出版時間:2012-10 出版社:安徒生 (Andersen H.C.)、王勛、紀飛、 等 清華大學出版社 (2012-10出版) 作者:(丹麥)安徒生 著 王勛, 頁數(shù):320
作者:(丹麥)安徒生(Andersen H.C.) 譯者:王勛 紀飛
1.拇指姑娘/Thumbelina 2.頑皮的孩子/The Naughty Boy 3.飛箱/The Flying Trunk 4.荷馬墓上的一朵玫瑰/A Rose From the Grave of Homer 5.大克勞斯與小克勞斯/Great Claus and Little Claus 6.鐘聲/The Bell 7.祖母/Grandmother 8.城堡上的一幅畫/A Picture From the Fortress wall 9.小杜克/Little Tuk 10.影子/The Shadow 11.老房子/The Old House 12.一滴水/The Drop of Water 13.幸福的家庭/The Happy Family 14.母親的故事/The Story ofa Mother 15.亞麻/The Flax 16.好心境/Good Humour 17.小鬼和小商人/The Goblin and the Huckster 18.笨漢漢斯/Jack the Dullard 19.鐘淵/The Bell—Deep 20.幸運的貝兒/Lucky Peer
版權頁: 插圖: I wonder why Grandmother looks at the withered flower in theold book in that way? Do you know? Why, each time thatGrandmother's tears fall upon the rose, its colours become fleshagain; the rose swells and fills the whole room with its fragrance;the walls sink as if they were but mist, and all around her is theglorious green wood, where the sunlight streams through the leavesof the trees; and Grandmother-why, she is young again, acharming maid with yellow curls and full blooming cheeks, prettyand graceful, flesh as any rose; but the eyes, the mild blessed eyes,they have been left to Grandmother. At her side sits a young man,tall and strong: he gives the rose to her, and she smiles;Grandmother cannot smile thus now!-yes, now she smiles! Butnow he has passed away, and many thoughts and many forms of thepast; and the handsome young man is gone, and the rose lies in thehymn-book, and Grandmother sits there again, an old woman, andglances down at the withered rose that lies in the book. Now Grandmother is dead. She had been sitting in herarm-chair, and telling a long, long lovely tale; and she said the talewas told now, and she was tired; and she leaned her head back tosleep awhile. One could hear her breathing as she slept; but itbecame quieter and more quiet, and her countenance was full ofhappiness and peace:it seemed as if a sunshine spread over herfeatures; and then the people said she was dead. She was laid in the black coffin; and there she lay shrouded inthe white linen folds, looking beautiful and mild, though her eyeswere closed; but every wrinkle had vanished, and there was a smilearound her mouth; her hair was silver-white and venerable; and wedid not feel at all afraid to look on her who had been the dear goodGrandmother. And the hymn-book was placed under her head, forshe had wished it so, and the rose was still in the old book; and thenthey buried Grandmother.