
出版時(shí)間:2011-10  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:埃爾溫  頁數(shù):715  




  Kip Irvine has written five computer programming textbooks,
for Intel Assembly Language, C++, Visual Basic (beginning and
advanced), and COBOL. His book Assembly Language for Intel-Based
Computers has been translated into six languages. His first college
degrees (B.M., M.M., and doctorate) were in Music Composition, at
University of Hawaii and University of Miami. He began programming
computers for music synthesis around 1982 and taught programmi.


preface xix
1 basic concepts
 1.1 welcome to assembly language
 1.2 virtual machine concept
 1.3 data representation
 1.4 boolean operations
 1.5 chapter summary
 1.6 exercises
2 x86 processor architecture
 2.1 general concepts
 2.2 x86 architecture details
 2.3 x86 memory management
 2.4 components of atypical x86 computer
 2.5 input-output system
 2.6 chapter summary
 2.7 chapter exercises
3 assembly language fundamentals
 3.1 basic elements of assembly language
 3.2 example: adding and subtracting integers
 3.3 assembling, linking, and running programs
 3.4 defining data
 3.5 symbolic constants
 3.6 real-address mode programming (optional)
 3.7 chapter summary
 3.8 programming exercises
4 data transfers, addressing, and arithmetic
 4.1 data transfer instructions
 4.2 addition and subtraction
 4.3 data-related operators and directives
 4.4 indirect addressing
 4.5 jmp and loop instructions
 4.6 chapter summary
 4.7 programming exercises
5 procedures
 5.1 introduction
 5.2 linking to an external library
 5.3 the book's link library
 5.4 stack operations
 5.5 defining and using procedures
 5.6 program design using procedures
 5.7 chapter summary
 5.8 programming exercises
6 conditionalprocessing
 6.1 introduction
 6.2 boolean and comparison instructions
 6.3 conditional jumps
 6.4 conditional loop instructions
 6.5 conditional structures
 6.6 application: finite-state machines
 6.7 conditional control flow directives
 6.8 chapter summary
 6.9 programming exercises
7 integer arithmetic
 7.1 introduction
 7.2 shift and rotate instructions
 7.3 shift and rotate applications
 7.4 multiplication and division instructions
 7.5 extended addition and subtraction
 7.6 ascii and unpacked decimal arithmetic
 7.7 packed decimal arithmetic
 7.8 chapter summary
 7.9 programming exercises
8 advanced procedures
 8.1 introduction
 8.2 stack frames
 8.3 recursion
 8.4 invoke, addr, proc, and proto
 8.5 creating multimodule programs
 8.6 java bytecodes
 8.7 chapter summary
 8.8 programming exercises
9 strings and arrays
 9.1 introduction
 9.2 string primitive instructions
 9.3 selected string procedures
 9.4 two-dimensional arrays
 9.6 java bytecodes: string processing
 9.7 chapter summary
 9.8 programming exercises
10 structures and macros
 10.1 structures
 10.2 macros
 10.3 conditional-assembly directives
 10.4 defining repeat blocks
 10.5 chapter summary
 10.6 programming exercises
11 ms-windows programming
 11.1 win32 console programming
 11.2 writing a graphical windows application
 11.3 dynamic memory allocation
 11.4 x86 memory management
 11.5 chapter summary
 11.6 programming exercises
12 floating-point processing and instruction encoding
 12.1 floating-point binary representation
 12.2 floating-point unit
 12.3 x86 instruction encoding
 12.4 chapter summary
 12.5 programming exercises
13 high-level language interface
 13.1 introduction
 13.2 inline assembly code
 13.3 linking to c/c++ in protected mode
 13.4 linking to c/c++ in real-address mode
 13.5 chapter summary
 13.6 programming exercises
14 16-bit ms-dos programming
 14.1 ms-dos and the ibm-pc
 14.2 ms-dos function calls (int 21h)
 14.3 standard ms-dos file i/o services
 14.4 chapter summary
 14.5 programming exercises
 chapters are available from the companion web site
15 disk fundamentals
16 bios-level programming
17 expert ms-dos programming
 appendix a masm reference
 appendix b the x86 instruction set
 appendix c answers to review questions
 appendices are available from the companion web site
 appendix d bios and ms-dos interrupts
 appendix e answers to review questions (chapters 15-17)


版權(quán)頁:插圖:An effective way to explain how a computer's hardware and sofiware are related is called thevirtualmachine concept.A well-known explanation of tlus model can be found in AndrewTanenbaum's book,Structured Computer Organization. To explain ttus concept.let us beginwith the most basic function of a computer, executing programs.A computer can usually execute programs written in its native machine language. Eachinsrnmion in this language is simple enough to be executed using a relatively small number of Programmers would have a difficult time writing programs in LO because it is enormouslydecailed and consists purely of numbers. If a new language, Ll. could be consLructed that waseasier to use. programs could be written in Ll. There are two ways to aclueve this:Imerpretation: As the Ll program is running. each of ks instructions could be decoded andexecuted by a program written in language LO.






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用戶評論 (總計(jì)14條)


  •   書寫的很好,明白易懂
  •   原來這本書是基于X86的,原想買ARM的。。。
  •   剛到手,還沒看全部,不過看前面幾頁,覺得簡明易懂
  •   英文版,應(yīng)該不錯(cuò)
  •   我已經(jīng)買了一個(gè)中文版的。但是我現(xiàn)在還要一本英文,雖然不看。但是好書是值得收藏的。
  •   在讀書館看過,不錯(cuò)的書,適合閱讀提高!
  •   發(fā)貨速度非??欤坏揭惶鞎r(shí)間就收到了,看起來紙質(zhì)沒那么差~~都o(jì)k
  •   紙張略微半透明(可以看到背面的字,紙張薄了點(diǎn),但分量就輕了呀,可以起到減負(fù)的作用),但字體清晰,看起來效果還可以。三河市金元印裝有限公司印刷裝訂,印了三千本。由于字體不大,視力不好的人建議別買,會(huì)看的很吃力。我的視力還算可以,看起來沒問題。
  •   比中文翻譯詳細(xì),不錯(cuò)。,但有幾章是沒有的,需要另外購買!忽悠了。
  •   Writer provides detailed information about grammar of assemble language and interface pertained to communicating with OS. Death to all that disapproval my comment.
  •   書的內(nèi)容看了不少,有些地方講的不是很清楚
  •   書籍內(nèi)容很好,但建議英文不好的同學(xué)下載中文版的配套去看
  •   物超所值,價(jià)格超便宜!內(nèi)容也很好!
  •   今天買的2本書一本是 國外計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)教材系列?Intel匯編語言程序設(shè)計(jì)(第5版) ,和Intel匯編語言程序設(shè)計(jì)(第5版)(影印版) [平裝] 是一樣的內(nèi)容,我語無知中,不過還是可以學(xué)習(xí)一下英文。買時(shí)要注意這個(gè)問題了。

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