
出版時間:2011-1  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:(美)齊克芒德 等著  頁數(shù):490  




作者:(美國)威廉·G.齊克芒德(William G.Zikmund) (美國)巴里·J.巴賓(Barry J.Babin)


第1部分 導(dǎo)論 
 第1章 營銷調(diào)研的作用 
 第2章 信息系統(tǒng)與知識管理 
 第3章 營銷調(diào)研過程 
 第4章 營銷調(diào)研中人的因素:組織與道德問題 
第2部分 設(shè)計調(diào)研方法 
 第5章 定性調(diào)研 
 第6章 數(shù)字時代的二手數(shù)據(jù)調(diào)研 
 第7章 調(diào)查研究 
 第8章 觀察 
 第9章 實施營銷實驗 
第3部分 測量 
 第10章 測量與態(tài)度量表 
 第11章 問卷設(shè)計 
第4部分 抽樣與統(tǒng)計理論 
 第12章 抽樣設(shè)計和抽樣過程 
 第13章 樣本容量的確定:統(tǒng)計理論的復(fù)習(xí) 
第5部分 分析與報告 
 第14章 基本數(shù)據(jù)分析 
 第15章 測量各組間差異以及變量間的關(guān)系 
 第16章 交流調(diào)研結(jié)果 


版權(quán)頁:插圖:The most common method of generatingprimary data is the survey. Most people haveseen the results of political surveys by Gallup orHarris Online, and some have been respondents(members of a sample who supply answers) tomarketing research questionnaires. A surveyis a research technique in which a sample isinterviewed in some form or the behavior ofrespondents is observed and described in someway. The term surveyor is most often reservedfor civil engineers who describe some piece ofproperty using a transit. Similarly, marketingresearchers describe some market segment usinga questionnaire. The task of writing a list ofquestions and designing the format of the printedor written questionnaire is an essential aspect ofthe development of a survey research design.Research investigators may choose to contactrespondents by telephone or mail, on the Internet,or in person. An advertiser spending nearly $3million for thirty seconds of commercial timeduring the Super Bowl may telephne peopleto quickly gather information concerning theirresponses to the advertising. A forklift truckmanufacturer trying to determine a cause for lowsales in the wholesale grocery industry mightchoose a mail questionnaire because the appro-priate executives are hard to reach by telephone.A manufacturer of a birth control device formen might determine the need for a versatilesurvey method wherein an interviewer can ask avariety of personal questions in a flexible format.While personal interviews are expensive, they arevaluable because investigators can use visual aidsand supplement the interviews with observations.Each of these survey methods has advantagesand disadvantages. A researcher's task is to findthe most appropriate way to collect the neededinformation.





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