
出版時(shí)間:2009-10  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:(美)亨格瑞,(美)哈里森 著  頁數(shù):434  




《會(huì)計(jì)學(xué):第18~25章》一書介紹了管理會(huì)計(jì)的基本概念、方法和原理。第7版對全書進(jìn)行了精練,將內(nèi)容集中在核心概念上,為學(xué)生進(jìn)入商界作好知識(shí)準(zhǔn)備。作者在書中盡可能地采用真實(shí)的文件和案例背景,幫助學(xué)生順利掌握管理會(huì)計(jì)知識(shí),培養(yǎng)制定相關(guān)決策的專業(yè)能力?! ”緯蓾M足MBA教學(xué)需要,也可供非會(huì)計(jì)專業(yè)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)。




第18章 管理會(huì)計(jì)簡介第19章 分批成本法 第20章 分步成本法 第21章 本量利分析 第22章 總預(yù)算與責(zé)任會(huì)計(jì)第23章 彈性預(yù)算與標(biāo)準(zhǔn)成本 第24章 作業(yè)成本法與其他成本管理工具 第25章 特殊業(yè)務(wù)決策與資本預(yù)算 附錄C 現(xiàn)值表 附錄D 習(xí)題答案 照片索引 術(shù)語索引 公司索引


插圖:Shift Toward a Service Economy Service companies provide health-care, com-munication, banking, and other important benefits to society. FedEx, Google,and Citibank don't sell products; they sell their services. In the last century,many developed economies shifted their focus from manufacturing to service,and now service companies employ more than 55% of the workforce. The U.S.Census Bureau expects services, such as technology and health care, to growespecially fast.Global Competition To be competitive, many companies are moving operationsto other countries to be closer to new markets. Other companies are partneringwith foreign companies to meet local needs. For example, Ford, General Motors,and DaimlerChrysler all built plants in Brazil to feed Brazil's car-hungry middleclass.Time-Based Competition The Internet, electronic commerce (e-commerce), andexpress delivery speed the pace of business. Customers who instant mes-sage around the world won't wait two weeks to receive DVDs purchased onAmazon.com. Time is the new competitive turf for world-class business. To com-pete, companies have developed the following: Advanced Information Systems Many companies use enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to integrate all their worldwide functions, depart- ments, and data. ERP systems help to streamline operations, and that enables companies to respond quickly to changes in the marketplace. E-Cmmerce Companies use the Internet in everyday operations of selling and customer service. For example, a sales clerk can sell to thousands of cus- tomers around the world by providing every product the company offers 24-7. Just-in-time Management Inventory held too long becomes obsolete. Storing goods takes space that costs money. The just-in-time philosophy helps managers cut costs by speeding the transformation of raw materials into fin- ished products. Just-in-time (JIT) means producing just in time to satisfy needs. Ideally, suppliers deliver materials for today's production in exactly the right quantities just in time to begin production, and finished units are com- pleted just in time for delivery to customers.Total Quality Management Companies must deliver high-quality goods andservices to stay alive. Total quality management (TQM) is a philosophy designedto provide customers with superior products and services. Companies achievethis goal by continuously improving quality and reducing or eliminating defectsand waste. In TQM, each business function sets higher and higher goals. WithTQM, General Motors was able to cut warranty cost from $1,600 to $1,000 pervehicle.






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  •   這是下冊 上冊更厚 但都不難作為沒有任何會(huì)計(jì)知識(shí)的人自學(xué)
  •   書寫的很詳盡,讀完要有耐心
  •   書還不錯(cuò) 就是送貨時(shí)間太坑爹了 說好第二天送達(dá) 最后買完三天后才送到 要么就別承諾送貨時(shí)間 說了不送 信譽(yù)何在
  •   很好的一本專業(yè)書。極力推薦!
  •   還不錯(cuò),給個(gè)五星吧。希望以后會(huì)越來越好
  •   但,覺得有點(diǎn)折損了,綜合評價(jià)很好

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