
出版時(shí)間:2004-2  出版社:武漢大學(xué)出版社  作者:何康民  頁(yè)數(shù):194  


  《國(guó)際貿(mào)易結(jié)算》介紹了有關(guān)國(guó)際貿(mào)易結(jié)算方面的基本理論、基本知識(shí)和基本技能,以及相關(guān)的國(guó)際貿(mào)易慣例和游戲規(guī)則。  本書(shū)以英文版的形式,全面而系統(tǒng)地介紹了國(guó)際經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易進(jìn)出口中各種支付、債券和債務(wù)結(jié)算方式。深入淺出地闡述了各種支付方式和基本理論,基本原理和操作技能。此外,還運(yùn)用大量的流程圖簡(jiǎn)化了國(guó)際貿(mào)易的復(fù)雜運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)程序,幫助讀者對(duì)抽象問(wèn)題的理解和記憶,并為今后從事進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易工作的從業(yè)人員奠定了堅(jiān)實(shí)的基礎(chǔ)。


Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Definition and Implications of International Trade Payment1.2 Key Issues in International Payment1.3 The Purpose of Learning This Curse1.4 Prospect of International Trade PaymentExercisesChapter 2 Incoterms 19902.1 Incoterms 1990 and ICC2.2 Interpretation of Incoterms 1990ExercisesChapter 3 Remittance3.1 Parties to a Remittance3.2 Type of Remittance3.3 Reimbursement of the Remittance Cover3.4 International Transferring and Clearing System3.5 Laws,Rules and Uniform Customs Relating to International Trade PaymentExercisesChapter 4 InstrumentChapter 5 CollectionsChapter 6 Documentary CreditsChapter 7 Other Payment MethodsChapter 8 DocumentsAppendix Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (ICC PublicationNo.500)References(參考書(shū)目)


  Trade promissory notes are sometimes used in international trade,especially in capi.tal goods trade,by which the amount due is very large and the payment effects in inStdl.ments For example,under Forfaiting,the importer can issue a series of promissory notcs with different tenors which should be guaranteed by his bank.Upon receipt of肛anntecd promissory notes the seller will sell them to the Foffaiting bank for cash.  All of the legal acts except for acceptance described in section of Bills of Exchange apply to promissory note.Promissory note itself Can be considered as a guarantee madc by the payer to effect payment.Therefore,legal acts will not be repeated here again.  4.6 Cheques  A cheque is defined as an unconditional order in writing drawn on a bank signed by the drawer, requiring a bank to pay on demand a sum certain in money to the ordcr 0f a named person or to the bearer.  The meaning of the different parts of the definition are:  1)Unconditi《,nal:payment can not hinge on certain conditions being met。for cxon.  ple“Pay M r.Jones USD50 provided my salary cheque has been paid into my ac-  count”.  2)Writing:it must be in writing,pen,biro,print,even pencil Can be used a1. though the latter is not recommended because details can casilY be altred  3)Signed:o cheque must be signed by the drawer who is the person paying出c  nloney.  4)On demand: it is expected that the chequc will be paid ss soon as it js presented to the other bank.  5)A suln certain:the amount of the cheque must be definitive,both in words and figures.  6) Named person or bearer: the cheque must be payable to somcone by none 0r  payable to“the bearer”.  4·6-1 The Main Parties Involved in a Cheque  Iniiially,dlere are three parties are inv0IVed in a cheque  1)Drawer:the person who Jnakes out the check:  2)Dmwee:the personto whomthe chequeis addressed,itmust be a bank;  3)Payee:the persontowhomthe chequeismade payable.  A couDle ofimportant points havetobe notedinthefollowing.  a.The drawee of a chequeiS always a bank;  b.Urdike a bill of exchange,there is nO 1egal acts of acceptance because a cheque ismerelyaninstrumentpayable Oil demand or at sight.In otherwords,a chequeis never accepted by the bank on which it is drawn,more importandy,it means that a bank isneverliahletothe cheque holderifit does not yet payit.The drawerremainsthe party holding primarily liable,and any endorsers are sureties for the drawers payment·  4.6.2 Essential Elements of a Cheque  Basicallv.there ale five essential elements in a cheque.They ale mentioned as fol lows:  1)Wording“cheque”or“check”;  2)Detailed nanle of the dmwee,i.e.tje paying bank;  3)Nameand signat~e ofthe drawer;  4)Date and place of issuance;  5)Currency and a certain alnonnt.  Date of issuing a cheque is critical,used as the basis of calculating its validity.A cheque 8hanld be presented within its validity,otherwise it is null and void.It,however, does not mean thatthepayment obligationtothe draweris cancelled.Period of validity set byGenevaUniform Lawsis 8 daysfromtheissuing dateinner a nation,20 daysinner  a continent,and 70 days beyond a continent;the period set by the British Act is not cleady defined,but within a reasonable time,Laws of People’s Republic of China on Ne一 gotiable Instruments specifies:“cheque holder should present for payment within 10 days fromtheissuing date.”  4.6.3 Classification of Cheques  1)Crossing cheque and non。crossing cheque  Some cheques bear two bold parallel lines across their face.This is the crossing, which implicates that the payee Can collect the cheque proceeds only through a bank iusti。 tution called collecting bank ratherthan askfor paymentin cash directly on counter ofthe drawee bank,In contrast,an uncrossed cheque namely,open cheque,does not have to be paid thmugh a bank account,payment Call be made over the counter,l·e·in cash. 1hus a person finding or even stealing all uncrossed cheque would be able to obtain Day—ment over the counter at the drawee bank provided that person had reasonable identifica-tion asthe payee and providedthatthe payeewas not personally knowntothebank.(suD.p0Se that a person,getting crossed cheque fraudulenfly and attempting to obtain the Dm一0eeds under this cheque,has to have one reason or can persuade someone else witth a bank account to Pay in the cheque and to make suitable endorsement,)The tIallsferee  should let a bank to coUect that cheque.No doubt,it makes collsiderably more difficuIt and risky,because the applying of a crossing increases the time available for discovering the fraudulent activity and gives the drawer more time to stop payment 0f any st0Ien cheque·Furthermore,even ifpayment has been made before loss 0r fraud is discovered. it can 8JInost alwaysbe recoveredfromtheperson,thatistheIq;ue himselfor his succes— ser,for whom it collected since that person would have to have an account at the coUec.


  自中國(guó)加入WTO以來(lái),國(guó)外著名跨國(guó)集團(tuán)公司、金融機(jī)構(gòu)、工商企業(yè)紛紛搶灘中國(guó)市場(chǎng),在中國(guó)設(shè)立分支機(jī)構(gòu)、分公司及合資企業(yè),引發(fā)了新一輪對(duì)高素質(zhì)復(fù)合型外經(jīng)貿(mào)人才的需求:要求他們具備良好的英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)、說(shuō)、讀、寫(xiě)、譯及對(duì)外交流、溝通的能力,同時(shí)熟知外經(jīng)貿(mào)專業(yè)知識(shí)及國(guó)際貿(mào)易慣例。所有這些對(duì)高等院校在人才培養(yǎng)方面提供了新的挑戰(zhàn)。如何充分利用現(xiàn)有教育資源,培養(yǎng)大批社會(huì)急需的復(fù)合型外經(jīng)貿(mào)人才是我們所面臨的重大研究課題?! ∧壳?,許多高等院校關(guān)于如何利用翻譯技巧,準(zhǔn)確處理商務(wù)資料,處理不同信息,進(jìn)行商務(wù)談判的書(shū)籍較少;從文化的角度向讀者介紹商務(wù)溝通技巧,不同民族商務(wù)活動(dòng)的差異、作用、影響等的實(shí)用書(shū)籍也不多;此外,隨著現(xiàn)代商務(wù)活動(dòng)國(guó)際化程度的不斷提高,目前全國(guó)從事商務(wù)領(lǐng)域活動(dòng),包括財(cái)貿(mào)、金融、商務(wù)、經(jīng)濟(jì)、法律、外交等部門(mén)的專業(yè)人員和從業(yè)人員也越來(lái)越多,閱此,綜合目前的形勢(shì),為滿足廣大教師、學(xué)生、從業(yè)人員的需要,我們有責(zé)任為其提供一套全方位的、綜合性強(qiáng)的現(xiàn)代商務(wù)英語(yǔ)叢書(shū)。張立玉院長(zhǎng)主編的《現(xiàn)代實(shí)用商務(wù)英語(yǔ)叢書(shū)》在此做廠成功的嘗試。  本套叢書(shū)分為八分冊(cè):《商務(wù)跨文化交際》、《商務(wù)英語(yǔ)英漢門(mén)譯》、《商務(wù)英語(yǔ)選讀》、《舊際商務(wù)英語(yǔ)初級(jí)口語(yǔ)》、《國(guó)際貿(mào)易結(jié)算》、《國(guó)際貿(mào)易進(jìn)出口實(shí)務(wù)》、《國(guó)際市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷(xiāo)技術(shù)》、《商務(wù)合同寫(xiě)作及翻譯》。本套叢書(shū)的內(nèi)容涵蓋了當(dāng)今國(guó)際商務(wù)最新觀點(diǎn),最新動(dòng)態(tài)真。它可以滿足讀者所需要了解的在全球背景下商務(wù)活動(dòng)的最新進(jìn)展?fàn)顩r,并提供和幫助讀者做好準(zhǔn)備迎接新世紀(jì)國(guó)際商務(wù)業(yè)態(tài)的新挑戰(zhàn)?! ”緩臅?shū)的作者均在高等學(xué)校、研究單位或公司工作,具有豐富的教學(xué)、研究和實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗(yàn),其中有的同志在商貿(mào)界享有盛名,頗有建樹(shù),且編著過(guò)相關(guān)書(shū)藉。在編著該套叢書(shū)過(guò)程中,作者花了近兩年的時(shí)間做了大量的市場(chǎng)調(diào)查和案頭工作,力求使理淪性、實(shí)用性、可讀性有機(jī)結(jié)合?! 「奶讌矔?shū)內(nèi)容新穎、概念清晰,理論性和實(shí)用性強(qiáng),通俗易懂、層次分明,其讀者對(duì)象雖定位于高等學(xué)校商貿(mào)英語(yǔ)專業(yè)的學(xué)生,但對(duì)于外貿(mào)易工作人員、商務(wù)管理人員、外企文員等,也大有裨益。相信該套叢書(shū)的出版,定會(huì)受到讀者的歡迎。



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