
出版時(shí)間:2010-10  出版社:武漢大學(xué)出版社  作者:張立玉,沈曉華 編著  頁(yè)數(shù):368  




Chapter 1  A Brief Introduction to International Trade  Section 1  International Trade and Its Importance    1.1  The Concept of International Trade    1.2  The Importance of International Trade  Section 2  Reasons of International Trade    2.1  Not Self-sufficient    2.2  Advantage Theories    2.3  Innovation and Pattern of Demand  Section 3  Forms of International Trade    3.1  Dealing    3.2  Agency    3.3  Consignment    3.4   Auction    3.5  Trade Fair    3.6  Invitation to Tender & Submission of Tender    3.7  Counter-trade    3.8  Futures  Section 4  Barriers to International Trade    4.1  Natural Barrier    4.2  Tariff Barrier    4.3  Non-tariff Barrier  Words and Expressions  Notes  Tasks  Related LinkChapter 2  The General Procedures of Import and Export TransactionChapter 3  Name and Quality of CommodityChapter 4  Quantity of CommodityChapter 5  Packing of CommodityChapter 6  Price TermsChapter 7  International PaymentChapter 8  International Trade Financing BusinessChapter 9  International Cargo TransportationChapter 10  Insurance of International Cargo TransportationChapter 11  Inspection of CommoditiesChapter 12  Settlement of DisputesChapter 13  E-commerce and International TradeChapter 14  Trade OrganizationsAppendix參考文獻(xiàn)



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