出版時(shí)間:2012-1 出版社:清華大學(xué) 作者:(美)卡爾森//克瑞利 頁數(shù):706
chapter 1
introduction 1
1.1 elements and limitations
1.2 modulation and coding
1.3 electromagnetic wave propagation over wireless channels
1.4 emerging developments
1.5 societal impact and historical perspective
1.6 prospectus
chapter 2
signals and spectra
2.1 line spectra and fourier series
2.2 fourier transforms and continuous spectra (2.1)
2.3 time and frequency relations (2.2)
2.4 convolution (2.3)
2.5 impulses and transforms in the limit (2.4)
chapter 3
signal transmission and filtering
3.1 response of ltl systems (2.4)
.3.2 signal distortion in transmission (3.1)
3.3 transmission loss and decibels (3.2)
3.4 filters and filtering (3.3)
3.5 quadrature filters and hilbert transforms (3.4)
3.6 correlation and spectral density (3.4)
chapter 4
linear cw modulation
4.1 bandpass signals and systems (3.4)
4.2 double-sideband amplitude modulation (4.1)
4.3 modulators and transmitters (4.2)
4.4 suppressed-sideband amplitude modulation (3.5, 4.3)
4.5 frequency conversion and demodulation (4.4)
chapter 5
angle cw modulation
5.1 phase and frequency modulation (4.3) 194
5.2 transmission bandwidth and distortion (5.1)
chapter 6
sampling and pulse modulation
6.1 sampling theory and practice (2.6, 4.2)
6.2 pulse-amplitude modulation (6.1)
chapter 7
analog communication systems
7.1 receivers for cw modulation (2.6, 4.5, 5.3)
7.2 multiplexing systems (4.5, 6.1)
7.3 phase-locked loops (7.1)
chapter 8
probability and random variables
chapter 9
random signals and noise 285
9.1 random processes (3.6, 8.4)
9.2 random signals (9.1)
9.3 noise (9.2)
9.4 baseband signal transmission with noise (9.3)
9.5 baseband pulse transmission with noise (9.4)
chapter 10
noise in analog modulation systems
10.1 bandpass noise (4.4, 9.2)
10.2 linear cw modulation with noise (10.2)
10.3 angle cw modulation with noise (5.3, 10.2)
10.4 comparison of cw modulation systems (9.4, 10.3)
10.5 phase-locked loop noise performance (7.3, 10.1)
10.6 analog pulse modulation with noise (6.3, 9.5)
chapter 11
baseband digital transmission
11.1 digital signals and systems (9.1)
1 1.2 noise and errors (9.4, 11.1)
11.3 bandlimited digital pam systems (11.2)
11.4 synchronization techniaues (11.2)
chapter 12
digitization techniques for analog messages and computer
12.1 pulse-code modulation (6.2, 11.1)
12.2 pcm with noise (11.2, 12.1)
12.3 delta modulation and predictive coding (12.2)
chapter 13
channel coding
13.1 error detection and correction (11.2)
13.2 linear block codes (13.1)
13.3 convolutional codes (13.2)
chapter 14
bandpass digital transmission
14.1 digital cw modulation (4.5, 5.1, 11.1)
14.2 coherent binary systems (11.2, 14.1)
14.3 noncoherent binary systems (14.2) 551
14.4 quadrature-carrier and m-ary systems (14.2)
14.5 orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ofdm) (14.4, 7.2,
chapter 15
spread-spectrum systems
chapter 16
information and detection theory
16.1 information measure and source encoding (12.1)
16.2 information transmission on discrete channels (16.1)
16.3 continuous channels and system comparisons (16.2)
appendix: circuit and system noise (9.4)
solutions to exercises
answers to selected problems