
出版時間:2003-1  出版社:中山大學(xué)出版社  作者:國際合作綜合英語教學(xué)實驗課題組 編  頁數(shù):80  字?jǐn)?shù):125000  


本書是“國際合作綜合英語教學(xué)實驗教材”的小學(xué)第二冊,分上下兩分冊(2A、2B),適用于實驗班二年級。為了始終如一地貫徹實驗的基本原則,本冊仍強(qiáng)調(diào)教學(xué)中要有大語言量,每課所涉及的詞匯和句型都在第一冊的程度上有所廷神,表現(xiàn)為單詞量更大,涉及句型、句式更多、更復(fù)雜。本冊教材和練習(xí)冊中設(shè)有一些開放性的內(nèi)容和練習(xí),希望對學(xué)生發(fā)散性思維的培養(yǎng)和語言能力的提高有所幫助。與其他教材不同,本冊教材不主張詞匯教學(xué),不搞簡單背記單詞,反對枯燥反復(fù)的講練,而突出把培養(yǎng)兒童英語語言能力放在第一位,注重營造輕松愉悅、貼近兒童生活和興趣的語言習(xí)得過程。    本冊設(shè)10個單元,分別以不同的活動性主題作為教學(xué)單元加以呈現(xiàn),同時配有錄音帶、學(xué)生練習(xí)冊和教師家長用書?!熬毩?xí)冊”與教材相配套,配合教學(xué)活動;“教師家長用書”是重要的教學(xué)指導(dǎo)書,有利教師教學(xué)和家長的相應(yīng)配合,提高教學(xué)效果。


UNIT ONE  NEW YEAR AND SPRING FESTIVAL  Lesson One New Year in China  Lesson Two Spring Festival[Ⅰ]  Lesson Three Spring Festival[Ⅱ]  Research and play My first Spring Festival in ChinaUNIT TWO  MONKEY AND HIS FRIENDS  Lesson One A happy monkey  Lesson Two Unremitting snail  Lesson Three The gurad of crops-ladybugs  Lesson Four The laborious Ant  Lesson Five Beautiful butterflies  Research and play Making animal bookmarksUNIT THREE  TREES  Lesson One National Treeplanting Day  Lesson Two Planting trees  Lesson Three Making leaf samples  Research and play What is the use of trees?UNIT FOUR  THE PHONE RINGS  Lesson One A long-distance call  Lesson Two Taking a message  Lesson Three Making a long-distance call  Research and play A role playUNIT FIVE  AIR  Lesson One Looking for air   Lesson Two We need air  Lesson Three Moving air  Lesson Four Atmosphere  Research and play A phone callUNIT SIX  HAPPY MAYDAY  Lesson One Plans for may Day   Lesson Two What have trhey learnt on May Day  Research and play How do they spend the holidayUNIT SEVEN  WATER  Lesson One Water is important to living things  Lesson Two Types of water  Lesson Three Water can be a liquid a solid or a gas  Lesson Four Water cycle  Research and play Let s do an experimentUNIT EIGHT  BEING A GOO GHILD  Lesson One Being brave  Lesson Two Protecting Beneficial Birds  Lesson Three Offering help  Research and play What wil  you do UNIT NINE  FAMOUS PEOPLE S STORIES  Lesson One Lenin-an honest boy  Lesson Two A story about Lei Feng  Lesson Three A lesson for Mencius  Lesson Four A man forgetting his meal  Research and play Telling storiesUNIT TEN  SOCIAL SURVEYS  Lesson One A price survey  Lesson Two A family survey  Lesson Three A job survey  Research and playVOCABULARYSENTENCES AND STRUCTURES



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