
出版時(shí)間:2010-8  出版社:武漢大學(xué)出版社  作者:朱賓忠 編  頁數(shù):294  




  注重女權(quán)性:選擇公認(rèn)的女權(quán)主義作家的作品,為女權(quán)主義文學(xué)研究提供英文的文本,彌補(bǔ)這方面原文資料的不足。  注重權(quán)威性:作家介紹部分均全文引用國外專門研究者的論述。這些論述大多融匯作家生平與創(chuàng)作研究于一體,具有較高學(xué)術(shù)價(jià)值,能為進(jìn)一步研究提供方向性指導(dǎo)?! ∽⒅亓髯冃裕核x作品按照時(shí)間順序排列,歷時(shí)地表現(xiàn)女權(quán)主義作家創(chuàng)作的流變和觀念的革新,使讀者從文學(xué)表現(xiàn)上看到女權(quán)主義運(yùn)動(dòng)內(nèi)容的階段性變化?! ∽⒅貙?shí)用性:每篇小說都附有閱讀思考題,便于教師上課使用或者學(xué)生自學(xué)。生難單詞有注釋,免除查閱詞典的麻煩?! ∽⒅厝の缎院退枷胄裕核x文本既富有較強(qiáng)的可讀性,可用于閱讀欣賞,也具有深刻的思想意蘊(yùn),可用于專業(yè)研究?!  队⒚蓝唐≌f精粹:八位女權(quán)主義作家作品選》設(shè)定的閱讀對象為全日制英語專業(yè)大學(xué)高年級選修文學(xué)課程的學(xué)生、修習(xí)文學(xué)批評課程的研究生,以及具有相當(dāng)程度的其他英語文學(xué)愛好者?!队⒚蓝唐≌f精粹:八位女權(quán)主義作家作品選》尤其適合作為女權(quán)主義批評課程的輔助讀物,為批評提供鮮活的文本資料。


Unit 1 Rebecca Harding Davis (1831-1910)I. Brief Introduction to the AuthorⅡ. Selected Reading1. The Wifes Story2. Life in the Iron MillsUnit Ⅱ Kate Chopin (1851o1904)I. Brief Introduction to the AuthorII. Selected Reading1. The Story of an Hour2. A Respectable Woman3. Desirees BabyUnit Ⅲ Mary E. Wilkins Freeman (1852-1930)I. Brief Introduction to the AuthorⅡ. Selected Reading1. A New England Nun2. The Revolt of "Mother"Unit Ⅳ Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935)I . Brief Introduction to the Author11. Selected Reading1. The Giant Wistaria2. The Yellow Wall-PaperV Edith Wharton (1862-1937)I . Brief Introduction to the Author I1. Selected Reading1. Mrs. Mansteys View2. The VerdictUnit VI Willa Cather (1873-1947)I. Brief Introduction to the AuthorⅡ. Selected Reading1. Tommy, the Unsentimental2. Flavia and Her ArtistsUnit VII Joyce Carol Oates (1938-)I. Brief Introduction to the AuthorII. Selected Reading1. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?2. How I Contemplated the World from the Detroit House ofCorrection and Begin My Life Over AgainUnit Ⅷ Alice Walker (1944-)I . Brief Introduction to the Author11. Selected Reading1. Roselily2. Everyday Use


  Throughout the discussion between Wellington and Will Maiden wood, though they invited his participation, he remained silent, betraying no sign either of interest or contempt. Since his arrival he had directed most of his conversation to Hamilton, who had never read one of his twelve great novels. This perplexed and troubled Flavia. On the night of his arrival, Jules Martel had enthusiastically declared, " There are schools and schools, manners and manners; but Roux is Roux, and Paris sets its watches by his clock. " Flavia had already repeated this remark to Imogen. It haunted her, and each time she quoted it she was impressed anew.  Flavia shifted the conversation uneasily, evidently exasperated and excited by her repeated failures to draw the novelist out. " Monsieur Roux," she began abruptly, with her most animated smile, "I remember so well a statement I read some years ago in your Mes Etudes des Femmes, to the effect that you had never met a really intellectual woman. May I ask, without being impertinent, whether that assertion still represents your experience?"




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