
出版時間:2011-5  出版社:清華大學  作者:(美)加雷斯·R.瓊斯//查爾斯·W.L.希爾  頁數(shù):572  




加雷斯·R.瓊斯 (Gareth


第一部分 戰(zhàn)略管理導論
第1章 領(lǐng)導、戰(zhàn)略與競爭優(yōu)勢
第2章 外部環(huán)境分析:機會與威脅
第二部分 競爭優(yōu)勢
第3章 內(nèi)部資源分析:競爭優(yōu)勢與贏利能力
第4章 職能層戰(zhàn)略
第三部分 戰(zhàn)略制定
第5章 業(yè)務層戰(zhàn)略
第6章 產(chǎn)業(yè)環(huán)境與業(yè)務層戰(zhàn)略
第8章 全球化背景下的戰(zhàn)略
第9章 公司層戰(zhàn)略
第10章 多元化戰(zhàn)略
第四部分 戰(zhàn)略實施
第12章 單一產(chǎn)業(yè)公司戰(zhàn)略
第13章 多元化與全球化公司戰(zhàn)略
第五部分 戰(zhàn)略管理案例


版權(quán)頁:插圖:Output Control  Output control is a system in which strategic managers esti-mate or forecast appropriate performance goals for each division, department, andemployee and then measure actual performance relative to these goals. Often a com-pany's reward system is linked to performance on these goals, so output control alsoprovides an incentive structure for motivating employees at all levels in the organiza-tion. Goals keep managers informed about how well their strategies are creating acompetitive advantage and building the distinctive competencies that lead to futuresuccess. Goals exist at all levels in an organization.Divisional goals state corporate managers' expectations for each division concern-ing performance on dimensions such as efficiency, quality, innovation, and respon-siveness to customers. Generally, corporate managers set challenging divisional goalsto encourage divisional managers to create more effective strategies and structuresin the future. At Liz Claiborne, for example, each division is given clear performancegoals to achieve, and divisional managers are given considerable autonomy to for-mulate a strategy to meet these goals.Output control at the functional and individual levels is a continuation of controlat the divisional level. Divisional managers set goals for functional managers thatwill allow the division to achieve its goals. As at the divisional level, functional goalsare established to encourage the development of generic competencies that providethe company with a competitive advantage, and functional performance is evaluatedby how well a function develops a competency. In the sales function, for example,goals related to efficiency (such as cost of sales), quality (such as number of returns),and customer responsiveness (such as the time needed to respond to customer needs)can be established for the Whole function.Finally, functional managers establish goals that individual employees are expectedto achieve to allow the function to achieve its goals. Sales personnel, for example,can be given specific goals (related to functional goals) that they are required toachieve. Functions and individuals are then evaluated on the basis of achieving ornot achieving their goals; in sales, compensation is commonly pegged to achieve-ment. The achievement of these goals is a sign that the company's strategy is workingand meeting organizational objectives.The inappropriate use of output control can promote conflict among divisions. Ingeneral, setting across-the-board output targets, such as ROIC targets for divisions,can lead to destructive results if divisions single-mindedly try to maximize divisionalROIC at the expense of corporate ROIC. Moreover, to reach output targets, divi-sions may start to distort the numbers and engage in strategic manipulation of thefigures to make their divisions look good——which increases bureaucratic costs.22.






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