
出版時(shí)間:2010-7  出版社:彭曉峰 清華大學(xué)出版社 (2010-07出版)  作者:彭曉峰  頁(yè)數(shù):255  


This book is based on the excellent fundamental research of Prof. X. F. Peng. Many unique micro transport phenomena during boiling with their corresponding mechanisms have been investigated. This will serve as a special reference for researchers interested in the field of microscale boiling.Boiling exists widely in the natural world, with boiling heat transfer has been employed in many practical applications. However, due to the highly nonequilibrium and coupled driven effects of the various physical potential, boiling heat and mass transfer is extremely complicated and many interesting phenomena are triggered under different specified conditions. Nowadays, therapid development of practical engineering applications of boiling in cooling of electronic devices, thermal management of aerospace and micro energy systems, and micro-manufacturing, promote a strong demand for better understanding of microscale transport phenomena and create a notable shift of thermal science and heat transfer research from macroscale to microscale. Consequently, in recent decades, more and more investigations have been conducted to explore the micro transport phenomena during boiling. This book reviews and summarizes the new achievements and contributions of recent investigations, including the outstanding fundamental research conducted by the writer and his co-authors. The fundamentals for conducting investigations on micro boiling, microscale boiling and transport phenomena, boiling characteristics at microscale, and some important applications of micro boiling transport phenomena are introduced and discussed.Chapter 1 introduces the background and industrial applications, as well as the research history of boiling, and then, the critical concept of "micro boiling" is described. In Chapter 2, some important thermal physics concepts and principles involved in boiling phenomena, such as phase and phase equilibrium, phase transition, interracial aspects, contact angle and dynamical contact behavior, and cluster dynamics are described in detail. Chapter 3 introduces new understandings of boiling nucleation and achievements in the latest 20 years.


  作為熱流體工程科學(xué)中最具挑戰(zhàn)性的研究課題之一,沸騰現(xiàn)象在微型能源系統(tǒng)、微電子和發(fā)光二極管冷卻、高密度緊湊式裝置或系統(tǒng)、高熱流密度散熱和熱管理等方面的應(yīng)用,以及沸騰現(xiàn)象的復(fù)雜性和多樣性一直受到高度關(guān)注,其物理本質(zhì)的研究因而成為一大熱點(diǎn)?!段⒓?xì)沸騰傳遞現(xiàn)象》從微細(xì)尺度沸騰研究基礎(chǔ)理論、沸騰的微尺度特征和理論、微尺度沸騰與傳遞現(xiàn)象的描述、微尺度沸騰傳遞的應(yīng)用幾個(gè)側(cè)面分析這一領(lǐng)域的最新進(jìn)展,系統(tǒng)地描述了這一現(xiàn)象并給出了基礎(chǔ)理論的框架。  《微細(xì)沸騰傳遞現(xiàn)象》可供大學(xué)和研究院所力學(xué)、熱物理、能源、微電子等專業(yè)的研究人員和本科高年級(jí)學(xué)生、研究生閱讀參考。


Dr. Xiaofeng Peng, who had passed away on Sep. lo, zoog, was a professor at the Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, China.


Introduction1.1  Critical Technology1.2  History and Trends of Boiling.1.3  Micro BoilingReferencesThermal Physical Fundamentals2.1  Phase and Phase Equilibrium..2.2  Phase Transition2.3  Interfacial Aspects2.4  Contact Angle and Dynamical Contact Behavior2.4.1  Contact Angle at Equilibrium2.4.2  Contact Angle Hysteresis2.4.3  Dynamical Contact Angle2.5  Cluster Dynamics2.5.1  Clusters2.5.2  Number Balance of Activated Molecules in a Cluster.2.5.3  Cluster Evolution with Internal Perturbations2.5.4  Cluster Evolution with External PerturbationsReferences3 Boiling Nucleation3.1  Nucleus Formation3.1.1  Mean Free Path3.1.2  Self-Aggregation3.1.3  Aggregate Formation3.1.4  Critical Aggregation Concentration3.1.5  Infinite Aggregation Formation3.1.6  Physical Configuration of Nucleus Formation3.2  Interfacial Effects on Nucleation3.2.1  Nucleus Structure Evolution3.2.2  Interfacial Tension of a Nucleus3.2.3  Modification of Nucleation Rate3.3  Microscope Activation near a Flat Surface3.3.1  Liquid Behavior near a Heated Wall3.3.2  Nucleation Position3.3.3  Embryo Bubble Evolution3.4  Bubble Evolution from a Cavity3.4.1  Description of Heterogeneous Nucleation3.4.2  Nucleation with One Barrier3.4.3  Heterogeneous Nucleation with Two Barriers ..ReferencesJet Flow Phenomena4.1  Experimental Phenomena4.1.1  Boiling on a Plate Heater4.1.2  Boiling on Small Wires4.2  Bubble-Top Jet Flow Structure4.2.1  General Features4.2.2  Jet Structure4.2.3  Multi Bubble-Top Jet Flow4.3  Dynamical Behavior of Bubble-Top Jet Flows4.3.1  Jet Flow Evolution4.3.2  Competition and Self-Organization of Jet Flows4.4  Models of Bubble-Top Jet Flow4.4.1  Governing Equations4.4.2  Fundamental Considerations4.5  Characteristics of Bubble-Top Jet Flow4.5.1  Jet Flow Driving Force and Pumping Effect4.5.2  Jet Flow Bifurcation Phenomenon4.6  Formation of Bubble-Top Jet Flow.,4.6.1  Temperature Evolution4.6.2  Temperature Evolution on Bubble Interface4.6.3  Flow EvolutionReferencesBubble Dynamics on Fine Wires5.1  Modes of Bubble Motion5.1.I  Bubble Sweeping5.1.2  Bubble Interaction5.1.3  Bubble Oscillation Phenomena5.1.4  Bubble Leaping5.2  Fundamentals of Bubble Dynamics5.2.1  Thermocapillary Force5.2.2  Force Caused by Bubble Motion5.2.3  Dynamic Equation5.3  Bubble Sweeping Dynamics5.3.1  Single Bubble Sweeping5.3.2  Bubble Separation from an Immobile Bubble5.3.3  Separation of Two Equivalent Moving Bubbles5.3.4  Separation of Two Non-Equivalent Bubbles5.4  Bubble Collision Dynamics5.4.1  Collision with an Immobile Bubble5.4.2  Collision of Two Equivalent Bubbles5.4.3  Bubble Coalescence5.5  Bubble Oscillation5.5.1  Temperature Profile of a Two Immobile Bubbles System5.5.2  Bubble Oscillation Characteristics5.5.3  Bubble Oscillations with Various Effective Viscosities ...5.5.4  Coupling Bubble Oscillation5.6  Bubble Leaping Dynamics5.6.1  Dynamical Description5.6.2  Simple Leaping Dynamics5.6.3  Heat Transfer Performance during Bubble Leaping and SweepingReferences6  Boiling in Micrchannels6.1  Experimental Observations6.1.1  General Behavior6.1.2  Nucleation Superheat6.1.3  Experimental Phenomena6.2  Physical Explanation6.2.1  Evaporating Space and Fictitious Boiling6.2.2  Thermodynamic Evidence6.2.3  Cluster Dynamical Evidence6.3  Nucleation Criterion6.3.1  Thermodynamic Analysis6.3.2  Statistical Mechanics Approach6.3.3  Dynamic Model6.4  Nucleation Kinetics6.4.1  Bubble Evolution Dynamics near Critical Radius..6.4.2  Nucleation in Confined Space6.5  Bubble Dynamic Behavior with Local Heating6.5.1  Experiments6.5.2  Phase Change Behavior6.6  Interface Oscillation6.6.1  Periodic Feature6.6.2  Evaporating Interface..6.6.3  Condensing Interface ..ReferencesBoiling in Droplets7.1  Oscillation of Sessile Droplets7.1.1  Experimental Observations7.1.2  Oscillatory Behavior7.1.3  Physical Understanding7.2  Model of Droplet Oscillation7.2.1  Physical Model7.2.2  Flow Characteristics7.3  Transitional Boiling Behavior7.3.1  Experimental Description7.3.2  Restricted Cyclical Phase Change7.3.3  Single-Bubble Cyclical Phase Change7.3.4  Metastable Cyclical Phase Change7.4  Droplet Spreading During Evaporation and Nucleation.7.4.1  Phenomenon Observations7.4.2  Influencial Factors7.4.3  Spread Area and Spread Speed7.4.4  Heat FluxesReferencesBoiling in Micro-Structures and Porous Media8.1  Experimental Observations8.1.1  Test Apparatus8.1.2  Low Applied Heat Flux8.1.3  Moderate Applied Heat Flux8.1.4  High Applied Heat Flux8.2  Bubble Behavior in Bead-Packed Structure8.2.1  Boiling Process8.2.2  Static Description of Primary Bubble Interface8.2.3  Comparison of Results8.3  Replenishment and Dynamic Behavior of Interface8.3.1  Replenishing Liquid Flow8.3.2  Dynamic Behavior of Bubble Interface8.3.3  Interfacial Heat and Mass Transfer at Pore-Level...8.4  Pore-Scale Bubble Dynamics8.4.1  Introduction8.4.2  Discrete Rising Bubble8.4.3  Bubble Departure Interference……


插圖:A locally heated duct liquid flow usually has a fully-developed velocity profile and a developing thermal boundary, which could therefore be categorized as the thermal entrance problem, or the Graetz-type problem. [34] When heat flux within heated region increased to a value so that both fluid temperature and thermal layer thickness favored nucleation condition at some active locations, nucleate boiling began as shown in Fig. 6.15(a). From classical bubble dynamics theory, initial period of bubble growth should be inertia-controlled, shown bi-directional bubble growth along both the upstream and downstream direction to satisfy the pressure balance. Since the bubble was confined by small channel width, it was an elongated bubble or vapor column. The length of the elongated bubble increased until the pressure difference across the liquid-vapor phase interface reduced, and the interface movement decelerated. Then the bubble growth entered the heat transfer controlled period.In heat transfer control period, the upstream cap of the elongated bubble evaporated due to continuous heating from the channel wall. And highly energetic vapor generation pushed both the upper and lower caps moving further upstream and downstream, respectively. As the upper interface moved upwards into upstream subcooled liquid and even out of heating region, the interfacial temperature or liquid superheat for inducing evaporation would decrease, and the evaporation rate slowed. Finally the upstream cap stopped moving, as depicted in Fig. 6.15(b). The downstream cap of the bubble, on the other hand, left the locally heated region during its movement downwards, and superheated vapor started to condense on the relatively low temperature surface of the upper channel wall, or the Pyrex glass layer bottom (see Fig. 6.15(c)). Condensation continued until vapor was entirely consumed, and liquid single phase flow recurred.


《微細(xì)沸騰傳遞現(xiàn)象》:Micro Transport Phenomenz Duritzg Boiling reviews the new achievements and contributions in recent investigations at microscale, lhe content mainly includes (i) fundamentals for conducting investigations of micro boiling, (ii) microscale boiling and transport phenomena, (iii) boiling characteristics at microscale, (iv) some important applications of micro boiling transport phenomena. This book is intended for researchers and engineers in the field of micro energy systems, electronic cooling, and thermal management in various compact devices/systems at high heat removal and/or heat dissipation.



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