
出版時間:2010-7  出版社:清華大學  作者:斯托林斯  頁數(shù):417  


In this age of universal electronic connectivity, of viruses and hackers, of electronic eavesdropping and electronic fraud, there is indeed no time at which security does not matter. Two trends have come together to make the topic of this book of vital interest. First, the explosive growth in computer systems and their interconnections via networks has increased the dependence of both organizations and individuals on the information stored and communicated using these systems. This, in turn, has led to a heightened awareness of the need to protect data and resources from disclosure, to guarantee the authenticity of data and messages, and to protect systems from network-based attacks. Second, the disciplines of cryptography and network security have matured, leading to the development of practical, readily available applications to enforce network security.It is the purpose of this book to provide a practical survey of network security applications and standards. The emphasis is on applications that are widely used on the Internet and for corporate networks, and on standards (especially Internet standards) that have been widely deployed. This book is intended for both an academic and a professional audience. As a textbook, it is intended as a one-semester undergraduate course on network security for computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering majors. It covers the material in IAS2 Security Mechanisms, a core area in the Information Technology body of knowledge; and NET4 Security, another core area in the Information Technology body of knowledge. These subject areas are part of the Draft ACM/IEEE Computer Society Computing Curricula 2005.


本書由著名作者William Stallings編寫,以當今網(wǎng)絡安全的實際解決方案為基礎,既簡明扼要,又全面系統(tǒng)地介紹了網(wǎng)絡安全的主要內(nèi)容,包括基本原理、重要技術、主要方法和重要的工業(yè)標準等。全書共包含11章。除第1章引言外,其余各章分為三大部分敘述:第一部分是密碼學,重點介紹分組密碼、流密碼,消息認證碼、安全雜湊函數(shù)、公鑰密碼和數(shù)字簽名等的基本原理、主要方法和重要應用場景等,并簡要介紹了幾種常用的典型算法,包括DES算法、AES算法、RC4算法和RSA算法等;第二部分是網(wǎng)絡安全應用,簡要介紹了傳輸層安全中的SSL/TLS協(xié)議、無線局域網(wǎng)安全及WAP協(xié)議、電子郵件安全與PGP與SIM,ME協(xié)議、IP層安全與IPsec協(xié)議等。第三部分是系統(tǒng)安全,簡要介紹了入侵檢測與口令管理、惡意軟件與防火墻等。  本書以最新和實用的網(wǎng)絡安全知識為主題,采用深入淺出的敘述手法,每章末尾還給出一定的推薦讀物和思考練習題。因此,本書既是高等學校網(wǎng)絡安全基礎課程的好教材,也是工程技術人員和網(wǎng)絡愛好者了解網(wǎng)絡安全基本概貌的好讀物。


作者:(美國)斯托林斯(William Stallings)


Preface ix About the Author xiv Chapter 1 Introduction 1  1.1 Computer Security Concepts 3  1.2 The OSI Security Architecture 8  1.3 Security Attacks 9  1.4 Security Services 13  1.5 Security Mechanisms 16  1.6 A Model for Network Security 19  1.7 Standards 21  1.8 Outline of This Book 21  1.9 Recommended Reading 22  1.10 Internet and Web Resources 23  1.11 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 25  PART ONE CRYPTOGRAPHY 27 Chapter 2 Symmetric Encryption and Message Confidentiality 27  2.1 Symmetric Encryption Principles 28  2.2 Symmetric Block Encryption Algorithms 34  2.3 Random and Pseudorandom Numbers 42  2.4 Stream Ciphers and RC4 45  2.5 Cipher Block Modes of Operation 50  2.6 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 55  2.7 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 56 Chapter 3 Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication 61  3.1 Approaches to Message Authentication 62  3.2 Secure Hash Functions 67  3.3 Message Authentication Codes 73  3.4 Public-Key Cryptography Principles 79  3.5 Public-Key Cryptography Algorithms 83  3.6 Digital Signatures 90  3.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 90  3.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 91  PART TWO NETWORK SECURITY APPLICATIONS 97 Chapter 4 Key Distribution and User Authentication 97  4.1 Symmetric Key Distribution Using Symmetric Encryption 98  4.2 Kerberos 99  4.3 Key Distribution Using Asymmetric Encryption 114  4.4 X.509 Certificates 116  4.5 Public-Key Infrastructure 124  4.6 Federated Identity Management 126  4.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 132  4.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 133 Chapter 5 Transport-Level Security 139  5.1 Web Security Considerations 140  5.2 Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security 143  5.3 Transport Layer Security 156  5.4 HTTPS 160  5.5 Secure Shell (SSH) 162  5.6 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 173  5.7 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 173 Chapter 6 Wireless Network Security 175  6.1 IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Overview 177  6.2 IEEE 802.11iWireless LAN Security 183  6.3 Wireless Application Protocol Overview 197  6.4 Wireless Transport Layer Security 204  6.5 WAP End-to-End Security 214  6.6 Recommended Reading andWeb Sites 217  6.7 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 218 Chapter 7 Electronic Mail Security 221  7.1 Pretty Good Privacy 222  7.2 S/MIME 241  7.3 DomainKeys Identified Mail 257  7.4 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 264  7.5 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 265  Appendix 7A Radix-64 Conversion 266 Chapter 8 IP Security 269  8.1 IP Security Overview 270  8.2 IP Security Policy 276  8.3 Encapsulating Security Payload 281  8.4 Combining Security Associations 288  8.5 Internet Key Exchange 292  8.6 Cryptographic Suites 301  8.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 302  8.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 303  PART THI~ SYSTEM SECURITY 305 Chapter 9 Intruders 305  9.1 Intruders 307  9.2 Intrusion Detection 312  9.3 Password Management 323  9.4 Recommended Reading andWeb sites 333  9.5 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 334  Appendix 9A The Base-Rate Fallacy 337 Chapter 10 Malicious Soft-ware 340  10.1 Types of Malicious Software 341  10.2 Viruses 346  10.3 Virus Countermeasures 351  10.4 Worms 356  10.5 Distributed Denial of Service Attacks 365  10.6 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 370  10.7 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 371 Chapter 11 Firewalls 374  11.1 The Need for Firewalls 375  11.2 Firewall Characteristics 376  11.3 Types of Firewalls 378  11.4 Firewall Basing 385  11.5 Firewall Location and Configurations 388  11.6 Recommended Reading andWeb Site 393  11.7 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 394  APPENDICES 398  Appendix A Some Aspects of Number Theory 398  A.1 Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers 399  A.2 Modular Arithmetic 401  Appendix B Projects for Teaching Network Security 403  B.1 Research Projects 404  B.2 Hacking Project 405  B.3 Programming Projects 405  B.4 Laboratory Exercises 406  B.5 Practical Security Assessments 406  B.6 Writing Assignments 406  B.7 Reading/Report Assignments 407  Index 408  ONLINE CHAPTERS Chapter 12 Network Management Security  12.1 Basic Concepts of SNMP  12.2 SNMPvl Community Facility  12.3 SNMPv3  12.4 Recommended Reading and Web Sites  12.5 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems Chapter 13 Legal and Ethical Aspects  13.1 Cybercrime and Computer Crime  13.2 Intellectual Property  13.3 Privacy  13.4 Ethical Issues  13.5 Recommended Reading and Web Sites  13.6 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems  ONLINE APPENDICES Appendix C Standards and Standards-Setting Organizations  C.1 The Importance of Standards  C.2 Internet Standards and the Internet Society  C.3 National Institute of Standards and Technology Appendix D TCP/IP and OSI  D.1 Protocols and Protocol Architectures  D.2 The TCP/IP Protocol Architecture  Do3 The Role of an Internet Protocol  D.4 IPv4  D.5 IPv6  D.6 The OSI Protocol Architecture Appendix E Pseudorandom Number Generation  E.1 PRNG Requirements  E.2 PRNG Using a Block Cipher  E.3 PRNG Using a Hash Function or Message Authentication Code Appendix F Kerberos Encryption Techniques  E.1 Password-to-Key Transformation  E.2 Propagating Cipher Block Chaining Mode Appendix G Data Compression Using ZIP  G.1 Compression Algorithm  G.2 Decompression Algorithm Appendix H PGP Random Number Generation  H.1 True Random Numbers  H.2 Pseudorandom Numbers Appendix I The International Reference Alphabet Glossary References


插圖:3DES has two attractions that assure its widespread use over the next few years. First, with its 168-bit key length, it overcomes the vulnerability to brute-force attack of DEA. Second, the underlying encryption algorithm in 3DES is the same as in DEA. This algorithm has been subjected to more scrutiny than any other encryption algorithm over a longer period of time, and no effective cryptanalytic attack based on the algorithm rather than brute force has been found. Accordingly, there is a high level of confidence that 3DES is very resistant to cryptanalysis. If security were the only consideration, then 3DES would be an appropriate choice for a standardized encryption algorithm for decades to come.The principal drawback of 3DES is that the algorithm is relatively sluggish in software. The original DEA was designed for mid-1970s hardware implementation and does not produce efficient software code. 3DES, which has three times as many rounds as DEA, is correspondingly slower. A secondary drawback is that both DEA and 3DES use a 64-bit block size. For reasons of both efficiency and security, a larger lock size is desirable.Because of these drawbacks, 3DES is not a reasonable candidate for long-term se. As a replacement, NIST in 1997 issued a call for proposals for a new Advanced ncryption Standard (AES), which should have a security strength equal to or better han 3DES and significantly improved efficiency. In addition to these general equirements, NIST specified that AES must be a symmetric block cipher with a block length of 128 bits and support for key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits. Evaluation criteria included security, computational efficiency, memory requirements, hardware and software suitability, and flexibility.






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