
出版時(shí)間:2011-7  出版社:清華大學(xué)  作者:禤映峰  頁數(shù):182  




  禤映峰(Ally Y.F. Xuan)


Part I Guide to the SAT Multiple-choice Section
Chapter I Introduction to SAT Grammar
 I. Basic Information
 II. Tips for Answering Multiple-choice Questions
 III. Educated Guessing
 IV. Planning Your Time
 V. Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter II Analysis of the Question Types
 I. Identifying Sentence Errors
  Approaches to Identifying Sentence Errors
  Trim the Fat
  Don’t Give Up
 II. Improving Sentences
 III. Improving Paragraphs
  Essay First
  Questions First
  Answers and Explanations
 IV. Test Yourself
  Part A: Improving Sentences
  Part B: Identifying Sentence Errors
  Part C: Improving Paragraphs
  Answers and Explanations
  Part A: Improving Sentences
  Part B: Identifying Errors
  Part C: Improving Paragraphs
  Part II Grammar concepts tested on SAT
Chapter III Verbs
  Basic elements of a verb
  Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
  Subjunctive mood in the noun clause
  1. Warm-up practice
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences
  1. Warm-up practice
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences
Chapter IV Subject-Verb Agreement
 I. What are subjects and verbs?
 II. What is subject-verb agreement?
  1. Warm-up
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences
  Answers and Explanations
  1. Warm-up
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences
Chapter V Pronouns
 Pronoun in the Wrong Number
 Pronoun in the Wrong Case
 Vague or Ambiguous Pronoun
 Pronoun in Comparison
 Pronoun used for Emphasis
 Pronoun before a Gerund
 ronoun Inconsistency
  1. Warm-up
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences
 Answers and Explanations
  1. Warm-up Practice
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving sentences
Chapter VI Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers
 What is a modifier?
 What is a participial phrase?
 Other frequently tested modifiers
  1. Warm-up Practice
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences
 Answers and Explanations
  1. Warm-up Practice
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences
Chapter VII Comparison and Parallelism
  Logical Comparisons
  2. Grammatical Comparisons
  1. Parallelism in Listing
  2. Parallelism with Connective Words
  1. Warm-up Practice
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences
 Answers and Explanations
  1. Warm-up Practice
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences
Chapter VIII Subordination and Coordination
 Comma and Semicolon
  1. Correct Usage of the Comma (,)
  2. Correct Usage of the Semicolon (;)
  1. Warm-up Practice
  2.Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences
 Answers and Explanations
  1. Warm-up Practice
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
  3. Improving Sentences:
Chapter IX Incomplete Sentence and Run-on Sentence
 Incomplete Sentence
 Sentence Fragment
 One more way to find a sentence fragment
 Run-on Sentence
  1. Identifying Sentence Errors
  2. Improving Sentences
 Answers and Explanations
  1. Identifying Sentence Errors
  2. Improving Sentences
Chapter X Other Minor Error Types
 Adjectives and Adverbs
 Idiomatic Expressions
  1. Warm-up Practice
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
 Answers and Explanations
  1. Warm-up Practice
  2. Identifying Sentence Errors
Chapter XI Improving Paragraphs
 Questions Types
 How to revise the sentence in a context
 A) Comma and conjunction
 B) Use the answers
 C) Excessive Wordiness
 Answers and Explanations
Chapter XII Practice Test on Grammar
 Improving Sentences
 Identifying Sentence Errors
 Improving Paragraphs
 Answers and Explanations
 I. Improving Sentences
 II. Identifying Sentence Errors
 III. Improving Paragraphs


版權(quán)頁:插圖:(1) What causes a normal human cell to mutate and become a threat to its body? (2)Scientists found a connection over two hundred years ago. (3) A major culprit, theydiscovered, is environmental agents~hemicals in the air you breathe, the food theyeat, and the water we drink. (4) Today, the World Health Organization estimates that60 to 90 percent of all cancers are associated with environmental pollutants.(5) Carcinogens are those cancer-producing agents. (6) They are predominantlyhydrocarbons. (7) Such cancer-producing agents are found in cigarettes. (8) Scientificstatistics disclosed by the Surgeon General of the United Sates support a strong linkbetween smoking and lung cancer. (9) Of all lung-cancer patients, 90 percent aresmokers.(10) Another environmental carcinogen is radiation. (11) The ultra-violet rays of thesun can cause genetic mutations in the cells of the skin. (12) Such mutations can leadto cancer. (13) In fact, extensive exposure to the sun makes skin cancer a commontype of malignancy for light-skinned people.(14) Emissions, from radioactive materials, can trigger wild growth of cancerous cells.(15) The tragic cases of deadly cancers after the Chernobyl reactor accident illustratethis danger. (16) Certainly survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have extremely raisedcancer rates.






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用戶評(píng)論 (總計(jì)22條)


  •   這本書的針對(duì)性好強(qiáng),特別適合備考?。?br /> 書中沒有很多廢話,沒有講很多沒用的sat不會(huì)用到的語法,而只講解SAT考試中需要的語法,并且告訴考生SAT語法與其他考試語法的細(xì)微差別,在精力有限的情況下,這本書確實(shí)幫助不小呀??!
  •   去美國的學(xué)生必備材料,SAT考試的好幫手
  •   考SAT用的,不錯(cuò)哦
  •   和孩子一起看的內(nèi)容不錯(cuò),有趣還能增詞匯和語法的學(xué)習(xí)一舉兩得,不錯(cuò)
  •   內(nèi)容不錯(cuò)沒有想象的好基礎(chǔ)段學(xué)生適用
  •   已經(jīng)讀了一遍,很好的一本書,很全面
  •   書質(zhì)量很好~紙張不錯(cuò)
  •   不錯(cuò)zzzzzzz
  •   還成 一般般吧
  •   希望他能給我巨大幫助!
  •   還不錯(cuò)吧,語法梳理,為SAT考試準(zhǔn)備
  •   發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些印刷錯(cuò)誤,不過不影響理解。里面的做題方法可以用做參考,但是考試重點(diǎn)就和我做的的sat真題有些不一樣。如果有同學(xué)要買的話,我建議看看里面的做題方法就可以了。
  •   和想象中有差距,不過比較系統(tǒng)
  •   書的質(zhì)量不錯(cuò),內(nèi)容還可以吧
  •   挺好的,實(shí)用!正在用!
  •   還不錯(cuò)哦,很適用,可以購買
  •   其實(shí)如果可以的話。還是建議購買張一冰老師的SAT文法,那本更好點(diǎn)
  •   全英文的題目,缺少系統(tǒng)化的梳理講解,不過還可以,至少作為了解題型的參考還是很不錯(cuò)的
  •   里面內(nèi)容不是很多,都是英文講解的,不知道想不詳細(xì),紙張挺好的。
  •   技巧寫的不是很多,可以和其它書籍比較著使用
  •   書的實(shí)用性我有些質(zhì)疑 因?yàn)榛臼侨⑽牡闹R(shí)講解 對(duì)語言的理解 直接決定知識(shí)的理解 買的有些后悔 因?yàn)橐辉掠腥龍隹荚?這本書現(xiàn)在對(duì)我的可用性很小
  •   挺有用的,備考SAT的學(xué)生可以參考一下這本書??!

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
