
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:卜艷萍,周偉 編著  頁數(shù):391  


  “計算機專業(yè)英語”是一門內容豐富、集計算機專業(yè)知識和英語運用能力為一體的應用型課程,其綜合性強、內容廣泛。通過對本教材的學習,學生能掌握大量的科技和專業(yè)詞匯,基本能看懂計算機專業(yè)硬件、軟件、應用等方面的專業(yè)資料,能比較順利地閱讀計算機及其零部件的說明書,能基本理解各種軟件的操作提示和幫助信息。其主要任務是為計算機科學與技術專業(yè)學生和工程技術人員奠定必要的計算機專業(yè)英語知識基礎,培養(yǎng)閱讀、理解和翻譯計算機專業(yè)文獻的能力。本課程為畢業(yè)設計時閱讀英文專業(yè)資料打下良好的基礎,并為將來工作中順利解決涉及專業(yè)英語知識的問題提供必要的知識保證?! ”緯卜?8課,講述了計算機硬件基礎、計算機系統(tǒng)結構、計算機軟件思想、編程語言、計算機網絡結構、電子商務應用、計算機圖像與動畫以及計算機領域的新技術等內容。每課內容相對獨立,如數(shù)據結構、操作系統(tǒng)、無線網絡、遠程教育、人工智能、電子支付等。每課后均附有重點詞匯、課文難點注釋、練習、兩篇與課文內容相關的閱讀材料以及計算機專業(yè)英語中相關的語法知識講述或專業(yè)術語介紹。書末附有課文及第一篇閱讀材料的參考譯文。第二篇閱讀材料不提供參考譯文,以便于在課堂進行循序漸進的閱讀訓練,考查學生閱讀能力的提高情況?! ”窘滩挠幸韵聨讉€方面的特點: ?、儆嬎銠C專業(yè)知識豐富,涵蓋了大部分計算機專業(yè)基礎課和專業(yè)課的內容; ?、诮榻B了必要的語法知識及專業(yè)文章的翻譯方法及技巧; ?、劢榻B了大量計算機專業(yè)常用術語; ?、茏⒁馀c計算機技術專業(yè)課的協(xié)調性; ?、葑⒅貙嵺`性和實用性;  ⑥課文長度及選材難度適當; ?、呙空n配有關鍵詞、注釋及大量習題;  ⑧每課配有兩篇閱讀材料供學生閱讀,以提高學生閱讀相關知識及掌握詞匯的能力。


本書包含了大量與計算機專業(yè)基礎、專業(yè)技術及專業(yè)前沿知識相關的英文資料,并根據知識點分成28課,分別講述了計算機硬件基礎、計算機系統(tǒng)結構、計算機軟件思想、編程語言、計算機網絡結構、電子商務應用、計算機圖像與動畫以及計算機領域的新技術等內容。每課內容相對獨立,如數(shù)據結構、操作系統(tǒng)、無線網絡、遠程教育、人工智能、電子支付等。每課后均附有重點詞匯、課文難點注釋、練習、兩篇與課文內容相關的閱讀材料以及計算機專業(yè)英語中的語法知識講述或專業(yè)術語介紹。書末附有課文及第一篇閱讀材料的參考譯文?! ”窘滩目勺鳛橛嬎銠C科學與技術專業(yè)及相關電類、信息類專業(yè)本科學生的教學用書,也可作為相關領域專業(yè)技術人員的參考書。


Unit 1 Introduction of Computers Unit 2 CPU and Memory Unit 3 Input and Output Systems Unit 4 C++ Language Unit 5 Operating SystemUnit 6 Data Structure Unit 7 Database Principle Unit 8 Principles of Compiler Unit 9 Software Engineering Unit 10 Multimedia Unit 11 Distance Education Unit 12 Computer Graphics and Images Unit 13 Animation Unit 14 Grid Computing Unit 15 Distributed Systems Unit 16 Computer Network Basics Unit 17 Internet Unit 18 Wireless Network Unit 19 Computer Virus Unit 20 Office Automation Unit 21 Virtual Reality Unit 22 Artificial Intelligence Unit 23 Neural Network Unit 24 Introduction of Electronic Commerce Unit 25 Electronic Payment System Unit 26 Logistics and Supply-chainManagement Unit 27 Electronic Marketing Unit 28 Network Security 參考譯文 練習答案 附錄1 計算機專業(yè)英語縮寫詞表 附錄2 計算機專業(yè)英語詞匯表 參考文獻


  The second phase is design. Design concentrates on how the system will accomplish the goals. It is here that the structure of the software system is established. The input to this phase is a(debugged and validated)requirements document:the output is a design expressed in some appropriate form(for example,pseudo-code).Validation of a design is important. Each requirement in the requirements document must have a corresponding design fragment to meet it. Formal verification,while possible to a limited extent,can be exceedingly difficult. More informal rev  lve the entire design team,management,and even the client.  It is a well-established principle that the best structure for a large software system is a modular one. Indeed,it is by means of this modular decomposition that the implementation of large systems becomes a possibility. Without such a breakdown,the technical details required in the implementation of a large system would exceed a human’s comprehensive powers. With a modular design,how eve Lonly the details pertaining to the module under consideration need be mastered. This same modular design is also conductive to furore maintenance because it allows changes to be made on a modular basis.  The third phase,implementation,is the actual coding of the design developed in the second phase. The design must be translated into a machine-readable form. The coding step performs this task. If design is performed in a detailed manner, coding can be accomplished mechanistically. The lure of this phase is strong,and many a fool hardy programmer has been drawn to it before adequately laying the groundwork in the first two phases. As a result,requirements are incompletely understood and the design is flawed. The implementation proceeds blindly, and many problems arise as a result.  The forth phase is software testing. Testing is closely associated with implementation,because each module of the system is normally tested as it is implemented. In the development of a large system, testing involves several stages. First,each program module is tested as a single program,usua  ly isolated from the other programs in the system. Such testing is defined as module testing or unit testing. Unit testing is done in a controlled environment whenever possible so that the test team Call feed a predetermined set of data to the module being tested and observe what output data are produced. H In addition,the test team checks the internal data structures,the logic,and the boundary conditions for the in put and out put data.  When collections of modules have been unit-tested. the next step is to insure that the interfaces among the modules are defined and handled properly. Integration testing is the process of verifying that the components of a system work together as described in the program design and system design specifications. Once we are sure that information is passed among modules according to the design prescriptions,we test the system to assure that it has the desired functionality. A function test evaluates the system to determine if the functions described by the requirements specification are actually performed by the integrated system.  Unfortunately, the testing and debugging of a system is extremely difficult to perform successfully. Experience has shown that large software systems can contain numerous errors. Even after significant testing. Many of these errors may go undetected for the life of the system,but others may cause major malfunctions. The elimination of such errors is one of the goals of software engineering.






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