
出版時(shí)間:2012-10  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:劉暢  頁數(shù):375  字?jǐn)?shù):590000  






part i illustrating the layout of the forbidden city
chapter i before the forbidden city
[1] the takeover
[2] book of experiences
[3] direct models of the forbidden city in beijing
[4] zhu di's plan
chapter ii the ideal city /38
[1] atheory /40
[2] a set of grids
[3] calculation and collation
chapter iii the vicissitudes of the ideal city
[1] the young emperor's task
[2] the old man's foresight
part ii illustrating construction
chapter iv my quatrevingt-treize
[1] structures according to mr. zhao
[2] construction according to another mr. zhao
chapter v the hall of supreme harmony, a double-caveprincipal
hall / i14
[1] two groups of troublesome data
[2] acoincidental square?
[3] why 7.459 zhang?
[4] liang jiu's mistake?
chapter vi the hall of exuberance flower, a single-eave
[1] 1/4zhang /140
[2] 1/4 chi
[3] 1/4cun
chapter vii the pavilion of embodying benevolence and the
pavilionof spreading righteousness, two han-style
[1] zhangxisheng
[2] zhang xisheng's design of pavilion of embodying
[3] zhang xisheng didn't know much about pavilion of spreading
chapter viii pavilion of the rain of flowers, a
[1] on the tibetan style
[2] the structure and decoration of the pavilion of the rain of
chapter ix the corner tower
[1] design starts from the plan: comer cross
[2] the expression of the pediment of the comer tower
part iii illustrating interior design
chapter x from the old }louse of nurgaci to the palace f earthly
[1] 1587 /224
[2] 1627 /228
[3] 1656 /230
chapter xi the hall of mental cultivation
[1] the imperial kitchen, the bed chamber, the classroom and the
household workshop
[2] a place for industrious reign
[3] the owner has the say
[4] regency and emperorhood
chapter xii from banmu yuan to juanqin zhai
[1] banmu yuan, the half-acre garden
[2] studio of esteemed excellence
[3] juanqin zhai, the studio of exhaustion of diligent
chapter xiii studio of cleansing fragrance
[1] "the present cannot be compared with the past"
[2] those enclosed small chambers
[3] unveiling the interior theatre
chapter xiv pavilion of met expectations
[1] ambiguity of the "bright hall"
[2] lizhiying
[3] handicraft in south china
chapter xv palace for nurturing joy
[1] its present conditions
[2] the labyrinth was not built in a day
[3] not a labyrinth at first
chapter xvi palace of peaceful longevity
[1] the forty happy years of the qianlong's mother
[2] the renovation long awaited by emperor jiaqing
[3] the owner reluctant to move into the palace
chapter xvii from palace of eternal spring to thepalace of
accumulated purit3
[1] the heritage of emperor xianfeng
[2] the balance between the eastem palace and the western
[3] the lost theatre
list of illustrations


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:    According to the chapter oncraftsmanship in The Rites of Zhou, "Inan architect's design of a capital, the sidelength of the plan is nine li. There arethree gates, nine north-south streets andnine east-west streets. The ruler's ancestraltemple is on the left and the altar of landand grain is on the right; in the front isthe place for holding court, and behindthem is the marketplace, both being onefu [100 paces, about 140 meters] square."The measurements of the capital and thelayout of the streets do not have muchto do with the imperial palace, while thetemple and the altar are simply parts of thecapital. It was not until Zhu Yuanzhang'sconstruction of Fengyang that they wereset close to the Meridian Gate. What are "the three courts and fivegates"? We are at much more liberty todiscuss this than the nlinisters who did itbefore Zhu Yuanzhang, and we rely ondifferent data. Let's take a look at the recordin The Yongle Encyclopedia compiled in thereign of Emperor Yongle. The encyclopediawas designed to be a complete collection ofthe classics and books on history, literature,philosophy, astronomy, geography, yinyang theory, medicine, divination,Buddhism, Taoism and crafts. The entriesare indexed with a phonic system designedin tlle reign of Emperor Hongwu. Theencyclopedia consisted of a main part anda supplementary part. The former was lost,and the latter were re-copied in the reignof Emperor Jiajing. More and more of thebook was lost due to poor preservation afterthe reign of Emperor Qianlong in the QingDynasty, until most of what was left wasburned during the invasion of Beijing by theAllied Forces of the Eight Powers while therest was scattered. More than eight hundredof the original 22,877 volumes remaintoday. Will the currently available historicaldata provide clues as to the learned Mingofficials' understanding of the institution of"the three courts and five gates"? As the table of contents of The YongleEncyclopedia shows, gates are discussedfrom Volume 3,518 to Volume 3,524,including palace gates in the Zhou andQin Dynasties, the Palace gates from theHan Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, those ofthe Tang Dynasty, those of the Song, Liao,Jin and Yuan Dynasties, those of the MingDynasty, gates of the states, gates of templesand shrines, capital gates from the ZhouDynasty to the Wei Dynasty, capital gatesfrom the Jin Dynasty to the Yuan and MingDynasties, and city gates. Rules on payingrespects to the emperor are discussed fromVolmne 17,464 to Volume 17,466, includingsuch rules from the Han Dynasty to the FiveDynasties and those in the Song, Liao, Yuanand Ming Dynasties. Unfortunately, all ofthese volumes have been lost except Volumes3,518 and 3,519, which were donated to thestate by their discoverer Sun Hongji fromLaizhou, Shandong in 1983. Nevertheless,it is clear that early Ming scholars had anintimate and systematic knowledge of therules on gates and paying respects to theemperor of the previous dynasties.


  There are causes and effects behind the trends of all ages, which seem to contain unavoidable factors. Fortunately, in our times, an awareness of national culture has grown in China as well. And it is in the modern spirit of pursuing scholarly studies to collect material objects and do research about the past Efforts should be made today to seek new development in the bloodstream of tradition.  As Chinese buildings represent a kind of engineering technology that lasted for over two thousand years, they form an independent art system. The Chinese culture finds its expression in many buildings, which constitute a large portion of the Chinese art legacy. We must respect the brilliant ancient Chinese culture, we cannot afford to neglect researching the history of these Chinese buildings if we are determined to rejuvenate our nation and carefully sort out and protect the cultural relics of our past generations.  If we attempt to awaken society by providing objective academic research, we can contribute to protecting cultural relics and can gradually reduce the damage to them. Even if such a work is a force against the trend of times, there must be no delay, as it is similar to rescuing valuable articles and precious paintings from a raging fire. It is a sacred duty to cherish and protect these valuable Chinese cultural relics.  ——Liang Sicheng




There are causes and effects behind the trends of all ages, which seem to contain unavoidable factors. Fortunately, in our times, an awareness of national culture has grown in China as well. And it is in the modern spirit of pursuing scholarly studies to collect material objects and do research about the past Efforts should be made today to seek new development in the bloodstream of tradition. As Chinese buildings represent a kind of engineering technology that lasted for over two thousand years, they form an independent art system. The Chinese culture finds its expression in many buildings, which constitute a large portion of the Chinese art legacy. We must respect the brilliant ancient Chinese culture, we cannot afford to neglect researching the history of these Chinese buildings if we are determined to rejuvenate our nation and carefully sort out and protect the cultural relics of our past generations. If we attempt to awaken society by providing objective academic research, we can contribute to protecting cultural relics and can gradually reduce the damage to them. Even if such a work is a force against the trend of times, there must be no delay, as it is similar to rescuing valuable articles and precious paintings from a raging fire. It is a sacred duty to cherish and protect these valuable Chinese cultural relics. ——Liang Sicheng



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