
出版時間:2012-4  出版社:南京大學(xué)出版社  作者:方晨  頁數(shù):106  字?jǐn)?shù):148000  




Section l Messages
 Part1 SignsandNotices
 Part2 SportsResults
 Part3 Competition
 Part4 TextMessages
 Part5 Notes
 Part6 Micro-Blogging
 Part7 FilmReview
 Part8 Invitation
Section 2 People
 Part1 MissingPeople
 Part2 InformalLetter:ExchangeVisit
 Part3 Biography
 Part4 ForumsOnline
 Part5 JobAdvertisements
 Part6 JobApplication
 Part7 OverweightTeenagers
 Part8 Friends
Section 3 Places
 Part1 RainForestGallery
 Part2 YouthHostelandHotelInformation
 Part3 BritishColumbia
 Part4 SaltPalaceHotel
 Part5 BestUSHikingCities
 Part6 BerlinTravelBasics
 Part7 ExperiencingScotland
 Part8 OxfordUniversity
Section 4 Things
 Part1 TheWaytoLiftupYourMood
 Part2 IDon'tHaveanE-Mail
 Part3 InformalLetter:DescribingaComputer
 Part4 ANewResearchonYawning
 Part5 X-Sports
 Part6 ChancesExistintheDailyDetails
 Part7 WonderfulInventions
 Part8 EatingAlone
Section 5 cFiction
 Part1 Cartoon
 Part2 Jokes
 Part3 AdventureStory
 Part4 LoveStory
 Part5 Comedy
 Part6 Festivals
 Part7 Fable
 Part8 DetectiveStory
Section 6 Fact
 Part1 Report
 Part2 Headlines
 Part3 Letters
 Part4 NewspaperStory1:Education
 Part5 NewspaperStory2:Science
 Part6 NewspaperStory3:Energy
 Part7 EncyclopediaEntry
 Part8 Ideas


  Part 7 Film Review  Film rewew writing is not an easy job as many would think. You need patience towatch a film with a critical eye, know all the information about it and then write adetailed film review. A good review is not just a summary of a movie, but a criticaldescription that examines why and how a movie works and whether the film succeeds inits presentation.  When writing a film review, always consider who the intended audience is for thefilm and the audience you are writing for. You should remember that your writing isintended to be persuasive. Additionally, it should demonstrate clearly that you not onlyviewed the movie, but also read the novel or play which formed the basis of the movie.  You should focus your review around a larger argument, such as why the film worksor fails to work and what are both the successful and unsuccessful elements. Make surethat you have a major thesis and a set of supporting arguments. A good film review usesscenes and dialogues from the film to support its larger argument. Moreover, a goodreview focuses on whether and how a movie works and whether the reviewer recommendsit. Finally, a good reviewer shows how a movie works both psychologically andintellectually.  Watching a film is a pleasant activity, it is more pleasant than review writing.Writing a review requires attention to the process of creating a well-structured paper. Ifyou want your film review to be well-written, you should follow these simple steps:  1. Watch a film with a critical eye. Write down the description of the mostsignificant parts and details which you will include in your work. Don't forget to writedown the time of a particular moment in the movie.  2. If you are asked to write some specific elements to discuss in the review, payattention to these elements throughout the essay. Otherwise, include the most basicinformation on several elements which you think are the most appropriate for your paper.  3. Always include information on the director, main characters, historical periodused in this film, editing and camera work.  4. Write an outline and a thesis statement for your film review. Be creative andhardworking so that you have chances for a good grade.  5. Start writing the paper from creating a strong argument that supports the ideaspresented in the introduction and thesis statement. Remember to restate your thesis inthe concluding paragraph with a brief summary of main idea of your work.  6. Edit and proofread your final review for errors and paper structure or asksomeone to help you with this part of film review composition.  ……



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