
出版時間:2012-8  出版社:布隆代爾(Stephen J. Blundell)、 布隆代爾(Katherine M. Blundell) 清華大學出版社 (2012-08出版)  作者:Stephen J.Blundell, Katherine  頁數(shù):493  


  《國際著名物理圖書·影印版系列:熱物理概念·熱力學與統(tǒng)計物理學(第2版)》詳細介紹了作為熱力學和統(tǒng)計物理學基礎(chǔ)的一些主要原理以及它們的應用。書中以非常清晰的方式介紹和討論了熱力學和統(tǒng)計物理學中一些核心的概念,通過非常豐富的實例來說明新的概念、方法和原理,對于相關(guān)的歷史背景和發(fā)現(xiàn)過程也作了比較具體的描述。該書關(guān)于概念、原理和方法的應用涉及天體物理,大氣物理,信息和通信理論,凝聚態(tài)物理等眾多學科,體現(xiàn)了基本理論和方法的廣泛適用性。此外,每章末包含了小結(jié),可以深入學習的文獻簡介以及許多的習題,有助于加深對概念、原理和方法的理解?!  秶H著名物理圖書·影印版系列:熱物理概念·熱力學與統(tǒng)計物理學(第2版)》可作為綜合大學或師范院校物理學以及相關(guān)專業(yè)的熱力學統(tǒng)計物理課程的教材。


作者:(英國)布隆代爾(Stephen J.Blundell) (英國)布隆代爾(Katherine M.Blundell)


前言 第2版前言 Ⅰ準備知識  1引言 1.1摩爾是什么? 1.2熱力學極限 1.3理想氣體 1.4組合問題 1.5本書的計劃 練習 2熱量 2.1熱量的定義 2.2熱容量 練習 3概率 3.1離散概率分布 3.2連續(xù)概率分布 3.3線性變換 3.4方差 3.5線性變換和方差 3.6獨立變量 3.7二項分布 進一步讀物 練習 4溫度和Boltzmann因子 4.1熱平衡 4.2溫度計 4.3微觀態(tài)和宏觀態(tài) 4.4溫度的統(tǒng)計定義 4.5系綜 4.6正則系綜 4.7 Boltzmann分布的應用 進一步讀物 練習 Ⅱ氣體動理學理論 5 Maxwell—Boltzmann分布 5.1速度分布 5.2速率分布 5.3實驗驗證 練習 6壓強 6.1分子分布 6.2理想氣體定律 6.3 Dolton定律 練習 7分子瀉流 7.1流密度 7.2瀉流 練習 8平均自由程和碰撞 8.1平均碰撞時間 8.2碰撞截面 8.3平均自由程 Ⅲ輸運和熱擴散 9氣體的輸運性質(zhì) 9.1黏性 9.2熱導率 9.3擴散 9.4更細致的理論 進一步讀物 練習 10熱擴散方程 10.1熱擴散方程的導出 10.2一維熱擴散方程 10.3穩(wěn)態(tài) 10.4球的熱擴散方程 10.5 Newton冷卻定律 10.6 Prandtl數(shù) 10.7熱源 10.8粒子擴散 練習 Ⅳ第一定律 11能量 11.1一些定義 11.2熱力學第一定律 11.3熱容量 練習 12等溫過程和絕熱過程 12.1可逆性 12.2理想氣體的等溫膨脹 12.3理想氣體的絕熱膨脹 12.4絕熱大氣 練習 Ⅴ第二定律 13熱機和第二定律 13.1熱力學第二定律 13.2 Carnot熱機 13.3 Carnot定理 13.4 Clausius表述與Kelvin表述的等價性 13.5熱機實例 13.6逆向運行的熱機 13.7 Clausius定理 進一步讀物 練習 14熵 14.1熵的定義 14.2不可逆變化 14.3再論第一定律 14.4 Joule膨脹 14.5熵的統(tǒng)計基礎(chǔ) 14.6混合的熵 14.7 Maxwell妖 14.8熵和概率 練習 15信息論 15.1信息和Shannon熵 15.2信息和熱力學 15.3數(shù)據(jù)壓縮 15.4量子信息 15.5條件概率和聯(lián)合概率 15.6 Bayes定理 進一步讀物 練習 Ⅵ熱力學應用 16熱力學勢 16.1內(nèi)能U 16.2焓H 16.3 Helmholtz函數(shù)F 16.4 Gibbs函數(shù)G 16.5約束 16.6 Maxwell關(guān)系 練習 17桿,氣泡和磁體 17.1彈性桿 17.2表面張力 17.3電偶極子和磁偶極子 17.4順磁性 練習 18第三定律 18.1第三定律的不同表述 18.2第三定律的一些結(jié)果 練習 Ⅶ統(tǒng)計力學 19能量均分 19.1能量均分定理 19.2應用 19.3所作假設(shè) 19.4 Brown運動 練習 …… Ⅷ超越理想氣體 Ⅸ 特殊專題 A基本常數(shù) B有用的公式 C有用的數(shù)學 D電磁譜 E一些熱力學定義 F熱力學展開公式 G約化質(zhì)量 H主要符號總表 參考文獻 索引


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:   1.2 The thermodynamic limit In this section, we will explain how the large numbers of molecules ina typical thermodynamic system mean that it is possible to deal withaverage quantities. Our explanation proceeds using an analogy: imaginethat you are sitting inside a tiny hut with a fiat roof. It is rainingoutside, and you can hear the occasional raindrop striking the roof. Theraindrops arrive randomly, so sometimes two arrive close together, butsometimes there is quite a long gap between raindrops. Each raindroptransfers its momentum to the roof and exerts an impulse2 on it. If youknew the mass and terminal velocity of a raindrop, you could estimatethe force on the roof of the hut. The force as a function of time wouldlook like that shown in Fig. 1.1(a), each little blip corresponding to theimpulse from one raindrop. Now imagine that you are sitting inside a much bigger hut with a fiatroof a thousand times the area of the first roof. Many more raindropswill now be falling on the larger roof area and the force as a function oftime would look like that shown in Fig. 1.1(b). Now scale up the areaof the fiat roof by a further factor of one hundred and the force wouldlook like that shown in Fig. 1.1. Notice two key things about thesegraphs: (1) The force, on average, gets bigger as the area of the roof getsbigger. This is not surprising because a bigger roof catches moreraindrops. (2) The fluctuations in the force get smoothed out and the force lookslike it stays much closer to its average value. In fact, the fluctuations are still big but, as the area of the roof increases, they growmore slowly than the average force does. The force grows with area, so it is useful to consider the pressure, whichis defined as The average pressure due to the falling raindrops will not change as thearea of the roof increases, but the fluctuations in the pressure will decrease. In fact, we can completely ignore the fluctuations in the pressurein the limit that the area of the roof grows to infinity. This is preciselyanalogous to the limit we refer to as the thermodynamic limit. Consider now the molecules of a gas which are bouncing around in acontainer. Each time the molecules bounce off the walls of the container,they exert an impulse on the walls. The net effect of all these impulses isa pressure, a force per unit area, exerted on the walls of the container. Ifthe container were very small, we would have to worry about fluctuationsin the pressure (the random arrival of individual molecules on the wall,much like the raindrops in Fig. 1.1(a)). However, in most cases that onemeets, the number of molecules in a container of gas is extremely large,so these fluctuations can be ignored and the pressure of the gas appearsto be completely uniform. Again, our description of the pressure of thissystem can be said to be "in the thermodynamic limit", where we havelet the number of molecules be regarded as tending to infinity in such away that the density of the gas is a constant.






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用戶評論 (總計9條)


  •   相比國內(nèi)熱學與統(tǒng)計物理教材,更加注重概念和基礎(chǔ),注重知識的應用,與當今前沿貼合較為緊密。
  •   教材淺顯易懂,并且在開頭對概率論做了一些簡單描述?;緵]啥基礎(chǔ)的也能看。
  •   書很不錯,內(nèi)容通俗易懂,有很廣的知識拓展
  •   通俗易懂,講解透徹,非常好的入門教材
  •   學校作為教材的;起點低;層次高
  •   啊呀,英文版啊,完全看得懂,買前沒搞清楚!
  •   今年剛開始用這本教材,老外寫的熱統(tǒng)和國內(nèi)的某些教材就是不一樣,門檻兒低但是內(nèi)容卻不低,語言通俗易懂,課后習題很開放,章節(jié)內(nèi)容上的排序可見其獨有匠心,不論是做教材還是自學都值得推薦一下
  •   鞠國興老師首次引入國內(nèi)課堂教學的教材,正在用,很棒
  •   這是牛津大學物理系統(tǒng)計物理課程的教材,出版后得到廣泛好評.概念清晰,實例豐富,應用廣泛,值得選為教材或作自學之用.

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