出版時間:2010-8 出版社:卡恩(B H Khan) 清華大學出版社 (2010-08出版) 作者:卡恩 頁數(shù):455
Energy has become an important and one of the basic infrastructures for economicdevelopment of a country. Energy security is, therefore, imperative for sustained growthof economy. The oil crisis of 1973 and concern for environment due to excessive use offossil fuels have led to remarkable global efforts in harnessing alternative energy resources.The renewable energy resources such as the sun, wind, biomass and geothermal heatare environment friendly and perennial in nature. These resources are also referred asnon-conventional energy resources as, at present, their large-scale use is not common.Harnessing of energy through these resources using efficient technologies is expected toplay an important role in serving as clean energy sources for mankind. Thus, processesto harness these are steadily gaining technical and economic importance worldwide. Mostgovernments have substantial plans directed towards encouraging these technologies inorder to develop them commercially. As we had hoped and wished initially, the developmentof these technologies have not been dramatic. They have yet to achieve the cost-benefitratio possible with conventional fuels and are not likely to replace fossil fuels in the nearfuture. Nevertheless, they have come to play a very important supportive role in additionto conventional sources. Therefore, it is necessary for energy planners / users to knowthe virtues as well as limitations of these technologies. The present book is an effort t,,explore these technologies in a balanced perspective.Being a relatively recent field, the subject matter is scattered in specialized researchjournals and a few books of advanced levels are devoted exclusively to a particulartechnology. There is, however, scarcity of publications that introduce all these technologiesin a single volume to a beginner. Therefore, a natural consequence of the current volumewill be a much-needed and relatively inexpensive textbook at an undergraduate level, Whileteaching a course on non-conventional energy to undergraduate engineering students, theauthor himself felt this need, which encouraged him to write the present book.Human-resource development in the area of energy, in general, and in new andrenewable sources of energy, in particular, has been neglected all over the world, and moreso in developing countries. Therefore, the book is primarily intended to serve as textbookfor undergraduate-level courses for engineering and science students. It stresses scientificunderstanding, analysis and applications of non-conventional energy technologies. Manypracticing engineers and scientists may not have a formal exposure to this area and may beinterested to have a general training of these technologies. Therefore, the book is orientedto cover both basic study and its widespread applications. It describes the fundamentalphysical processes governing various non-conventional energy technologies and theirapplications. The book may also serve to create awareness among energy planners, policymakers and users at large about these technologies in general. Because of the spread ofdisciplines involved, it is not possible to discuss each of them exhaustively in a singlebook. Therefore, only relevant background up to a depth essential to understand the basicprin_ciples has been included.
《非傳統(tǒng)能源》(Non-Conventional Energy Resources)一書的內容非常豐富,也比較有特色。從內容上講,該書不僅包含了太陽能、風能、生物質能、地熱能、海洋能、水能等可再生能源,而且對各種新型的能源利用技術,包括燃料電池、氫能、磁流體發(fā)電、熱電堆發(fā)電等進行了介紹,同時還對財務和經(jīng)濟評價方法進行了較詳細的說明。這與國內一些院校為本科生開設的課程“可再生能源及其利用技術”或類似的課程時,也將財務和經(jīng)濟評價的內容包括在內的情況不謀而合。這說明對于這些非傳統(tǒng)能源,經(jīng)濟評價已經(jīng)是相當重要的一個方面。而對于每種主要的能源形式,該書都從基本理論、主要利用技術、環(huán)境特性、發(fā)展應用現(xiàn)狀等方面進行了詳細的介紹。如果作為教材或教學參考書,建議教師能夠再在技術經(jīng)濟性方面做些補充,教學內容會更加全面?! 斗莻鹘y(tǒng)能源(第2版)》對太陽能的介紹最為詳盡,共用了三個章節(jié),分別介紹了太陽能的基礎知識,太陽熱系統(tǒng),以及太陽能光伏系統(tǒng)。其他能源形式基本是每種一章。同時,《非傳統(tǒng)能源(第2版)》對儲能也給予了關注,除了有單獨的一章介紹儲能外,對風能等具體能源形式的儲存問題也進行了介紹?! 斗莻鹘y(tǒng)能源(第2版)》的主要特色還有以下幾個方面:首先是有大量的例題,這在目前很多相關內容的書籍中是比較少見的;大量的例題非常有利于對內容的理解。其次是有很多特色習題,《非傳統(tǒng)能源(第2版)》的習題分為三部分,一是用來復習課本內容的問題(Review Questions);二是一些分析或計算題(Problems),可以對課本中的知識進行應用;三是客觀題(Objective Questions),主要是對一些基本的知識點進行考查?! 斗莻鹘y(tǒng)能源(第2版)》所介紹的例子、應用情況均是以印度的情況為主,閱讀和使用時,建議盡量參考我國的實際情況進行修改和補充。
作者:(印度)卡恩(B H Khan)
PrefaceVisual Summary1. Fundamentals of Energy-Science and Technology1.1 Energy Consumption and Standard of Living1.2 Oil Crisis of 19731.3 Clasaton of Energy Resources1.4 Consumption Trend of Primary Energy Resources1.5 Importance of Non-Conventional Energy Sources1.6 Energy Chain1.7 Comon Forms of Energy1.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Conventional Energy Sources1.9 Salient Features of Non-Conventional Energy Sources1.10 Environmental Aspects of Energy1.11 Environment-Economy-Energy and Sustainable Development1.12 Energy Densities (Heating values) of Various Fuels1.13 World Energy Status1.14 Energy Scenario in India1.15 Applied Thermodynamics——-a ReviewReview.QuestionsProblemObjective-type Questions2. Energy Conservation2.1 Salient Features of “Energy Conservation Act, 2001”2.2 Various Aspects of Energy Conservation2.3 Principles of Energy Conservation2.4 General Electrical ECO's (Energy Conservation Opportunities)2.5 Cogeneration2.6 Combined Cycle (Binary Cycle) PlantsReview .QuestionsProblemObjective-type Questions3. Energy Storage3.1 Necesity of Energy Storage3.2 Energy Storage MethodsReview .QuestionsObjective-type Questions4. Solar Energy n Basics4.1 The Sun as a Source of Energy4.2 The Earth4.3 Sun, Earth Radiation Spectrums4.4 Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial Radiations4.5 Spectral Energy Distribution of Solar Radiation4.6 Depletion of Solar Radiation4.7 Measurements of Solar Radiation4.8 Solar Radiation Data4.9 Solar Time (Local Apparent Time)4.10 Solar Radiation Geometry4.11 Solar Day Length4.12 Empirical Equations for Estimating Solar RadiationAvailability on Horizontal Surface for Cloudy Skies:4.13 Hourly Global, Diffuse and Beam Radiations on Horizontal Surface Under Cloudless Skies4.14 Solar Radiation on Inclined Plane SurfaceReview QuestionsProblemsObjective-type Questions5. Solar Thermal Systems5.1 Solar Collectors5.2 Solar Water Heater5.3 Solar Pasive Space - Heating and Cooling Systems5.4 Solarind Ustrial Heating Systems5.5 Solar Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems5.6 Solar Cookers5.7 Solar Furnaces5.8 Solar Green House5.9 Solar Dryer5.10 Solar Distilation (or Desalination of Water)5.11 Solar Thermo-Mechanical SystemsReview QuestionsObjeaive-type Questions6. Solar Photovoltaic Systems6.1 Solar Cell Fundamentals /6.2 Solar Cell Characteristics6.3 Solar Cell Classification /6.4 Solar Cell, Module, Panel and Array Construction6.5 Maximizing the Solar PV Output and Load Matching6.6 Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT)6.7 Balance of System Components6.8 Solar PV Systems6.9 Solar PV AplicationsReview QuestionsProblemObjective-type Questions7. Wind Energy7.1 Origin of Winds7.2 Nature of Winds7.3 Wind Turbine Siting7.4 Major Aplications of Wind Power7.5 Basics of Fluid Mechanics7.6 Wind Turbine Aerodynamics7.7 Wind Turbine Types and Their Construction7.8 Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS)7.9 Wind-Diesel Hybrid System7.10 Effects of Wind Speed and Grid Condition(System Integration)7.11 Wind-Energy Storage7.12 Environmental Aspects7.13 Wind-Energy Programe in IndiaReview `QuestionsProblemObjective-type .Questions8. Biomass Energy8.1 Photosynthesis Process8.2 Usable Forms of Biomass, their Composition and Fuel Properties8.3 Biomass Resources8.4 Biomass Conversion Technologies8.5 Urban Waste to Energy Conversion8.6 Biomass Gasification8.7 Biomass Liquefaction8.8 Biomass to Ethanol Production8.9 Biogas Production from Waste Biomass8.10 Energy Farming8.11 Biomass Energy Programme in India(as on December 2007)Review .QuestionsProblemObjective-Questions9. Geothermal Energy9.1 Applications9.2 Origin and Distribution of Geothermal Energy9.3 Types of Geothermal Resources9.4 Analysis of Geothermal Resources9.5 Exploration and Development of Geothermal Resources9.6 Environmental Consideration9.7 Geothermal Energy in IndiaReview QueaionsProblemObjective-type Questions10. Ocean Energy10.1 Tidal Energy 10.2 Wave Energy 10.3 Ocean Thermal EnergyReview .QuestionsProblemObjective-type Questions11. Small Hydro Resources11.1 Advantages and disadvantages of Small Hydro Schemes11.2 Layout of a Micro-Hydro Scheme11.3 Water Turbines11.4 Turbine Clasification, Characteristics and Selection11.5 Generators11.6 Present StatusReview QuestionsProblemObjective-type Questions12. Emerging Technologies12.1 Fuel Cell12.2 Hydrogen EnergyReview QuestionsProblemObjective -type Questions13. Miscellaneous Non-conventional Technologies13.1 Magneto Hydrodynamic (MHD) Power Conversion13.2 Thermoelectric Power Conversion13.3 Thermionic Power ConversionReview QuestionsProblemObjective-type Questions14. Financial and Economic Evaluation14.1 Basic Terms and Definitions14.2 Calculations for the Case of Single Payment (or Receipt) 4/14.3 Calculations for Uniform Series of Payments (or Receipt) 4/14.4 Calculations for Uniform Gradient Series of Payments(or Receipt)14.5 Calculations for Geometric Gradient Series of Payments (or Receipt)14.6 Effect of Inflation on Cash Flows14.7 Comparative Economic Evaluation of Alternatives14.8 Effect of Depreciation and Tax on Cash FlowsReview QuestionsProblemObjective-type QuestionsAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix FIndex
插圖:The highest inlet steam temperature for a steam turbine is limited by theproperties of the materials to about 540~C. However, the flame temperaturesof burning fossil fuel in a boiler may be more than 1650~C. Consequently, in acombined cycle system, steam turbine is preceded by a topping cycle heat engine,which can utilize heat at higher temperatures. The working fluid leaves the toppingcycle at a sufficiently high temperature to generate steam for the steam turbine. Because the technology is well developed for the gas turbine, it is most commonlyused as a topping cycle engine. The turbine exhaust gases at a temperature of 600C or more pass through a waste heat (heat recovery steam generator) boilerwhere steam is produced from water under pressure. In addition to using fuelmore efficiently, a combined gas and steam turbine generating system requireslesser condenser cooling water for a given electrical output than a steam turbinegenerator alone.