
出版時間:2010-7  出版社:孫兆陽 中央廣播電視大學出版社 (2010-07出版)  作者:孫兆陽  頁數(shù):266  


  經(jīng)濟體制改革和國企改革已經(jīng)顯著地改變了中國的經(jīng)濟、社會、政治環(huán)境,人們的工作生活環(huán)境也和舊時的計劃經(jīng)濟體制下不同。外資和民間資本的注入、國企的再構和重組以及股份制企業(yè)的增加, 改變了國企作為唯一最好的工作單位的情況。鐵飯碗、鐵工資也被打破,工人在有了更多選擇的同時,不得不到逐漸形成的勞動力市場上尋找工作。作為最早擁有外資的行業(yè),飯店業(yè)在中國國內(nèi)和國際旅游業(yè)激增的情況下,也得到了極大發(fā)展,收入、利潤、飯店數(shù)、房間量都有顯著增加。國企飯店的員?也被卷入到改革的大潮中。隨著國外管理經(jīng)驗進入中國, 國企飯店在轉(zhuǎn)變其管理職能的同時也改變了管理者和工人之間的關系。在這種環(huán)境下, 國企飯店的雇傭關系在多大程度上和國際飯店相似了呢?本書試圖通過建立雇傭關系理論框架、總結國際飯店管理特征和國企飯店管理的轉(zhuǎn)型回答這個問題。特別要注意的是,勞動過程理論和感情勞動理論為分析提供了理論基礎,觀察和分析的結果也證明了類似的管理控制過程正在國企飯店和國際飯店中形成。


孫兆陽,博士,畢業(yè)于英國華威大學(Warwick University)社會學系,論文的研究方向是中國酒店勞動關系?,F(xiàn)在中國人民大學勞動人事學院勞動關系系做博士后。本科在北京工商大學學習國際企業(yè)管理,畢業(yè)后留學英國七年,先后進行了人力資源管理、組織研究和比較勞動研究的碩士學習。在這個過程中他認識到。隨著改革的進行,勞動問題凸顯并已成為影響社會和諧的主要因素之一,于是轉(zhuǎn)入到勞動關系的學習中。博士業(yè)后,又加入中國人民大學勞動人事學院,與我國著名勞動法和勞動關系專家常凱教授合作,開始博士后的研究工作。


List of ZablesList of FiguresList of PicturesAbbreviationAbstractAcknowledgementIntroductionChapter One:Framework of Employment Relations and Managem,entControl Through the Labour ProcessUnderstanding Employment RelationsrAc Concept ofEmployment RelationsPhilosophy ofResearchAspects of Employment RelationsCompensationEquality and DiscriminationGrievance,Dispute and BargainingDiscip line and DismissalInvolvement and ParticipationLabour Process Theory and Emotional LabourBraverman and Labour Process PrinciplesBurawoy and Poststructuralist ViewsEmotional LabourChapter Two:Hotel Management and Employment Relations!n theHotel IndustryCharacteristics of Hotel HRMEmployment FlexibilityImproving Service Quality through StandardizationEmployment Relations in the Hotel IndustryReward and BenefitsWorking ConditionsGrievances and DisputesDiscipline and DismissalInvolvement and ParticipationDiscrimination and DiversityTrade UnionsChapter Three: Transformation of SOE Management and the Hotel Industry in ChinaTraditions of SOE ManagementFormal Management and EqualityPolitical InvolvementReforming SOE ManagementSeparation of Ownership and Management PowerThe Performance-Related IncentiveLabour Contract System and Breaking the 'Iron-Rice Bowl'Labour Law SystemThe Changing Roles of ACFTUThe Hotel Industry in ChinaDevelopment of the Chinese Hotel lndustryHotel Management in ChinaChapter Four: Research Methodology Selection and Application of Research MethodsParticipant ObservationSemi-Structured InterviewCase Study……


版權頁:插圖:Pay and benefits are probably the most important part that the majority of employeeswant most from the employment relationship. The term pay restrictively covers only directmonetary payments of the basic wage or salary plus any variable additional earnings and, ina broader sense, covers the total remuneration package of pension and sickness provisions,welfare, social facilities and fringe benefits (Salamon, 1998). Those earnings includeallowances, overtime and variable elements, such as bonus and performance-related pay,and benefits that have a financial value and are perceived by employees linking with theirpay (Evans, 2003). The monetary payment is the main reward that the employer supplies inexchange for the labour from workers, though the reward can also involve social and politicalforms.Compensation can be used as a mechanism to fulfil the objectives of the employer andemployee and it is their compromise of the conflict of expectations for different objectivesand interests. Torrington and Hall (1998) have summarised mixes of their different objectivesunderpinning the employment contract for payment. Some of those can be directly achievedthrough the result of pay, such as purchasing power for workers and supply of labour formanagement. Both parties have unwritten expectations, in addition to the formal sentencesin a contract, as Evans (2003) says, there is the tangled web of mutual expectations withmany tensions. Pay is the achieved part of those expectations and visible manifestation of thepsychological contract. The employment contract represents the legal function of pay thatthe employee supplies personal labour to the employer in return for payment and the leveland nature of payment is the outcome of free and voluntary negotiation between both sidesin a legal sense (Evans, 2003). It seems employers and employees have equal positions in thepay negotiation, but the different ownerships of property and needs for exchange lead to thedominance of management power. Management has achieved a high degree of control overthe content of the employment contract, which becomes highly standardized and formalizedfor most employees (Brown et al, 2000).





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