
出版時間:2006-9  出版社:武漢大學(xué)出版社  作者:謝春萍  頁數(shù):211  




Chapter One International Business  Section 1 Warm-up--Phonetics:Syllable  Section 2 Individual Work--Phrases & Expressions  Section 3 Pair Work--Sentences Practicing  Section 4 Role Play--Dialogue Practicing  Section 5 Class Work--Question Answering  Section 6 Group Work--Story Retelling  Section 7 Speech Work--Topic Discussing  Section 8 Individual Work--Natural Spectacle of China  AssignmentsChapter Two World Trade Organization  Section 1 Warm-up--Phonetics: Open & Closed Syllables  Section 2 Individual Work--Phrases & Expressions  Section 3 Pair Work-- Sentences Practicing  Section 4 Role Play--Dialogue Practicing  Section 5 Class Work--Question Answering  Section 6 Group Work--Story Retelling  Section 7 Speech Work--Topic Discussing  Section 8 Individual Work--Natural Spectacle of China  AssignmentsChapter Three Forms of Business Orgnization  Section 1 Warm-up--Phonetics:Stressed and Unstressed Syllables  Section 2 Individual Work--Phrases & Expressions  Section 3 Pair Work--Sentences Practicing  Section 4 Role Play--Dialogue Practicing  Section 5 Class Work--Question Answering  Section 6 Group Work--Story retelling  Section 7 Speech Work--Topic Discussing  Section 8 Individual Work--Natural Spectacle of China  AssignmentsChapter Four Ways of International Business  Section 1 Warm-up--Phonetics :Stressed & Unstressed Words  Section 2 Individual Work--Phrases & Expressions  Section 3 Useful Sentences Practicing  Section 4 Role Play--Dialogue Practicing  Section 5 Class Work--Question Answering  Section 6 Group Work--Story Retelling  Section 7 Speech Work--Topic Discussing  Section 8 Individual Work--Natural Spectacle of China  AssignmentsChapter Five Promotion of Products  Section 1 Warm-up--Phonetics:Strong Forms & Weak Forms  Section 2 Individual Work--Phrases & Expressions  Section 3 Pair Work--Sentence Practicing  Section 4 Role Play--Dialogue Practicing  Section 5 Class Work--Question Answering  Section 6 Group Work--Story Retelling  Section 7 Speech Work--Topic Discussing  Section 8 Individual Work--Natural Spectacle of China  AssignmentsChapter Six International Business Contract  Section 1 Warm-up--Phonetics :Linking  Section 2 Individual Work--Phrases & Expressions  Section 3 Pair Work--Sentences Practicing  Section 4 Role Play--Dialogue Practicing  Section 5 Class Work--Question Answering  Section 6 Group Work--Story Retelling  Section 7 Speech Work--Topic Discussing  Section 8 Individual Work--Natural Spectacle of China  AssignmentsChapter Seven International Commodity Inspection   Section 1 Warm-up--Phonetics:Rhythm of English Speech   Section 2 Individual Work--Phrases & Expressions  Section 3 Pair Work--Sentences Practicing  Section 4 Role Play--Dialogue Practicing  Section 5 Class Work--Question Answering  Section 6 Group Work--Story Retelling  Section 7 Speech Work--Topic Discussing  Section 8 Individual Work--Natural Spectacle of China  AssignmentsChapter Eight International Arbitration  Section 1 Warm-up--Phonetics: Intonation  Section 2 Individual Work--Phrases & Expressions  Section 3 Pair Work--Sentences Practicing  Section 4 Role Play--Dialogue Practicing  Section 5 Class Work--Question Answering  Section 6 Group Work--Story Retelling  Section 7 Speech Work--Topic Discussing  Section 8 Individual Work--Natural Spectacle of China  Assignments參考譯文  第一章 國際商務(wù)  第二章 世界貿(mào)易組織  第三章 商業(yè)企業(yè)的組織形式  第四章 國際經(jīng)商方式  第五章 產(chǎn)品促銷  第六章 國際商務(wù)合同  第七章 國際商品檢驗(yàn)  第八章 國際仲裁參考文獻(xiàn)



    國際商務(wù)英語中級口語 PDF格式下載

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  •   學(xué)好商務(wù)口語,這本書還是蠻實(shí)惠的
  •   對提高口語有幫助
  •   書好,以后還光顧
  •   書的內(nèi)容跟我想象中不是很一樣
  •   這本書是由武漢大學(xué)出版社出版的,對于想學(xué)好英語口語的朋友是個比較不錯的材料,特別是經(jīng)常出差談判的朋友,加上有地道英語口語的mp3光盤,相信每一個想學(xué)好英語口語的朋友都會從這本書上學(xué)到自己想要的東西,呵呵!所以說這本商務(wù)英語值得推薦……
  •   這本書還不錯蠻好的
  •   一般般吧。幫助不是特別大
  •   物流號能很快收到貨
  •   書本理論知識比較多,對口語沒什么多大幫助,不過速度還可以,第二天就收到書了
  •   沒有包裝,書皮不新,感覺像舊的
  •   很一般,不實(shí)用!

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