
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:武漢大學出版社  作者:教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地,武漢大學國際法研究所 主辦  頁數(shù):266  




一、專論  國際反壟斷的沖突法進路  承包商獲償措施研究——國際視野  國際能源法——國際法的新分支  《海牙取證公約》在中國大陸的施行二、專題一:CISG在成員國的適用與解釋國際研討會  CISG周年慶與CISG研究——兼及中華人民共和國的法治進程  商人、法律人與法治  CISG與Ineoterms 2000  CISG與PICC——互為補充的兩個法律文件  CISG下合同無效的性質(zhì)與效果  CISG視角下的合同締結(jié)  CISG與電子商務問題  日本加入CISG——亞洲動因三、專題二:中國國際私法全球論壇  國際私法上“調(diào)適”的概念  中國仲裁法的發(fā)展——兼評最高人民法院2006司法解釋  外國裁決與判決在摩爾多瓦共和國的執(zhí)行四、專題三:司法與仲裁實踐  外國法查明在中國大陸法院之實踐  PICC在國際商事仲裁中適用之成案研究


  It should be stressed that, although foreign law is regarded as "law", it does not mean that the responsibility to ascertain the content of foreign law should be borne by judges. The principle of inra novit curia can not be applied to the laws of foreign countries. Hence, suggestions should be pragmatic but not dogmatic.  Mainland China judges should have the effect of giving positive and directive guidance in proving and verifying the content of foreign law, such as the judges "personal knowledge" of foreign law. They may also request the parties to aid them in discovering the contents and enforceability of the foreign law. When requested by Mainland China judges, the parties must bring forth evidence to prove the relevant foreign legal rules, and if parties refuse to do so without justifiable reasons, they should bear the consequences of not being able to discharge the burden of proof.  As the latest judicial interpretation, the Interpretation on Several Issues Regarding Applicable Law in Civil or Commercial Contract Cases Involving Foreign Elements was promulgated by the Supreme Peoples Court on August 8th, 2007. Article 9 (1) of the Interpretation provides that it is the parties liability to offer and prove the contents of related foreign law, where they have chosen it to govern the disputed contract.  The advantage of this solution lies in the fact that the parties are the participants in civil and commercial activities and they should be the persons who know the relevant foreign law best, irrespective of the circumstances in which they have agreed in the contract to apply foreign law to govern the dispute, or in which foreign law should be the applicable law based on the closest connection principle. The parties would have more opportunities to acquire information about such foreign law. Therefore, they should have the duty and the ability to prove it. The judge should avail of this advantage and request the parties to offer assistance, in order to expeditiously discover its contents and reduce unnecessary time and resources.



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