
出版時間:2010-3  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:修月禎 編  頁數(shù):337  




本書以旅游導論為框架,同時拓展旅游業(yè)知識,目的是使讀者對旅游知識有一個較全面的了解,同時關注旅游業(yè)發(fā)展的新趨勢,包括紅色旅游、鄉(xiāng)村旅游、會展業(yè)、環(huán)境保護和文化遺產(chǎn)保護等內(nèi)容。在語言技能訓練方面,每個單元都涵蓋聽、說、讀、寫、譯技能的全面訓練,提供真實的語言環(huán)境,更利于讀者掌握實用技巧。本書系統(tǒng)性強,內(nèi)容新,具有較強的實用性、趣味性和時效性。  本書適用于有一定英語基礎的學習者,如英語專業(yè)、旅游類專業(yè)的本科生,也適用于旅游類高職高年級的學生。


Unit 1 Tourism Industry and Tourists  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 2 Transportation  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 3 Hotel Accommodation  Part 1 Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit4 Hotel Management  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading Unit 5 Traver Agents  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 6 Tour Guides  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 7 Special Interest Tous  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 8 Promotion  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 9 MICE Tourism  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 10 The Social and Cultural Impact Tourism  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 11 Ecotourism  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 12 Conservation of Cultural Heritage  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 13 Tourism Organizations  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 14 Sightseeing(1)  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Unit 15 Sightseeing(2)  Part I Listening and Speaking  Part II Reading  Part III Applied Writing  Part IV Supplementary Reading Keys 參考文獻


harter flights from Shanghai to Saipan, the largest island and capital of the United StatesCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, resumed on Friday after a three-monthsuspension. Each Monday and Friday, tourists can fly straight from Shanghai to Saipan. To furtherdevelop the China market, discussions on two additional flights from July 15 are undergoing. The charter flights between Shanghai and Saipan have been operating for the past three years.These are carried out by Century Tours and Tinian Dynasty Holiday with China Eastern Airlines. As an American tourist destination, the Northern Mariana Islands (Saipan, Tinian and Rota)received the Approved Destination Status from the China National Tourism Administration at theend of 2004. Over the past few years, the seaside resort has begun to attract an increasing numberof Chinese tourists. "The number of visitors from China to the Northern Mariana Islands is growing very fast. Atotal of 39,253 visitors came in 2006, an increase of 19.24 percent over 2005," said Emma S.Villagomez of the Marianas Visitors Authority, "Our resumed Shanghai-Saipan flight willpossibly double the number, which means we will receive more Chinese tourists this year thanever before. In addition, the Beijing-Saipan flight will also resume soon."





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用戶評論 (總計17條)


  •   不錯,挺適合于旅游管理專業(yè)本科生的入門學習!
  •   有光盤,喜歡
  •   老師讓買的,還沒讀
  •   很系統(tǒng),不粗的
  •   不喜歡復印的,就買了書
  •   書很好,一看就是正品。
  •   這是我們用的教材,比起在學校里面購買,真是便宜多了,而且是正品!
  •   跟教材一模一樣,我喜歡!
  •   挺好的~~就是寄過來還是有點小臟。
  •   書的內(nèi)容很實用,質(zhì)量不錯,附帶光盤的英語發(fā)音很棒!
  •   質(zhì)量很好,內(nèi)容很實用,還附帶光盤,媽媽再也不用擔心我的學習了~
  •   服務總體還行,就是7本書都感覺有稍微變形
  •   我只能說對這個快遞無語,首先慢不說,送來的時候大中午的,才剛睡覺就打電話過來,真是惱火
  •   無奈選了這門選修課,不得不買,畢業(yè)了,已經(jīng)賣給廢紙回收站了
  •   是旅游英語不是導游英語,內(nèi)容是按導游的角色去編寫的
  •   還不錯,感覺還是很滿意 的
  •   很不錯的書。作為教材使用挺好的。主要是看中了音頻材料。

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