
出版時(shí)間:2009-12  出版社:中山大學(xué)出版社  作者:毛思慧,王虹,陳向陽 著  頁數(shù):377  




毛思慧(Mao Sihui),獲廣州外國語學(xué)院英語語言文學(xué)學(xué)士(1982)、碩士(1987),英國Lancaster大學(xué)英語系當(dāng)代文學(xué)文化研究碩士(1990),香港大學(xué)比較文學(xué)(電影文化)研究哲學(xué)博士學(xué)位(1997)?,F(xiàn)任中國中美比較文化研究會(huì)副會(huì)長。中國翻譯協(xié)會(huì)理事及澳門翻譯聯(lián)合會(huì)會(huì)長


Introductory RemarksPart Ⅰ  Theatre  Case 1 : Shakespearean Transformations and Mutations in the Postmodern Cultural Context  Case 2: Pushing the Limits of the Postmodern Stage in Ortonesque FarcePart Ⅱ  Poetry  Case 3 : In Search of the Postmodern in British Poetry  Case 4 : The World of the Postmodern Psychosomatic: Reflections on Ted Hughes' GaudetePart Ⅲ  Fiction  Case 5 : The Importance of Being Paranoid : Critiquing Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49  Case 6 : Passions and Betrayals : A Postcolonial Re-Reading of T. E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom, A TriumphPart Ⅳ  Cinema  Case 7: Representing Chineseness in Wayne Wang's Films  Case 8 : Decoding the Semiotic Empire of Hollywood : James Bond as a Symbol of Visual HegemonyConcluding RemarksSelected Bibliography


  Although “the death of the author” has already been famouslyannounced in the late 1960s by Roland Barthes, for the authorShakespeare it is not a simple matter of how to cease to be. There is thequestion of “who is the author” to begin with. It is true that professionalShakespeareans, mostly those who work or teach at the universities,seldom seriously subscribe to the idea that we do not know who wrote theplays attributed to Shakespeare; on the contrary, they might turn themystery of authorship the other way round by thinking it mysterious whyanyone should ever doubt that William Shakespeare from Stratford-upon-Avon is the author of the thirty-eight odd plays. Nevertheless there hasbeen no lacking of enthusiasm over the years on the part of the skepticswho are convinced, for various reasons or motives, that WilliamShakespeare of Stratford did not write the works of Shakespeare, and aretherefore determined to find out the true identity of the author.  Despite overwhelming evidence as a result of painstaking scholarshipwhich should have put the authorship controversy to an end, andestablished the position of the Stratford actor as the author beyond doubt,every now and then new candidates or new evidence for an old candidatewill crop up to enliven the scene. In popular imagination thesecandidates include a Renaissance intellectual, Francis Bacon and acouple of aristocrats, among whom is the most promising Earl of Oxford.  ……


  New Topics in Cultural Studies Series include the following titles:  1. Literature, Culture and Postmodern Transformations: Eight Case Studies from William Shakespeare to James Bond by Mao Sihui, Wang Hong and Chen Xiangyang  2. Representations of “Otherness” in Disney Animated Films by Peng Baoliang  3. The Construction of Meaning: A Cultural Study of Female Representation in American Magazine Advertising by Ding Shaoyan  4. Reconstructing Images of Chinese Peasantry: A Cultural and Linguistic Study of Zhao Benshan's Comic Sketches 1995 ~ 2000 by Chen Kaiju  5. The Other Looks: Interrogating Chineseness in Hollywood Cinema 1980 ~ 1999 by Li Yufeng  6. Representations of Ethnicity in American Sitcoms in the 1990s by Peng Qigui  Mao Sihui is Professor of English and Cultural Studies at Macao Polytechnic Institute;Wang Hong is Professor of English Literary Studies at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.Cindy Chen is Phd Candidate/Adjunct Faculty, Cinema Studies, New York University.




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