出版時(shí)間:2011-6 出版社:南京大學(xué)出版社 作者:張清 編 頁數(shù):224
Part I Basic Elements of English Writing
Unit One Words
1.1 Meanings of a word
1.1.1 Polysemy of words
1.1.2 Extension of word meaning in different contexts
1.2 Use words correctly
1.2.1 The singular and plural forms of a special group of nouns
1.2.2 Abstract nouns
1.2.3 Collective nouns
1.2.4 Idioms
1.2.5 Synonyms
1.2.6 Transitional words
1.3 Use words precisely
1.3.1 Distinguish among synonyms
1.3.2 Distinguish between general words and specific words
1.3.3 Distinguish the words similar in spelling
1.3.4 Distinguish between formal and informal words
1.3.5 Distinguish the emotional coloring
1.4 Use words tersely
Unit Two Sentence Writing
2.1 Comparison between Chinese and English sentence writing
2.1.1 Synthesis vs analysis
2.1.2 Comparison:subjective awareness vs objective awareness
2.1.3 Comparison:straightforward vs periphrastic
2.2 Principles for writing English sentences
2.2.1 Know the basic sentence patterns of English
2.2.2 Know the extension of English sentences
2.2.3 Know the varieties of English sentences
2.3 Improve qualities of English sentences
2.3.1 Avoid redundant words
2.3.2 Avoid cliche
2.3.3 Construct precisely
2.5.4 Have coherence
2.3.5 Have good rhythm and beautiful pronunciation
2.4 Avoid typical sentence errors
2.4.1 Sentence fragments
2.4.2 Choppy sentences
2.4.3 Stringy sentences
2.4.4 Disturbing inconsistency
2.4.5 Incomplete constructions
Unit Three Punctuations
3.1 General introduction
3.1.1 Understanding punctuation
3.1.2 Functions of punctuation
3.2 Mistakes frequently made on punctuation
3.2.1 Mistakes by misunderstanding
3.2.2 Mistakes on punctuation resulting from grammatical confusion
3.2.3 Other mistakes
3.3 Different kinds of punctuation marks
3.3.1 Comma
3.3.2 Parenthesis
3.3.3 Dash
3.3.4 Colon
3.3.5 Semicolon
3.3.6 The ellipsis mark
Unit Four Paragraph Writing
4.1 General introduction
4.1.1 Definition
4.1.2 Comparison analysis
4.2 Components of a paragraph
4.2.1 A topic sentence
4.2.2 Supportin~ sentences
4.2.3 The concluding sentence
4.3 Paragraph development
4.3.1 Development by listing
4.3.2 Development by examples
4.3.3 Development by definition
4.3.4 Development by comparison and contrast
4.3.5 Development by cause and effect
4.3.6 Development by classification and division
4.3.7 Development by process analysis
4.3.8 Combined pattern of development
4.4 Special paragraphs
4.4.1 Introductory paragraphs
4.4.2 Concluding paragraphs
4.4.3 Transitional paragraphs or emphatic paragraphs
4.4.4 Paragraphs in a conversation
4.5 Build effective paragraphs
4.5.1 Unity
4.5.2 Coherence
4.6 Tips to avoid ineffective paragraph writing
4.6.1 Don't hesitate to show your main point in the first place
4.6.2 Don't try to achieve coherence without using any
transitional means
4.6.3 Don't use the subjective assumption to develop the paragraph
Unit Five Figures of Speech
5.1 General introduction
5.1.1 The definition of figures of speech
5.1.2 The value of figures of speech
5.1.3 The categories of figures of speech
5.2 Lexical stylistic devices
5.2.1 Analogy
5.2.2 Simile
5.2.3 Metaphor
5.2.4 Personification
5.2.5 Euphemism
5.2.6 Pun
5.2.7 Irony
5.2.8 Hyperbole
5.2.9 Oxymoron
5.3 Syntactical stylistic deviees
5.3.1 Parallelism
5.3.2 Climax
5.3.3 Enumeration
5.3.4 Antithesis
5.4 Phonetic stylistic devices
5.4.1 Alliteration
5.4.2 Assonance
5.4.3 Consonance
Part II Essay Writing
Unit Six Narrative Writing
6.1 General introduction
6.1.1 Definition
6.1.2 Modes of narration
6.1.3 Characteristics of narration
6.1.4 The basic pattern of narrative writing
6.2 Constructing Process
6.2.1 Abstract a theme
6.2.2 Express the theme
6.2.3 List an outline
6.2.4 Select meaningful incidents and appropriate details
6.2.5 Select appropriate relating structure and order
6.2.6 Select a suitable perspective
Unit Seven Descriptive Essay Writing
7.1 Genera] introduction
7.1.1 Definition
7.1.2 Modes of descriptive writing
7.1.3 Structure of descriptive writing
7.2 Constructing principles of descriptive essay
7.2.1 Genera] introduction
7.2.2 Principles of descriptive essay
7.2.3 Build words and expressions
7.3 Graph description
7.3.1 Main types of graph writing
7.3.2 Trend description
Unit Eight Expository Essay Writing
8.1 General introduction
8.2 Types of expository writing
8.2.1 Process writing
8.2.2 Comparison and contrast writing
8.2.3 Cause and effect writing
8.2.4 Definition writing
8.2.5 Illustration writing
8.2.6 Division and classification writing
8.3 Language features in exposition writing
Unit Nine Argumentative Essay Writing
9.1 General introduction
9.1.1 Basic elements of an argumentation
9.1.2 Basic structure of an argumentative essay
9.2 Types of argumentation
9.2.1 Fact-clarifying essay
9.2.2 Position-taking essay
9.2.3 Cause-analyzing essay
9.2.4 Solution-proposing essay
9.2.5 Film or book review
9.3 Comparison between Chinese and English argumentative essay and
the negative transfers
9.3.1 Indirectness vs directness
9.3.2 Subjectivity vs objectivity
9.3.3 Parataxis vs hypotaxis
9.4 Useful expressions and sentence patterns
Suppose you go into a market wanting an apple. You take up one and on biting it, you find it is sour; you look at it, and see that it is hard and green. You take up another one, and that too is hard, green and sour. The shop clerk offers you a third; but, before biting it, you examine it, and find that it is hard and green, and you immediately say that you will not have it, as it must be sour, like those that you have already tried. Nothing can be simpler than that, you think;but if you will take the trouble to analyze and trace out into its logical elements what has been done by the mind, you will be greatly surprised. In the first place you have performed the operation of induction. You found that, in two experiences, hardness and greenness in apples went together with sourness. It was so in the first case, and it was confirmed by the second. Truly, it is a very small basis, but still it is enough to make an induction from ;you generalize the facts, and you expect to find sourness in apples where you get hardness and greenness. You found upon that a general law that all hard and green apples are sour; and that, so far as it goes, is a perfect induction. Well, having got your natural law in this way, when you are offered another apple which you find is hard and green, you say," All hard and green apples are sour; this apple is hard and green, therefore this apple is sour. "That train of reasoning is what logicians call a syllogism, and has all its various parts and terms——its major premise, its minor premise and its conclusion. And, with the help of further reasoning, which, if drawn out, would have to be exhibited in two or three other syllogisms, you arrive at your final determination, "I will not have that apple. "So that, you see, you have, in the first place, established a law by induction, and upon that you have founded a deduction, and reasoned out the special particular case. Ell. ……