
出版時(shí)間:2010-9  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:吳良鏞  頁數(shù):138  


  Chinese Academy of Sciences,Academic Committee Consultative and Advisory Project,Chinese Academy of Engineering,Consultative and Research Project,Beijing Municipal Commission of Education,BeUing High-School Construction Project.


  WU LlANGYONG,Professor of Tsinghua University  Director,Institute of Architectural&Urban Studies,Tsinghua University  Director,Center for Human Settlements,Tsinghua University  Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences  Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering,


1 Sciences of Human Settlements:Theoretical and Practical Explorations1.1 The Sciences ofHuman Settlements in the World1.2 Recent Rural and Urban Development in China1.3 Theoretical Developments at the Center for Science of Human Settlements ofTsinghua University1.4 Practical Developments at the Center for Science of Human Settlements ofTsinghua University1.5 Conclusio2 Urbanization,Sciences of Human Settlements,and the Practice of Urban Planning in China2.1 Urbanization:The Theme ofthe Age2.2 Development of Sciences ofHuman Settlements2.3 Theoretical Application of Sciences of Human Settlements in the Practice ofUrban and Rural Planning in China2.4 Conclusion3 Transformation of Development Mode and Exploration on Sciences of Human Settlements3.I Development Mode in the 1 9 and 20 Centuries andThree Main Themes of Exploration on Human Settlements3.2 New Opportunities and Challenges3.3 Exploration on and Progress of Theories of Sciences of Human Settlements3.4 Methodology and Action GuideAppendix A On Wu Liangyong'S Theories aboutSciences of Human SettlementsA.1 IntrOductiOnA.2 Formation of Human Settlement TheoriesA.3 Features ofTheories on Human SettlementsA.4 Methodology Sciences of Human SettlementsA.5 Conclusion BibliographyAppendix B Wu Liangyong:A Great Conductor of Symphony for ConcreteB.1 Teaching Tirelessly by Personal Example as well as VerbalInstructionB.2 Chinese Culture as Basis and Western Culture as ReferenceB.3 Sciences ofHuman Settlements and General Theory ofArchitectureB.4 New Thoughts on the New Master Plan of Beijing


  Since C.A.Doxiadis advanced the theory of EKISTICS with the ending ofWorld WarⅡ.the theory and practice of the Science of Human Settlements has beendeveloped over the world.The UN Habitat I Conference in Vancouver in 1 976,theRIO Conference in 1 992,the UN Habitat II Conference in Istanbulin 1 996,as wellas other worldwide actions uD to the UN Special Conference of Istanbul+5 1ast June,have marked an unceasing progress of the research in this field.The new concepts ofHuman Settlements,Habitat,cities in the globalizing world,emerging in consequenceof the research progress,have become the global guidelines for building a sustainableworld.Today,the sustainable development of Human Settlements has become acommon theme all over the world and thus architecture and urban planning have beenushered into a broad realm of multidisciplinary cooperation for further development.  Taking into consideration all the current changes,we hereby advocate developingthe Sciences of Human Settlements in a more comprehensive way.This means establishing the communities of science,encouraging the collective work and the multidisciplinary communication among all participants,and searching for the theory and approach of a new paradigm.   ……




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