
出版時間:2005-4  出版社:武漢大學(xué)出版社  作者:陳梁  頁數(shù):326  字?jǐn)?shù):584000  


合同中的免責(zé)條款是合同雙方風(fēng)險劃分的主要工具。提單所證明的海上貨物運輸合同(下稱提單合同)中的免責(zé)條款也不例外。通常,提單合同中的免責(zé)條款的受益方是承運人,貨物利益方(通常是貨主和提單持有人)是這些免責(zé)風(fēng)險的直接承受方,但是貨物利益方可以為了轉(zhuǎn)移此種免責(zé)風(fēng)險向海上貨物風(fēng)險保險人購買有關(guān)保險。然而,海上貨物保險合同像其他保險合同一樣,所保風(fēng)險的多少主要取決于合同雙方的合意,或更明白地說就是取決于支付的保險費的多少。當(dāng)然,被保險人的惡意行為所導(dǎo)致的被保標(biāo)的損失是不可保的,否則保險無異于贈送。    另一方面,有些海上風(fēng)險,承運人并沒有在提單合同中加以免責(zé),但是貨物利益方卻為這些海上風(fēng)險購買了貨物保險。這種沒有必要的保險購買行為通常是由于投保方對提單合同與海上貨物保險合同之間風(fēng)險分配的銜接不清楚所致。為了搞清楚海上貨物承運人,貨物利益方和海上貨物保險人之間在提單合同和海上貨物保險合同下的風(fēng)險劃分和銜接,有必要對提單合同法和海上貨物保險合同法這兩種不同的法律條文進行交叉研究,特別是對這兩種合同中的風(fēng)險劃分起主導(dǎo)作用的免責(zé)條款進行研究。這里所指的免責(zé)條款,包括提單合同中的全部免責(zé)條款,責(zé)任限制條款,訴訟時效條款和海上貨物保險合同中全部免責(zé)條款和保險風(fēng)險條款。    本書主要聚焦于英國提單合同法中的免責(zé)條款,并研究在英國通用的海上貨物保險格式合同如何在海上貨物人和貨物被保險之間分配那些在提單合同中所規(guī)定的免責(zé)風(fēng)險。此書基于作者在英國威爾士大學(xué)卡的夫法學(xué)院所完成的博士論文。    在英國海商法學(xué)界,存在大量分別討論提單合同和海上保險合同(包括海上貨物保險合同)的學(xué)術(shù)著作,但是就是缺乏對提單合同和海上貨物運輸合同的風(fēng)險劃分的交叉研究。而本書就是旨在填補這一空白。這也是本書的創(chuàng)新所在。    英國倫敦是世界上主要的海運保險中心。大約70%以上的海上保險都在倫敦保險或再保險。同時倫敦也是世界上主要的海事訴訟中心。此外,中國的海商法特別是海上保險法的制定都特別參照了英國法。所以本書不但對我國的海商法的發(fā)展和研究具有促進作用,同時對我國航運和海商保險界更好地利用英國法來保護自己的利益也能提供參考。另外,由于香港法與英國法差別很小,本書對了解香港海商法(嚴(yán)格地說,香港法是中國法的一部分)也有幫助。由于英國提單合同法采用海牙威士比規(guī)則,而倫敦保險市場通常采用1982年制定的海上貨物保險格式合同(后者具有準(zhǔn)法律的地位),本書將以此兩部法律文件為主,結(jié)合英國相關(guān)判例法進行討論。雖然英國并沒有參加漢堡規(guī)則,但由于漢堡規(guī)則已經(jīng)生效,作為國際海事訴訟中心,倫敦法院很可能在將來遇到漢堡規(guī)則適用的案子。所以漢堡規(guī)則也會在本書中相關(guān)地方進行討論。


Part IIntrOductiOn ……………………………………………………………………………1Part llLegal Aspects 0f the ExclusiOn CIauses and the COOrdination BetweenBills 0f Lading and the Marine CargO POIicies ……………………………5Chapter Oile Important Issues Concerning the General Function of the Exclusion Clausesin Bills of Lading and of the Insured Perils Clauses or Exclusion CIauses in Ma rjne CargoP01icl‘es………………………………………………………………………………7Chapter Two The Examination of the Excluded Perils under the Bills of Lading Statutesand the Risks Allocation through the Coordination Between the Bills of Lading Statutesand the Marl‘ne Cargo P。licies…………………………………………………………91Chapter Three InCident Bars to the Right Under the Exclusion Clauses in the Bills 0fLading Statutes and to the Right Under the Insuyed Perils Clauses in t11e Marine CargoPolicies…………………………………………………………………………………155PartlllLegal Aspects Of the Limitation Of LiabiIity Clause,the Limitation OfAction CIauses in the Bills 0f Lading Statutes and Their Impact On theMarine Carg0 P0licies………………………………………………………………259Chapter Four General Legal Issues About the Limitation of Liabnity Clauses and theLimitation of Action Clauses in Bills or Lading………………………………………261Chapter Five The Amounts of the Limitation and the Periods of Limitation Under in theBilIs of Lading Statutes ………………………………………………………………273Chapter Six Bars to the Limitation of LiabiliLy Clauses and the Limitation of ActionClaus~s in the BiUs of Lading Statutes …………………………………………303Chapter Seven Impact of the Statutory Limitatlon of Liab訂ity Clauses and the Limitationof Action Clauses in the BillsOf Lading Statutes on the Marine Cargo Policies…………………………………………………………………………………………316Part IVCOnclusiOn ………………………………………………………………………………320


版權(quán)頁:The significance of determining whether the carrier has breached his obligation in bailment or has breached his obligation in tort should not be underestimated. For instance, if the claim is based on the breach of the carrier's obligation in bailment rather than on the breach of his obligation in tort, the carrier will find himself bearing the initial burden of proof to disprove his negligence, while in tort the initial burden of proof is on the claimant to prove the negligence of the defendant. 1.1.3 Summary of the Levels of the Carriers' Liability at Common LawIf there is no contractual relationship between the carrier and the cargo owner, the carrier's liability can only be founded in non-contractual bailment and in tort. When the carrier and the cargo owner are direct contracting parties to each other and when the contract between them either does not start or is terminated or expired, the carrier's liability towards the cargo owner is also only founded in non-contractual bailment and in tort.





    提單免責(zé)條款及其對海運貨物保險的影響 PDF格式下載

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