
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:清華大學(xué)  作者:(美)山德爾//康洛特  頁數(shù):290  字?jǐn)?shù):431000  


 CUDA是設(shè)計用于幫助開發(fā)并行程序的計算體系結(jié)構(gòu)。通過與廣泛的軟件平臺相結(jié)合,cuda體系結(jié)構(gòu)使程序員可以充分利用圖形處理單元(gpu)的強大能力構(gòu)建高性能的應(yīng)用程序。當(dāng)然,gpu已經(jīng)在很長時間內(nèi)用于實現(xiàn)復(fù)雜的圖形和游戲應(yīng)用程序。現(xiàn)在,cuda將這種極具價值的資源帶給在其他領(lǐng)域內(nèi)從事應(yīng)用程序開發(fā)的程序員,包括科學(xué)、工程和財務(wù)領(lǐng)域。這些程序員完全不需要了解圖形編程的相關(guān)知識,而只要能夠采用適當(dāng)擴展的c語言版本進(jìn)行編程即可。  本書由cuda軟件平臺團隊中的兩位資深成員編寫而成,他們向程序員展示了如何使用這種新的技術(shù),并且通過大量可以運行的示例介紹了cuda開發(fā)的每個領(lǐng)域。在簡要介紹cuda平臺和體系結(jié)構(gòu)以及快速指導(dǎo)cudac之后,本書詳細(xì)介紹了與每個關(guān)鍵的cuda功能相關(guān)的技術(shù),以及如何權(quán)衡使用這些功能。通過閱讀本書,您將掌握使用每個cudac擴展的時機以及編寫性能極為優(yōu)越的cuda軟件的方式。


山德爾(Jason Sanders)是NVIDIA公司CUDA平臺團隊中的資深軟件工程師,他協(xié)助開發(fā)了早期版本的CUDA系統(tǒng)軟件,并且?guī)椭贫俗鳛楫悩?gòu)計算的行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的OpenCL 1.0規(guī)范。Jason也在ATI Technologies、Apple和Novell擔(dān)任相關(guān)職務(wù)。
  康洛特(Edward Kandrot)是NVIDIA公司CUDA算法團隊中的資深軟件工程師,他擁有超過20年的行業(yè)經(jīng)驗,主要為Adobe、Microsoft、Google和Autodesk優(yōu)化代碼性能。


foreword preface acknowledgments about the authors 1 why cuda ? why now? 1.1 chapter objectives 1.2 the age of parau. el. processing 1.3 the rise of gpu computing 1.4 cuda 1.5 applications of cuda 1.6 chapter review 2 getting started 3.1 chapter objectives 2.2 deve!.opment environment 2.3 chapter review 3 introduction to cuda c 3.1 chapter objectives 3.2 a first program 3.3 querying devices 3.4 using device properties 3.5 chapter review 4 parallel programming in cuda c 4.1 chapter objectives 4.2 cuda para[tel programming 4.3 chapter review 5 thread cooperation 5.1 chapter objectives 5.2 splitting parallel blocks 5.3 shared memory and synchronization 5.4 chapter review 6 constant memory and events 6.1 chapter objectives 6.2 constant memory 6.3 measuring performance with events 6.4 chapter review 7 texture memory 7.1 chapter objectives 7.2 texture memory overview 7.3 simulating heat transfer 7.4 chapter review 8 graphics interoperability 8.1 chapter objectives 8.2 graphics interoperation 8.3 gpu ripple with graphics interoperability 8.4 heat transfer with graphics interop 8.5 directx interoperability 8.6 chapter' review 9 atomics 9.1 chapter objectives 9.2 compute capability 9.3 atomic operations overview 9.4computing histograms 9.5 chapter review 10 streams 10.1 chapter objectives 10.2 page-locked host memory 10.3 cuda streams 10.4 using a single cuda stream 10.5 using multipte cuda streams 10.6 gpu work scheduling 10.7 using multiple cuda streams effectively 10.8 chapter review 11 cuda c on multiple gpus 11.1 chapter objectives 11.2 zero-copy host memory 11.3 using multiple gpus 11.4 portable pinned memory 11.5 chapter review 12 the final countdown 12.1 chapter objectives 12.2 cuda tools 12.3 written resources 12.4 code resources 12.5 chapter review a advanced atomics a.1 dot product revisited a.2 impl. ementing a hash tabte a.3 appendix review index




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