出版時間:2010-8 出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社 作者:姜毓鋒,常宏 主編 頁數(shù):284
《大學(xué)英語跟蹤閱讀》系列教材根據(jù)教育部頒布的《大學(xué)英語課程教學(xué)要求》編寫?! 洞髮W(xué)英語跟蹤閱讀》基于二語習(xí)得學(xué)習(xí)策略分析,深入研究了國內(nèi)外英語閱讀教材編寫的特點(diǎn)及社會反饋,吸取了國內(nèi)教材注重思想性、人文性、科學(xué)性以及側(cè)重語言基礎(chǔ)的優(yōu)點(diǎn),又借鑒了國外教材在選材、編寫體例等方面的先進(jìn)經(jīng)驗(yàn)和教育理念,具備以下五個方面的特點(diǎn): 1.強(qiáng)調(diào)層次遞進(jìn),選材來源廣泛、由淺入深、循序漸進(jìn)?!洞髮W(xué)英語跟蹤閱讀》共分4冊,涵蓋預(yù)備階段、基礎(chǔ)階段和較高階段?! ?.注重交際實(shí)用,突出思想前瞻。本書在選材上既考慮思想性、知識性、實(shí)用性、趣味性、時代性,又充分突出針對性、全面性。文章短小精悍、內(nèi)容豐富翔實(shí),便于學(xué)生廣泛涉獵及提高交際應(yīng)用能力。 3.植入圖片圖表,幫助消化理解。本書里的大部分文章都配有貼切的圖片,圖文并茂、有利理解、增加詞匯、拓展知識?! ?.選題難易適中,注重邏輯思維。本書每篇文章后面的習(xí)題難易適中、針對性強(qiáng)、區(qū)分度大、貼切合理,側(cè)重培養(yǎng)和開發(fā)學(xué)生的邏輯思維能力?! ?.體現(xiàn)教學(xué)結(jié)合,便于檢查落實(shí)。本書每篇文章均獨(dú)立編號,預(yù)留日期位置;此外,還提供了文內(nèi)詞數(shù),記錄閱讀用時,以督促學(xué)生持之以恒,幫助學(xué)生自我檢查,便于教師課堂測試?! ”緯┐髮W(xué)一年級和二年級四個學(xué)期使用。每篇文章之前都標(biāo)上了星期幾,要求學(xué)生每天讀兩篇,希望借此培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的毅力和規(guī)劃意識; “T1me Spent”是指“閱讀耗時”。 參加《大學(xué)英語跟蹤閱讀》編寫的院校有哈爾濱理工大學(xué)、上海交通大學(xué)、吉林大學(xué)、北京郵電大學(xué)、湖南大學(xué)、北京語言大學(xué)、黑龍江大學(xué)、哈爾濱師范大學(xué)、哈爾濱商業(yè)大學(xué)及廣州大學(xué)等。本書在編寫過程中也參考了國內(nèi)外相關(guān)材料,在此向作者表示感謝。同時懇請廣大讀者及時向我們反饋意見,以便本教程的合理與完善?! ∮捎诰帉懭藛T教學(xué)任務(wù)重、時間緊,又限于水平,難免出現(xiàn)錯誤和不妥之處,希望廣大讀者不吝匡正。
Unit I Equality Is the Octopus a Human Killer? Honeybee's Life in a Colony How to Grow Old? Are Moral Standards Declining? The Meanings of Residential Mobility The Finger of Suspicion The Study of Liberal Arts Who Are Susceptible to Colds? The Varieties of American NewspapersUnit 2 Are Camels Obedient Beasts of Burden? Sunlight The Power of Voice Energy Earthquake How to Train Your Dogs? A Woman Writer Psychology and Consumer Top Earning Wives and Their Marriages CrimesUnit 3 Life in the Future Health-Related Behaviors The First Subway Heroes Neanderthals High-tech Communications Organ Transplant Reading Population and Food SportUnit 4 Pay Structure Social Status Social Factors and Music Prodigies Standard English Insurance Earthquake Prediction Clouds Libraries Caution with Concrete Liquid and GasUnit 5 Libraries in Metropolitan Areas Accidents and Human Behavior A Refused Letter Rock Music Treatment of Bedtime Tantrums Population School Phobia Individual, Group and Crowd Gestures Turkey —— The Symbol of America?Unit 6 The Effect of Noise Pollution Objects in Space Scientific Explanation Courses in University Trees Braille Can Clothes Reveal Ourselves? How to Stay Young Stradivari's Violins Thinking and FeelingUnit 7 Hunting and Sporting Activities Tourism The Prolonged Life Greenpeace A New Transformation of Hospitals A Significant Economic Issue —— Inflation The Basic Economic Systems What Attracts One to Another A New Way to Keep Food Fresh The Search for a Vaccine Against MalariaUnit 8 The Effect of Air Pollution Adaptation of Living Things Many Divisions of Physics. Competition in America Fallacies about Food Appropriate Technology Birds and Planes How to Do Exercise Intelligence and Environment The Selection of English TeachersUnit 9 Olympic Sponsors How to Seek and Save Employees Believe Evidence or Not Mr. and Mrs. Lester Language and Culture Split Up Noise and Health Virus Blockers G and PG Movies Gallup Extreme MagicUnit 10 Culture Differences Parental Influence in Education. Teaching and Research Stereotypes Opportunities and Concentration Stokoe and Sign Language Language and BrainDevelopment Real Beauty Elite Pool Tips on Public SpeakingUnit 11 Proteins in a Balanced Diet Teachers and Pupils' Attitudes Women's Well-Being Beauty Violence in American Families Glass Media Impact Adolescence Preparations for Job Interviews Animal ExperimentsUnit 12 What Is Nourishing to Eat? Early Marriage New Life for the Handicapped Three English Dictionaries The Access to Patent Credit Terms in Transactions Survival in Desert Eyes —— Windows of the Soul Poverty Animal AgricultureUnit 13 Bright or Not-So-Bright Computer Crimes Getting an Education The Computer and the Law Education —— Global Enterprise Hi-tech in Developing Countries The Age of the Internet Old Love, Old Tunes Television Mars Exploration
In many businesses, computers have largely replacedpaper work, because they are fast, flexible, and do not makemistakes. As one banker said, "Unlike humans, computersnever have a bad day." And they are honest. Many banksadvertise that their transactions are "unlocked by humanhands" and therefore safe from human temptation. Obviously,computers have no reason to steal money. But they also haveno conscience, and the growing number of computer crimesshows they can be used to steal. Computer criminals dont use guns. And even if they arecaught, it is hard to punish them because there are no witnessand often no evidence. A computer cannot remember who used it: it simply does what it is told.The head teller at a Salt Lake City bank used a computer to steal more than one and a half billiondollars in just four years. No one noticed this theft because she moved the money from oneaccount to another. Each time a customer she had robbed questioned the balance in his account,the teller claimed a computer error, then replaced the missing money from someone elses account.This person was caught only because she was a drug user. When the police broke up an illegaldrug operation, her name was in the records. Some employees use the computers power to take revenge on employers they considerunfair. Recently, a large company fired its computer-tape-librarian for reasons that involved hispersonal rather than his professional life.