出版時間:2011-4 出版社:清華大學出版社 作者:何福勝 編 頁數:215
第一部分 模擬試題
model test one
model test two
model test three
model test four
model test five
model test six
model test seven
model test eight
model test nine
model test ten
model test eleven
model test twelve
第二部分 模擬試題答案和注釋
model test one
model test two
model test three
model test four
model test five
model test six
model test seven
model test eight
model test nine
model test ten
model test eleven
model test twelve
附錄 歷年gct外語運用能力測試真題和答案
2010年外語運用能力測試 英語
2009年外語運用能力測試 英語
2008年外語運用能力測試 英語
2007年外語運用能力測試 英語
2006年外語運用能力測試 英語
The Xinhua bookstore chain, China's largest official publishing enterprise, has become asurprising flash point for interest among foreign venture capital investors."We are actively promoting the process of shareholding reform. Every day, we receivelots of offers from domestic and foreign investors interested in getting involved and may pickone or two to do so in the next two to three months," Zhang Yashan, the leading cadre of thehead store's office said.According to a company insider who requested anonymity, several securities firms areoverseeing Xinhua bookstore's reform and the company could list on the domestic stock marketonce reforms are reported to the government in May and then completed.The source would not reveal the specific names of the firms involved or details of the reform."We will stipulate that we must remain the majority shareholder, but we will welcome allkinds of investment, including foreign capital, to establish a shareholding enterprise. We hopethe No. 2 shareholder will be a foreign enterprise," the source said.In keeping with its World Trade Organization entry promises, China must allow foreigninvestment in domestic publication retailers by the end of this year. ……
2011碩士學位研究生入學資格考試GCT英語模擬試題與解析 PDF格式下載