanxi陜西旅游
Unit Nine Travel in Shanxi山西旅游
Unit Ten Travel in Shandong山東旅游
Unit Eleven Travel in Yunnan云南旅游
Unit Twelve Travel in Guangxi廣西旅游


版權(quán)頁:插圖:which someone is injured. Numerous other mnemonics and variants on the ABC of firstaid exist, but it is probably the most useful one for lay people to remember. The lettersstand for Airway, Breathing and Circulation, also referred to as the vital signs. If all ofthe vital signs are monitored and addressed, an injured has a much better chance ofsurviving until hope arrives.When using the ABC of first aid, the first thing to do is check the patient's airway.If someone's throat is blocked, he or she will be unable to breathe. If the patient isconscious, you can ask the patient to talk to you. If the patient is unconscious, lift hisor her chin and tilt the head back. Do this carefully, as you may aggravate spinal andneck injuries by manipulating the head. Sweep the back of the mouth with a finger tocheck for obstructions if you suspect that someone may have a compromised airway.Next, check for breathing. Place your face close to the patient's mouth to listen andfeel for breathing, or use an object like a mirror. If the patient is breathing, the breathwill condense on the mirror. If the patient is not breathing, according to the ABC of firstaid, you need to correct the problem before moving on to the next step.  Administerrescue breathing and CPR until the patient is breathing again.





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