
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:王樣兵,王泳利 主編,林驪珠 等編寫  頁數(shù):228  


本教程精選了涉及英語母語國家政治、經(jīng)濟和文化生活等不同側面的視頻短片作為素材,每單元圍繞一段主題片段,精心設計了視前閱讀、視前準備和視聽訓練三大教學環(huán)節(jié)。選題廣泛、選材真實、語言多樣化,在練習編排和設計上既重視語言微技能訓練,又特別注意培養(yǎng)學生的評判性思維能力和深度跨文化交流能力。    本教程可供大學英語專業(yè)學生使用,也可供其他中、高級英語愛好者使用。


  《中級英語視聽說教程(第二版)》是為通過大學英語國家級考試的學生及相當或以上水平的社會各界英語學習者編寫的一套視聽說教材。它根據(jù)國家教育部頒發(fā)的《大學英語課程教學要求》有關規(guī)定和要求,結合我國英語教學的實際和英語教學發(fā)展趨勢編寫而成?! ≡谥袊呦蚴澜绲倪M程中,高等教育也面臨著前所未有的挑戰(zhàn)。大學英語教學適時提出了“基于現(xiàn)代技術的,以培養(yǎng)學生自主學習能力為中心”的外語教學新模式。在這種理念的指導下,大學英語教材編寫呈現(xiàn)出新面貌,綜合能力訓練強于單一微技能訓練,因此,即使在閱讀教材中也加入了視頻短片,目的之一是讓學生在視覺、聽覺的共同作用下,訓練他們的英語綜合能力、特別是聽和說的能力。但是,這些教材的視頻片幾乎是在特定的場景下就一個話題而專門攝制的。這種做法,雖然有一定的優(yōu)勢,但語言真實感不足,“人為”痕跡明顯,不足以培養(yǎng)學生在真實語境中的交流能力。此外,目前互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和電視節(jié)目中大量原汁原味的語言素材已是屢見不鮮,如何通過課堂教學引導學生正確使用現(xiàn)代技術所帶來的豐富語料,從而提高學生的辨別力和英語應用能力,是外語教育工作者所面臨的問題。


Unit 1 Abraham Lincoln   Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 2  Zoo life    PartA  Preview Reading   Part B  Preview PreparatOry'Work...)  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 3 EQ vs IQ   Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and Exercises Unit 4  Boldly Go (I)    Part A  Preview Reading    Pmt B  Preview Preparatory Work    Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit5 Boldly Go (ll)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work    Part C  Viewing and Exercises Unit 6  NewWorlds (I)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 7  NewWorlds (11)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 8  Pyramid (I) PartA  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 9  Pyramid (11)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 10  Pyramid (Ill)  Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work  Part C  Viewing and ExercisesUnit 11  Dance with Bears & Polar Bears' Survival Threatened   Part A  Preview Reading  Part B  Preview Preparatory Work……


  Then came the news that President Lincoln was freeing the slaves of the south. Suddenly, the Civil War was a different war. No longer was it a struggle over southern rights. Now it was a struggle for human freedom. The British people strongly opposed slavery. When they heard that the slaves would be freed, they gave their support immediately to President Lincoln and the north. Britains peace proposals were never offered. The Emancipation Proclamation had cost the south the recognition of Britain and France.  The south was furious over the proclamation. Southern newspapers attacked Lincoln. They accused him of trying to create a slave rebellion in states he could not occupy with troops. They also said the proclamation was an invitation for Negroes to murder whites. The Confederate Congress debated several resolutions to fight Lincolns proclamation. One resolution would make slaves of all Negro soldiers captured from the Union army. Another called for the execution of white officers who led black troops. Some southern lawmakers even proposed the death sentence for anyone who spoke against slavery.



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