
出版時間:2011-11  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:(英)柯南?道爾 著,王勛 等編譯  頁數(shù):201  






第一部 伯爾斯通的悲劇
 第一章 警告
 第二章 夏洛克·福爾摩斯的論述
 第三章 伯爾斯通的悲劇
 第四章 黑暗
 第五章 劇中人物
 第六章 黎明之光
 第七章 答案
第二部 史高幫
 第一章 那個男人
 第二章 頭領(lǐng)
 第三章 佛米沙的三四一分會
 第四章 恐怖谷
 第五章 黑暗時刻
 第六章 危機(jī)
 第七章 波爾弟·愛德華設(shè)的陷阱


版權(quán)頁:插圖:what he had. I have no doubt that he has twenty banking accounts; the bulk ofhis fortune abroad in the Deutsche Bank or the Credit Lyonnais as likely, as not.Sometime when you have a year or two to spare I commend to you the study ofProfessor Moriarty."  Inspector MacDonald had grown steadily more impressed as theconversation proceeded. He had lost himself in his interest. Now his practicalScotch intelligence brought him back with a snap to the matter in hand."He can keep, anyhow," said he. "You' ve got us sidetracked with yourinteresting anecdotes, Mr. Holmes. What really counts is your remark that thereis some connection between the professor and the crime. That you get from thewarning received through the man Porlock. Can we for our present practicalneeds get any further than that?""We may form some conception as to the motives of the crime. It is, as Igather from your original remarks, an inexplicable, or at least an unexplained,murder. Now, presuming that the source of the crime is as we suspect it to be,there might be two different motives. In the first place, I may tell you thatMoriarty rues with a rod ofiron over his people. His discipline is tremendous. There is only one punishment in his code. It is death. Now we might supposethat this murdered man-this Douglas whose approaching fate was known by one of the archcriminal's subordinates-had in some way betrayed the chief. His punishment followed, and would be known to all-if only to put the fear of death into them."





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