
出版時間:2007-3  出版社:武漢大學(xué)出版社  作者:吳鳳仙主編  頁數(shù):205  


  本書共10個單元,介紹了數(shù)控機床,數(shù)控車床,數(shù)控車床操作,數(shù)控車床編程技術(shù),數(shù)控車床編程,數(shù)控機床的伺服驅(qū)動系統(tǒng),數(shù)控加工中心,數(shù)控機床操作,數(shù)控銑床加工工藝以及電火花加工等方面的知識?! ”緯饕w現(xiàn)以下幾個特點:  1.內(nèi)容具有實用性和先進性。介紹了數(shù)控技術(shù)領(lǐng)域的最新技術(shù)和知識?! ?.圖文并茂。大多數(shù)單元都配有與內(nèi)容相關(guān)的插圖,更直觀,易于理解,即通過文中圖例便可猜出各段文章大意,有利于專業(yè)英語的學(xué)習(xí)?! ?.生詞加注音標(biāo)。每篇課文后都安排有生詞,并注出讀音便于學(xué)生正確的朗讀?! ?.習(xí)題內(nèi)容豐富,題型多樣?! ?.每篇課文后有詞匯、短語、注釋和句子結(jié)構(gòu)分析,書后有參考譯文及習(xí)題參考答案。


Unit 1 Numerical Control Machine 數(shù)控機床  Lesson 1 Creation and Development of NC Machine  Lesson 2 The Types of NC Machine  Lesson 3 Components of NC Machine  Lesson 4 Principle of Working for NC Machine  Lesson 5 Components and Accessories of NC Machine  Lesson 6 Key Pints of Learning about NC Machine    Unit 2 Numerical Control Lathe 數(shù)控車床  Lesson 1 Brief Introduction to NC Lathe  Lesson 2 Components of NC Lathe  Lesson 3 NC Lathe Axes of Motion  Lesson 4 Conventional Fixture Types of NC Lathe    Unit 3 NC Lathe Operation 數(shù)控車床操作  Lesson 1 Basic NC Lathe Operation  Lesson 2 NC Lathe Operation Procedure    Unit 4 Techniques for NC Lathe Programming 數(shù)控車床編程技術(shù)  Lesson 1 Tool Edge Programming  Lesson 2 Setting up Tool Nose Radius Compensation  Lesson 3 Some Restrictions with Tool Nose Radius Compensation  Lesson 4 Tool Nose Radius Compensation Command    Unit 5 NC Lathe Programming 數(shù)控車床編  Lesson l The Characteristics of NC Lathe Programming  Lesson 2 Types of Tool Positioning Modes  Lesson 3 Interpolation Commands(CNC lathe)    Unit 6 Servo-drive System of NC Machine Tools 數(shù)控機床的伺服驅(qū)動系統(tǒng)  Lesson 1 Basic Concept of Servo—System  Lesson 2 Basic Requirement for Servo—Drive System  Lesson 3 Open Loop Feed Servo-System  Lesson 4 Closed—loop Servo—System    Unit 7 NC Machining Centers 數(shù)控加工中心  Lesson l Introduction to NC Machining Centers  Lesson 2 Background on NC Machining Centers  Lesson 3 Basic Operation of NC Machining Centers    Unit 8 NC Machine Operation 數(shù)控機床操作  Lesson 1 NC Machine Operation Panel  Lesson 2 Operation Requirement for NC Machine  Lesson 3 Maintenance 0f NC Machine  Lesson 4 Troubleshooting of NC Machine    Unit 9 NC Milling Machining Process 數(shù)控銑削加工工序  Lesson 1 The Main Contents of NC Milling Machining Process  Lesson 2 The Selection for NC Mining Cutter  Lesson 3 NC Milling Common Clamp and Mount  Lesson 4 Part Positioning Base and Clamp when NC Milling    Unit 10 Electrical Discharge Machining 電火花加工  Lesson 1 The Brief Produetion to Electrical Discharge Machining  Lesson 2 NC WEDM Machine Tool  Lesson 3 NC Electric Discharge Shaped Machine  附錄一:詞匯表  附錄二:參考譯文  附錄三:參考答案  參考文獻






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