
出版時間:2007-6  出版社:湖北武漢大學  作者:余澄清,安鐵漢主  頁數(shù):258  


  《大學藝術英語第二冊》是根據(jù)國家新“大學英語教學大綱”的要求,為適應新形勢對普通高等學校本、??扑囆g類英語教學改革的迫切需要而組織編寫的。本書十分注重結(jié)合藝術類學生的特點,在編寫上重點突出藝術類相關的內(nèi)容,以拓寬學生對藝術專業(yè)領域的視野,培養(yǎng)全面發(fā)展復合型藝術人才。同時,強調(diào)對學生英語基本技能的培養(yǎng)和訓練,并注重學生英語的實際運用能力的提高?! ”窘滩念}材廣泛、內(nèi)容新穎、圖文并茂、講解詳細,十分適合教學和讀者自學?! ∪珪?0個章節(jié)。每個章節(jié)都由“課文”、“聽”、“說”、“語法 ”、“寫作”和“閱讀技巧”6個部分組成,另附有每一章節(jié)各項練習的參考答案,并配有全書“聽”、“說”材料的錄音光盤。


Chapter 1 MusicⅠ. Text A:The New MusicⅡ. Text B:Different Types of ComposersⅢ. Listening and SpeakingⅣ. Grammar:Noun and ArticleⅤ. Guided Writing:A ReceiptⅥ. Reading Skill:Grasping the Main Idea (1)Chapter 2 PaintingⅠ. Text A:Painting OrganizationⅡ. Text B:Panel PaintingⅢ. Listening and SpeakingⅣ. Grammar:Attributive ClauseⅤ. Guided Writing:CertificateⅥ. Reading Skill:Grasping the Main Idea (2)Chapter 3 DancingⅠ. Text A:Modern DanceⅡ. Text B:Lucinda ChildsⅢ. Listening and SpeakingⅣ. Grammar:Adverbial ClauseⅤ. Guided Writing:Introduction LetterⅥ. Reading Skill:Locating Major Supporting DetailsChapter 4 SculptureⅠ. Text A:SculptureⅡ. Text B:Louise NevelsonⅢ. Listening and SpeakingⅣ. Grammar:Subjunctive Subjunctive Mood (1)Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Invitation LetterⅥ. Reading Skill:Reading Meaning ClustersChapter 5 DesignⅠ. Text A:How to Be a Jewellery Designer?Ⅱ. Text B:Fashion and Feng ShuiⅢ. Listening and SpeakingⅣ.Grammar:Subjunctive Mood (2)Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Letter of ApologyⅥ. Reading Skill:Identify Passage OrganizationChapter 6 PhotographyⅠ. Text A:Nature of Photographers WorkⅡ. Text B:KodakⅢ. Listening and SpeakingⅣ. Grammar:InversionⅤ. Guided Writing:Letter of ConsolationⅥ. Reading Skill:Taking NotesChapter 7 Famous Architect and ArchitectureⅠ. Text A:An Unusual Architect—Ieoh Ming PeiⅡ. Text B:Louvre Forced to Rethink Its Glass PyramidⅢ. Listening and SpeakingⅣ. Grammar:Emphatic SentenceⅤ. Guided Writing:Letter of ThanksⅥ. Reading Skill:Using Cue WordsChapter 8 MovieⅠ. Text A:How to Act 007—SeaM ConneryⅡ. Text B:Roman Holiday—Classical FilmⅢ. Listening and SpeakingⅣ. Grammar:The Usage of AsⅤ. Guided Writing:Letter of ComplaintⅥ. Reading Skill:Distinguishing between Facts and OpinionsChapter 9 Chinese Folk ArtⅠ. Text A:An Introduction of Chinese Folk ArtⅡ. Text B:Woodcut New Year PictureⅢ. Listening and SpeakingⅣ. Grammar:EllipsisⅤ. Guided Writing:Letter of EnquiryⅥ. Reading Skill:Scanning and SkimmingChapter 10 MuseumⅠ. TextA:Louvre (1)Ⅱ. Text B:Louvre (2)Ⅲ. Listening and SpeakingⅣ. Grammar:Word-Class ConversionⅤ. Guided Writing:Letter of ApplicationKeys to the ExercisesGlossary



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