出版時間:2011-1 出版社:清華大學出版社 作者:博賽克斯 頁數(shù):403
作者:(美國)博賽克斯(Dimitri P.Bertsekas)
1. basic concepts of convex analysis 1.1. convex sets and functions 1.1.1. convex functions 1.1.2. closedness and semicontinuity 1.1.3. operations with convex functions 1.1.4. characterizations of differentiable convex functions 1.2. convex and afiine hulls 1.3. relative interior and closure 1.3.1. calculus of relative interiors and closures 1.3.2. continuity of convex functions 1.3.3. closures of functions 1.4. recession cones 1.4.1. directions of recession of a convex function 1.4.2. nonemptiness of intersections of closed sets 1.4.3. closedness under linear transformations 1.5. hyperplanes 1.5.1. hyperplane separation 1.5.2. proper hyperplane separation 1.5.3. nonvertical hyperplane separation 1.6. conjugate functions 1.7. summary 2. basic concepts of polyhedral convexity 2.1. extreme points 2.2. polar cones 2.3. polyhedral sets and functions 2.3.1. polyhedral cones and farkas' lemma 2.3.2. structure of polyhedral sets 2.3.3. polyhedral functions 2.4. polyhedral aspects of optimization 3. basic concepts of convex optimization 3.1. constrained optimization 3.2. existence of optimal solutions 3.3. partial minimization of convex functions 3.4. saddle point and minimax theory 4. geometric duality framework 4.1. min common/max crossing duality 4.2. some special cases 4.2.1. connection to conjugate convex functions 4.2.2. general optimization duality 4.2.3. optimization with inequality constraints 4.2.4. augmented lagrangian duality 4.2.5. minimax problems 4.3. strong duality theorem 4.4. existence of dual optimal solutions 4.5. duality and polyhedral convexity 4.6. summary 5. duality and optimization 5.1. nonlinear farkas' lemma 5.2. linear programming duality 5.3. convex programming duality 5.3.1. strong duality theorem inequality constraints 5.3.2. optimality conditions 5.3.3. partially polyhedral constraints 5.3.4. duality and existence of optimal primal solutions 5.3.5. fenchel duality 5.3.6. conic duality 5.4. subgradients and optimality conditions 5.4.1. subgradients of conjugate functions 5.4.2. subdifferential calculus 5.4.3. optimality conditions 5.4.4. directional derivatives 5.5. minimax theory 5.5.1. minimax duality theorems 5.5.2. saddle point theorems 5.6. theorems of the alternative 5.7. nonconvex problems 5.7.1. duality gap in separable problems 5.7.2. duality gap in minimax problems appendix a: mathematical background notes and sources supplementary chapter 6 on convex optimization algorithm
插圖:Convex sets and functions are very useful in optimization models, and havea rich structure that is convenient for analysis and algorithms. Much of thisstructure can be traced to a few fundamental properties. For example, eachclosed convex set can be described in terms of the hyperplanes that supportthe set, each point on the boundary of a convex set can be approachedthrough the relative interior of the set, and each halfline belonging to aclosed convex set still belongs to the set when translated to start at anypoint in the set.Yet, despite their favorable structure, convex sets and their analysisare not free of anomalies and exceptional behavior, which cause seriousdifficulties in theory and applications. For example, contrary to affineand compact sets, some basic operations such as linear transformation andvector sum may not preserve the closedness of closed convex sets. This inturn complicates the treatment of some fundamental optimization issues,including the existence of optimal solutions and duality.For this reason, it is important to be rigorous in the development ofconvexity theory and its applications. Our aim in this first chapter is toestablish the foundations for this development, with a special emphasis onissues that are relevant to optimization.