出版時間:2009-2 出版社:南京大學 作者:梁起//劉琴 頁數(shù):177 字數(shù):147000
《國家英語課程標準》強調(diào),“在英語教學中應適當擴大聽和讀的輸入量,通過大量的語言實踐活動,切實提高學生綜合運用英語的能力。”為此我們組織一線優(yōu)秀教師和教研員,依據(jù)最新《國家英語課程標準》對小學英語教學的分級要求,結合現(xiàn)行對應教材中課文的難易程度,編寫了這套“小學英語階梯閱讀訓練”叢書。 全書緊扣新課標對小學生課外讀寫的量化要求,精選具有代表性的百余篇閱讀材料,內(nèi)容生動活潑,題材廣泛豐富,語言規(guī)范標準,難易程度遞進,讀起來朗朗上口。內(nèi)容比較符合小學生的特點,不僅可激發(fā)興趣,培養(yǎng)語感,還可以強化英語基礎知識,讓每一位初學英語的小朋友輕松愉快地步入英語大門。 精選短文涉及學校生活、健身運動、科學常識、動物植物、地理知識、風俗故事,篇篇生動有趣,富有感染力。文后設置了豐富的練習題,有問答、選擇、判斷、填空等多種題型,引導學生全面理解短文的意思,并快速提高閱讀水平。對閱讀過程中出現(xiàn)的較難生詞和詞組列舉出來,給出釋義,幫助學生記憶,擴大單詞量。
1. At breakfiast2. My friend and I3. In the evening4. What am I?5. Why are you so sad?6. What's the matter with you?7. Who is he?8. Writing a letter9. The cat's family10. On weekends11. No more babies12. TalkiNg about weekends13. A letter14. A nice house15. Magic words16. Buying a chair17. The dog's dirty feet18. What do they eat?19. Tommy and his dog20. Two pence less21. Joan and her family22. The longest word in English23. The tiger and the monkey24. lordan Bar……
Today is the first day of the week. Tomorrow is Mon-day. Liu Tao and his friends are at the Sports Club. Theyretalking about their weekends. Liu Tao is from Beijing. Hespeaks Chinese and English. He often plays football at theweekends. Sometimes he goes shopping with his parents. Da-vid is from the USA. But he lives in China with his parentsnow. He speaks English and French. He often looks forsomething on the Internet at the weekends. Sometimes hehelps his mother do some cleaning and washing at home.Keven is British. But now, he studies at Liu Taos class. Hespeaks English, Chinese and Japanese. He often watches car-toons at the weekends. Sometimes he goes climbing or playsfootball. He likes sport. They all like catching insects in thepark.