
出版時間:2012-10  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:王貴祥  頁數(shù):286  字?jǐn)?shù):410000  






chapter i approacliing temple of heavcn
[1] heavenly shrines
[2] circular mound altar in the ming dynasty and hall of grand
[3] the building complex of temple of heaven in the qing
chapter ii heaven worship and southern suburhan sacrificial
ceremonies in ancient china
[1] heaven worship and rituals of the suburban sacrificial
ceremonies in ancient china
[2] altars for suburban sacrifice in the central capital of jin
dynasty and those in beijing during ming and qing
chapter iii tile origin of thc hall of prayer for good
[1] from the hall of grand sacrifice to the hall of grand
[2] from the traditional mingtang to the hall of grand worship in
the temple of heaven during the ming and qing dynasties
[3] from sacrifice to houji to the altar of praying for bumper
harvests and the hall of prayer for good harvests
chapter iv thc circular mouund and the temple of heaven
[1] the ancient circular mound and the origin of the name of the
temple of heaven
[2] a circumference of nine ii thirty bu
chapter v the construction of the hall of prayer for good
[1] the base of the hall of prayer for good harvests and the altar
of praying for bumper harvests
i. the base of the hall
ii. altar of praying for bumper harvests
1. altar of praying for bumper harvests
2. the railings
3. the steps
4. the column base
[2] the carpentry-work beam
i. the columns and the architraves
1. columns
2. columns in special positions
3. the architraves on top of the columns
4. ties in special positions
ii. the beam framework
1. the beams
2. the purlins and ties above the beams
iii. leigong posts, queen posts and youqiang
[3] the bracket sets
1. the classification of bracket sets
2. the bracket sets at the lower eaves
3. the bracket sets at the middle eaves
4. the bracket sets at the upper eaves
5. the distinction among the brackets at the upper, middle and
lower eaves of different grades
[4] the roofing
1. the rafters and the roofing board
2. the mortar bed, the tiles and the tile ornaments
3. the rooftop
[5] joinery decoration
1. the decoration of the doors and windows
2. the ceilings and the caisson
[6] colored painting
1. colored painting at the exterior eaves
2. colored painting at the interior eaves
[7] other components
1. the wall under the window
2. the "sacred altar" inside the hall
chapter vi the circular mound altar and its auxiliary
[1] evolution in shape of the imperial vault of heaven
[2] the echo wall
[3] the circular mound altar
chapter vii auxiliary buildings of the temple of heaven
[1] hall of imperial zenith
[2] divine kitchen, divine depot and animal-sacrifice
[3] hall of abstinence
[4] office of divine music
chapter viii art and symbolism of architecture in the temple
[1] spatial art of architecture in the temple of heaven
[2] symbolic meanings of the temple of heaven
annex: major events concerning sacrifice at the temple of heaven by
the ming and qing emperors, and its changes
list of illustrations


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:    Perceptibly,in ancient Chineseminds,the sons of Heaven who reigned thecountry had the infinite and far-reachingpower.Whereas,their power were enduedby the Heaven.To ensure that they canmaintain the power,one of their importantresponsibilities is to worship and offertheir sacrifices to the sovereign Heaven inan attempt to God's mercy and blessing.Furthermore,China is an agriculturalcountry whose disaster or fortune,bumperor poor harvest,completely rests withthe Heaven's will.Emperors in the pastdynasties had to worship the Heaven withreverence and awe,and lived under selfcommunion and self-accusation hoping forall propitious elements and a prosperousand peaceful country. That is one of the main reasons whyemperors think a lot of on the Heavenworship and sacrifice-offering. Here,we need to shift the courseand bring another subject on the carpet.We may ask,since the Heaven has thesupreme power,why,during the earlyMing Dynasty,did the founding emperor,Zhu Yuanzhang,order to construct theTemple of Heaven and the Temple ofEarth together,hold ceremonies ofworshiping the Heaven as well as theEarth,and build Hall of Grand Sacrificefor this purpose? Does the Earth possessthe same power? Actually,it is necessary to inductanother important ancient Chinese idea.Inancient Chinese peoples' minds,althoughthe Heaven may have the similar po.wer asthe supreme god in Western Christianity orAllah in Islamism having absolute powerover the world life,there is differencebetween them.The Chinese always held onedichotomy method of thinking,namely anything has its opposition existence at the sametime,in harmonious coexistence,thus tomanifest the world's substance.For instance,yin and yang,qian and kun,brightness anddarkness,gain and loss,and so on.Heavenand Earth,whether in natural or supernaturalconsciousness,have also been integrated intothis category. We can comprehend this easily byancient words: Nothing better than following Heaven.There is the alternation of day and night,spring and winter,rain-dew and frostsnow.By heart,to open therefore to close,to consume therefore to rest,to be killedtherefore to live.The Earth never goes withoutthe Heaven concerned; the Heaven can neverbear from nothing without the Earth.


  There are causes and effects behind the trends of all ages, which seem to contain unavoidable factors. Fortunately, in our times, an awareness of national culture has grown in China as well. And it is in the modern spirit of pursuing scholarly studies to collect material objects and do research about the past Efforts should be made today to seek new development in the bloodstream of tradition.  As Chinese buildings represent a kind of engineering technology that lasted for over two thousand years, they form an independent art system. The Chinese culture finds its expression in many buildings, which constitute a large portion of the Chinese art legacy. We must respect the brilliant ancient Chinese culture, we cannot afford to neglect researching the history of these Chinese buildings if we are determined to rejuvenate our nation and carefully sort out and protect the cultural relics of our past generations.  If we attempt to awaken society by providing objective academic research, we can contribute to protecting cultural relics and can gradually reduce the damage to them. Even if such a work is a force against the trend of times, there must be no delay, as it is similar to rescuing valuable articles and precious paintings from a raging fire. It is a sacred duty to cherish and protect these valuable Chinese cultural relics.  ——Liang Sicheng


There are causes and effects behind the trends of all ages,which seem to contain unavoidable factors.Fortunately,in our times,an awareness of national culture has grown in China as well.And it is in the modern spirit of pursuing scholarly studies to collect material objects and do research about the past Efforts should be made today to seek new development in the bloodstream of tradition.As Chinese buildings represent a kind of engineering technology that lasted for over two thousand years,they form an independent art system.The Chinese culture finds its expression in many buildings,hich constitute a large portion of the Chinese art legacy.We must respect the brilliant ancient Chinese culture,we cannot afford to neglect researching the history of these Chinese buildings if we are determined to rejuvenate our nation and carefully sort out and protect the cultural relics of our past generations.If we attempt to awaken society by providing objective academic research,we can contribute to protecting cultural relics and can gradually reduce the damage to them.Even if such a work is a force against the trend of times,there must be no delay,as it is similar to rescuing valuable articles and precious paintings from a raging fire.It is a sacred duty to cherish and protect these valuable Chinese cultural relics. ——Liang Sicheng



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