出版時間:2010-6 出版社:南京大學出版社 作者:金民 編 頁數(shù):282
《高中英語快速閱讀與詞匯結構》將閱讀、詞匯、語法等方面能力的提高融為一體,分高一、高二、高三三冊。每分冊由20個單元組成。每個單元含:閱讀理解、重點詞匯、重點短語、語法練習(高三分冊為高考單項選擇模擬題)、詞匯與短語專項練習5個板塊。 一、閱讀理解 每個單元設置了3篇閱讀文,所配理解題形式多樣,以求用不同的考查形式檢測同學們的理解能力。閱讀文內(nèi)容新穎、貼近同學們的生活、難易得當。 二、重點詞匯 每個單元“重點詞匯”中的單詞均選自該單元的閱讀文,且為高考英語考試大綱中的重點詞匯。與一般詞匯用法講解不同,該書對所講單詞的詞義先列出英漢雙解,而后用漢譯英的練習形式替代傳統(tǒng)的例句。讓同學們在翻譯的過程中學習該單詞的用法,使每個單詞的詞義、用法深深地印在腦海里。 我們對單詞的釋義不力求面面俱到,而是緊扣高考的要求,并在使用過程中易出錯的單詞后加以提示。 為了擴大同學們的詞匯量,我們對平時使用頻率比較高的單詞加以同根詞的拓展,供同學們記憶。 三、重點短語 每個單元重點短語選自該單元閱讀文,記住這些短語對今后閱讀理解能力及書面表達能力的提高均有益處。 四、語法練習 高一、高二分冊的語法練習與各年級教學同步。認真完成這些練習可以鞏固和消化課內(nèi)所學的語法知識,并提前體驗做高考題的感覺。 為提高高三學生運用語言知識點的綜合能力,并適應高考要求,高三分冊不再設置單一的語法練習,而是用“高考單項選擇模擬題”的形式取代。 五、詞匯與短語專項練習 該部分練習形式多樣,以幫助同學們鞏固、提高本單元“重點詞匯”和“重點短語”兩部分中所出現(xiàn)的詞匯、短語的運用能力。
Unit 1 My Admired Teacher and My Dream SchoolUnit 2 How to Be a Popular StudentUnit 3 How to Keep Fit,Unit 4 Different Ways of LifeUnit 5 Persons in History and TodayUnit 6 Some Mysterious StoriesUnit 7 An Unlucky Journey and Happy SightseeingUnit 8 Famous People and Their SuccessUnit 9 Studying and Working More EffectivelyUnit 10 Basketball InventorUnit 11 The Senses of BodiesUnit 12 About LanguagesUnit 13 Cities in HistoryUnit 14 Social Communication Unit 15 Braille InventorUnit 16 Advertisements Around Us Unit 17 Sports and GamesUnit 18 Explorations in Outer SpaceUnit 19 Being a Smart AdvertiserUnit 20 The Great Man Deng Xiaoping 參考答案
Bed time rituals are not just for kids. Bed time rituals condition your mind as wellas your body to go to sleep. They are even good for people who do not have a problem ofsleeplessness and fall asleep soon. Bed time rituals are a series of behaviors thatget your body relaxed and ready for bed, and make sure that you have a long and com-fortable nights sleep.Create a Comfortable Sleeping Environment If you are not into a habit of falling asleep anywhere, i, e. , not on your own properbed, it affects good sleep very much. Dont fall asleep on sofas or lie whilewatching TVand never leave the TV on for all the night in your bedroom. Make sure your bed is acomfortable one while sleeping. Away from strong lights and loud noises, in the com-fort of a properly-made bed, you will sleep much peacefully than you ever did.Stop Worrying Women may worry a lot which affects their sleep. Your lack of sleep might resultfrom the fact that you do not stop worrying about personal and household affairs even inbed. While it is impossible to stop worrying at all, try to get into a habit of "lettingthings be" till the next morning and relax yourself before you go to sleep. Try not tothink about the problems that you know will disturb you for many hours. Tell yourselfthat you spend all the day taking care of all your problems and that your sleeping time isyours alone.
英語學習 有“量”才有“力” 擴大閱讀量,擴展詞匯量 整體提高語篇閱讀能力與詞匯、語法運用能力。