
出版時間:2008-9  出版社:中山大學(xué)出版社  作者:王哲 等 著  頁數(shù):139  


  《高級英語視聽說(學(xué)生用書)》取材于經(jīng)典英語影視作品和近年來電視媒體的公開放送內(nèi)容,視聽一體、內(nèi)容新穎、題材廣泛、語言規(guī)范、實用性和趣味性強。全書共有15個主題單元,涉及政治、經(jīng)濟、文化、教育、娛樂、體育、科技、自然等方面。形式多樣、內(nèi)容豐富,基本滿足各種情形下的英語信息獲取和英語交際需求?!  陡呒売⒄Z視聽說》是應(yīng)教育部2007年7月所頒布的《大學(xué)英語教學(xué)要求》,專為大學(xué)英語較高要求階段的教學(xué)而編寫的視聽說教材。同時它也適用于研究生公共英語和英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的視聽說教學(xué)以及大學(xué)英語后續(xù)選修課程的教學(xué)。


Unit One LanguagePart A News-EU Is Getting Lost in TranslationPart B Movie-Lost in TranslationPart C Interview-Howard Stern Faces New ChallengePart D Commentary-Whars a Fleeting Expletive?Part E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Two CulturePart A News-Freezing Nike AdPart B Movie-CrashPart C Interview-Taking the PledgePart D Commentary-Making Sense of HolidaysPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Three DisasterPart A News-Entire Generation Might Have Been Lost in South Asian EarthquakePart B Movie-TwisterPart C Interview-Katrina Response Sparks OutragePart D Commentary-What a WinterPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Four SportsPart A News-Amateurs Audition to Bend it with BeckhamPart B Movie-Million Dollar BabyPart C Interview-Michael Jordan Still Flying HighPart D Commentary-Changing the RulesPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Five EducationPart A News-Get Prepared for New SATPart B Movie-Mona Lisa SmilePart C For-Profit College:Costly LessonPart D Commentary-Andys Geography LessonPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Six EconomyPart A News-Can America Compete with Chinas New EconomyPart B Movie-Wall StreetPart C Interview-Greenspan Defends Low Interest RatesPart D Commentary-Andy at the Auto ShowPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Seven SuccessPart A News-Young from the Aisles to the StagePart B Movie-Forrest GumpPart C Interview-My Work Ethic Is“Sickening”Part D Commentary-If I Were RichPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Eight Political FiguresPart A News-Bill Clintons MemoirPart B Movie-The QueenPart C Interview-Sarko the AmericanPart D On Being a PoliticianPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Nine War&WeaponsPart A News-Guarding the FuturePart B Movie-BraveheartPart C Faulty Intel Source“Curve Ball”RevealedPart D Too Many Weapons?Part E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Ten CrimePart A News-ID Theft Can Haunt Victims for Years to ComePart B Movie-The DepartedPart C Interview-Provenzano:The Phantom of CorleonePart D Commentary-What Are We Doing in Iraq?Part E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Eleven Gender RolesPart A News-Glory of KingPart B Movie-The HoursPart C Interview-Nudity No“Big Deal”for Dame HelenPart D Commentary-Women in AdvertisingPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Twelve AnimalPart A News-Saving the TurtlePart B Movie-Finding NemoPart C Interview-The Ivory WarPart D Commentary-America Should Go WirelessPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Thirteen High TechPart A News-High-speed Internet Service on the FlightPart B Movie-The CorePart C Interview-Being the First Man on The MoonPart D Commentary-Andy RooneysPhone DilemmaPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Fourteen TerrorismPart A News-London Olympic Jubilation Turns to HorrorPart B Movie- World Trade CenterPart C Interview-The Dust at Ground ZeroPart D Commentary-North KoreasNukesPart E Presentation and DiscussionUnit Fifteen ReligionPart A News-"Da Vinci”Film Causes ControversyPart B Movie-Da Vinci CodePart C Interview-The Stone Box and Jesus Brothers BonesPart D Commentary-Global Papal NewsPart E Presentation and Discussion


  《高級英語視聽說(學(xué)生用書)》旨在幫助學(xué)習者提高綜合運用英語的能力,特別是聽說能力,使大家在今后學(xué)習、工作和社會交往中能及時準確地獲取英語信息并增強其自主學(xué)習的能力,以適應(yīng)我國社會發(fā)展和國際交流的需要。  本書著力于提高學(xué)習者的英語視聽技能和口語表達能力,注重傳播前沿資訊、國際交流、風俗習慣、文化背景等,以適應(yīng)不同場合的英語視聽任務(wù)和口語交際活動。教程中所有視聽材料均有注解和文字參考,練習配有參考答案,以便學(xué)習者自主學(xué)習和課堂任務(wù)檢查?!  陡呒売⒄Z視聽說(學(xué)生用書)》配有原聲剪輯光盤,以現(xiàn)代美語為主,并涉及不同的英語變體。




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